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Rating   Name Coupling Cohesion Size Complexity Changes Bugs Features
F Pinq\Expressions\Expression 33 2 632 56 0 0 0
F Pinq\Parsing\PhpParser\AST 30 1 457 72 0 0 0
F Pinq\Analysis\PhpTypeSystem 18 2 534 61 0 0 0
F Pinq\Analysis\ExpressionAnalyser 39 1 358 45 0 0 0
D Pinq\Expressions\ExpressionWalker 26 1 260 34 0 0 0
D Providers\Traversable\ScopeEvaluator 25 1 216 34 0 0 0
D Pinq\Traversable 6 1 641 93 0 0 0
C Pinq\Expressions\ExpressionVisitor 1 0 338 56 0 0 0
C Builders\Interpretations\ScopeParser 22 2 130 19 0 0 0
C Pinq\Queryable 9 3 329 62 0 0 0
C Iterators\Generators\GeneratorScheme 20 1 162 32 0 0 0
C Iterators\Standard\IteratorScheme 20 1 156 30 0 0 0
C Builders\Interpretations\RequestParser 19 1 135 25 0 0 0
B Pinq\Iterators\Common\OrderedMap 2 1 293 41 0 0 0
B Builders\RequestQueryInterpreter 9 1 247 39 0 0 0