# .scrutinizer.yml filter: paths: [src/*] tools: php_code_coverage: true external_code_coverage: true # Marking Particle\Validator\Rule as stable, so the false positive on coupling is removed. # The Chain object is a factory, so it has to have high coupling. php_analyzer: config: metrics_coupling: stable_code: namespace_prefixes: - Particle\Validator\Rule
checks: php: verify_property_names: true use_self_instead_of_fqcn: true uppercase_constants: true return_doc_comments: true remove_extra_empty_lines: true properties_in_camelcaps: true parameters_in_camelcaps: true optional_parameters_at_the_end: true no_short_variable_names: minimum: '3' no_short_method_names: minimum: '3' no_goto: true newline_at_end_of_file: true line_length: max_length: '120' encourage_single_quotes: true encourage_postdec_operator: true classes_in_camel_caps: true avoid_todo_comments: true avoid_multiple_statements_on_same_line: true
filter: excluded_paths: - 'tests/*' checks: php: true coding_style: php: spaces: general: linefeed_character: newline braces: classes_functions: class: undefined function: undefined closure: undefined if: opening: undefined for: opening: undefined while: opening: undefined do_while: opening: undefined switch: opening: undefined try: opening: undefined upper_lower_casing: keywords: general: undefined constants: true_false_null: undefined