5 issues (1 major, 3 minor, 1 informational) were introduced.
Test Coverage has decreased to 15% (-1%).
1 new patch (Doc Comments) is available.
5 added classes/operations
Arrow A UpdateCommentCommentForm added
Arrow A CommentController::editCommentComment() added
Arrow B UpdateCommentCommentForm::__construct() added
Arrow A UpdateCommentCommentForm::getItemDetails() added
Arrow A UpdateCommentCommentForm::callbackSubmit() added

Good job, 1 issue was fixed.
1 added class/operation
Arrow A User::checkUserExists() added
B C CreateUserForm::callbackSubmit() got worse

Good job, 4 issues were fixed.

Inspected Added classes
3 issues (1 critical, 1 minor, 1 informational) were introduced.
3 issues were fixed.

3 issues (1 minor, 2 informational) were introduced.
2 issues were fixed.

Good job, 2 issues were fixed.

Good job, 5 issues were fixed.

Inspected Removed var_dumps
1 issue (major) was introduced.
5 issues were fixed.
Test Coverage has increased to 16% (+4%).

Inspected check tests
Test Coverage has decreased to 39% (-1%).

Inspected Fixed more xss
2 issues (2 informational) were introduced.
9 issues were fixed.
A B AdminUpdateUser::__construct() got worse

Inspected Updates
2 issues (1 major, 1 informational) were introduced.
5 issues were fixed.
3 added classes/operations
Arrow A Post::getAllInformationWhere() added
Arrow A User::getInformationById() added
Arrow B UserController::getAllPostsAndCommentsFromSpecificUser() added

12 issues (9 minor, 3 informational) were introduced.
6 issues were fixed.
Test Coverage has increased to 40% (+26%).
1 new patch (Doc Comments) is available.
9 added classes/operations
Arrow A Gravatar added
Arrow A PageRender added
Arrow A Gravatar::getGravatar() added
Arrow A PageRender::renderPage() added
Arrow A PageRender::renderLogin() added
Arrow A CreateUserForm::backToLogin() added
Arrow A UserController::getAllUsersPublic() added
Arrow A UserController::checkLoginPage() added
Arrow A UserController::checkIfLoggedIn() added
A B UserController::getPostLogin() got worse
A B UserController::checkAdminLoggedIn() got worse
B A UserLoginForm::callbackSubmit() improved

Inspected More test stuff
1 issue (informational) was introduced.
Test Coverage has increased to 14% (+3%).

Inspected Removed var_dump()
Good job, 2 issues were fixed.

Good job, 5 issues were fixed.
( very good )


Code Coverage
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Good job, no alerts here.
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