Scrutinizer GitHub App not installed

We could not synchronize checks via GitHub's checks API since Scrutinizer's GitHub App is not installed for this repository.

Install GitHub App

GitHub Access Token became invalid

It seems like the GitHub access token used for retrieving details about this repository from GitHub became invalid. This might prevent certain types of inspections from being run (in particular, everything related to pull requests).
Please ask an admin of your repository to re-new the access token on this website.


Rating   Name Size Complexity Changes Bugs Features
F Dlf\Controller\MetadataController 505 90 18 0 0
F Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Indexer 655 91 10 1 1
F Dlf\Controller\BasketController 644 98 2 0 0
F Kitodo\Dlf\Common\IiifManifest 949 194 4 0 0
F Dlf\Controller\SearchController 537 85 8 2 1
F Dlf\Controller\OaiPmhController 845 107 3 0 1
F Kitodo\Dlf\Common\AbstractDocument 1250 89 3 0 0
F Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Helper 921 93 8 2 0
F Kitodo\Dlf\Common\MetsDocument 1227 210 13 0 0
F Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Solr\SolrSearch 812 114 2 0 0
F Dlf\Controller\CalendarController 506 78 5 0 0
F Dlf\Controller\ToolboxController 480 78 25 2 0
F Kitodo\Dlf\Domain\Model\Document 755 69 0 0 0
F Kitodo\Dlf\Hooks\DataHandler 364 60 1 0 0
C Kitodo\Dlf\Common\Solr\Solr 601 56 1 0 0