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Test Setup Failed
Push — master ( f392db...f35dda )
by Vincent
19:23 queued 12s
tests/Config/Parser/MetadataParser/TypeGuesser/DocBlockTypeGuesserTest.php 1 patch
Spacing   +1 added lines, -1 removed lines patch added patch discarded remove patch
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 block discarded – undo
95 95
             yield ['object', $reflectorClass, 'Tag @'.$tag.' found, but type "object" is too generic'];
96 96
             yield ['mixed[]', $reflectorClass, 'Tag @'.$tag.' found, but the array values cannot be mixed type'];
97 97
             yield ['array<mixed>', $reflectorClass, 'Tag @'.$tag.' found, but the array values cannot be mixed type'];
-            yield ['', $reflectorClass, 'No @'.$tag.' tag found in doc block or tag has no type', true];   // phpDocumentor/ReflectionDocBlock
+            yield ['', $reflectorClass, 'No @'.$tag.' tag found in doc block or tag has no type', true]; // phpDocumentor/ReflectionDocBlock
99 99
             yield ['[]', $reflectorClass, 'No @'.$tag.' tag found in doc block or tag has no type', true]; // phpDocumentor/ReflectionDocBlock
100 100
101 101
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