Push — develop ( 5b1286...34711c )
by Marco

Checkout Config

# Scrutinizer Configuration
# Profile: Black-Studio-plugin

    excluded_paths: [css/*.min.css, js/*.min.js]

    # Runs the JSHint static analysis tool (
            boss: true
            curly: true
            eqeqeq: true
            eqnull: true
            es3: true
            expr: true
            immed: true
            noarg: true
            onevar: true
            quotmark: single
            trailing: true
            undef: true
            unused: true
            browser: true
            globals: { _: false, Backbone: false, jQuery: false, wp: false }

            code_size_rules: { cyclomatic_complexity: true }
            unused_code_rules: { unused_local_variable: true, unused_private_method: true, unused_formal_parameter: true }
            controversial_rules: { superglobals: false }

    # Runs the PHP CS Fixer ( (
            level: custom
            fixers: { linefeed: true, trailing_spaces: true, visibility: true, return: true, short_tag: true, php_closing_tag: true, controls_spaces: true, elseif: true, eof_ending: true }

    # PHP Analyzer (
            parameter_reference_check: { enabled: false }
            checkstyle: { enabled: false, no_trailing_whitespace: true, naming: { enabled: true, local_variable: '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$', abstract_class_name: ^Abstract|Factory$, utility_class_name: 'Utils?$', constant_name: '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(?:_[A-Z0-9]+)*$', property_name: '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$', method_name: '^(?:[a-z]|__)[a-zA-Z0-9]*$', parameter_name: '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$', interface_name: '^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*Interface$', type_name: '^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$', exception_name: '^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*Exception$', isser_method_name: '^(?:is|has|should|may|supports)' } }
            unreachable_code: { enabled: false }
            check_access_control: { enabled: false }
            typo_checks: { enabled: true }
            check_variables: { enabled: false }
            check_calls: { enabled: true, too_many_arguments: true, missing_argument: true, argument_type_checks: lenient }
            suspicious_code: { enabled: false, overriding_parameter: false, overriding_closure_use: false, parameter_closure_use_conflict: false, parameter_multiple_times: false, non_existent_class_in_instanceof_check: false, non_existent_class_in_catch_clause: false, assignment_of_null_return: false, non_commented_switch_fallthrough: false, non_commented_empty_catch_block: false, overriding_private_members: false, use_statement_alias_conflict: false, precedence_in_condition_assignment: false }
            dead_assignments: { enabled: false }
            verify_php_doc_comments: { enabled: true, parameters: true, return: true, suggest_more_specific_types: true, ask_for_return_if_not_inferrable: false, ask_for_param_type_annotation: false }
            loops_must_use_braces: { enabled: true }
            check_usage_context: { enabled: true, foreach: { value_as_reference: true, traversable: true } }
            simplify_boolean_return: { enabled: false }
            phpunit_checks: { enabled: false }
            reflection_checks: { enabled: false }
            precedence_checks: { enabled: true, assignment_in_condition: true, comparison_of_bit_result: true }
            basic_semantic_checks: { enabled: false }
            unused_code: { enabled: true }
            deprecation_checks: { enabled: false }
            useless_function_calls: { enabled: true }
            metrics_lack_of_cohesion_methods: { enabled: false }
            metrics_coupling: { enabled: true, stable_code: { namespace_prefixes: {  }, classes: {  } } }
            doctrine_parameter_binding: { enabled: false }
            doctrine_entity_manager_injection: { enabled: false }
            symfony_request_injection: { enabled: false }
            doc_comment_fixes: { enabled: false }
            reflection_fixes: { enabled: false }
            use_statement_fixes: { enabled: true, remove_unused: true, preserve_multiple: false, preserve_blanklines: false, order_alphabetically: false }

    # Runs PHP Code Sniffer
            standard: WordPress
            sniffs: { generic: { classes: { duplicate_class_name_sniff: true }, php: { disallow_short_open_tag_sniff: true, no_silenced_errors_sniff: true, lower_case_constant_sniff: true, lower_case_keyword_sniff: true }, formatting: { multiple_statement_alignment_sniff: true }, functions: { function_call_argument_spacing_sniff: true, opening_function_brace_kernighan_ritchie_sniff: true }, files: { one_interface_per_file_sniff: true, line_length_sniff: true, one_class_per_file_sniff: true }, commenting: { fixme_sniff: true, todo_sniff: true }, control_structures: { inline_control_structure_sniff: true }, naming_conventions: { constructor_name_sniff: true } } }

    # SensioLabs Security Checker (
    sensiolabs_security_checker: true

    # Testing?
    # php_code_coverage: true

    # PHP Copy/Paste Detector (
    php_cpd: true

    # PHPLOC - PHP Lines of code
    php_loc: true

    # PHP PDepend (
    # Analyzes the size and structure of a PHP project
    php_pdepend: true

    # External Code Coverage (
    # external_code_coverage: true