Push — master ( fb7e4a...39c625 )

Adminer::dumpData()   F


Conditions 23
Paths 1346


Total Lines 5
Code Lines 5


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Ratio 0 %
Metric Value
dl 0
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rs 3.489
cc 23
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nc 1346
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How to fix   Complexity   

Long Method

Small methods make your code easier to understand, in particular if combined with a good name. Besides, if your method is small, finding a good name is usually much easier.

For example, if you find yourself adding comments to a method's body, this is usually a good sign to extract the commented part to a new method, and use the comment as a starting point when coming up with a good name for this new method.

Commonly applied refactorings include:

/** Adminer - Compact database management
* @link
* @author Jakub Vrana,
* @copyright 2007 Jakub Vrana
* @license Apache License, Version 2.0
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (one or other)
* @version 3.3.1
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odd($c=' class="odd"'){static$l=0;if(!$c){$l=-1;}return($l++%
json_row($d,$b=null){static$za=true;if($za){echo"{";}if($d!=""){echo($za?"":",")."\n\t\"".addcslashes($d,"\r\n\"\\").'": '.(isset($b)?'"'.addcslashes($b,"\r\n\"\\").'"':'undefined');$za=false;}else{echo"\n}\n";$za=true;}}function
get_rows($i,$G=null,$n="<p class='error'>"){global$g;if(!is_object($G)){$G=$g;}$c=array();$j=$G->query($i);if(is_object($j)){while($a=$j->fetch_assoc()){$c[]=$a;}}elseif(!$j&&$g->error&&$n&&defined("PAGE_HEADER")){echo$n.error()."\n";}return$c;}function
as$d=>$b){if(!preg_match('~^(COUNT\\((\\*|(DISTINCT )?`(?:[^`]|``)+`)\\)|(AVG|GROUP_CONCAT|MAX|MIN|SUM)\\(`(?:[^`]|``)+`\\))$~',$d)){$c[$d]=$b;}}return$c;}function
where($t){global$u;$c=array();foreach((array)$t["where"]as$d=>$b){$c[]=idf_escape(bracket_escape($d,1)).(ereg('\\.',$b)||$u=="mssql"?" LIKE ".exact_value(addcslashes($b,"%_\\")):" = ".exact_value($b));}foreach((array)$t["null"]as$d){$c[]=idf_escape($d)." IS NULL";}return
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
1 is of type integer, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
implode(" AND ",$c);}function
where_link($l,$C,$q,$Qf="="){return"&where%5B$l%5D%5Bcol%5D=".urlencode($C)."&where%5B$l%5D%5Bop%5D=".urlencode((isset($q)?$Qf:"IS NULL"))."&where%5B$l%5D%5Bval%5D=".urlencode($q);}function
redirect($ha,$xa=null){if(isset($xa)){restart_session();$_SESSION["messages"][preg_replace('~^[^?]*~','',(isset($ha)?$ha:$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]))][]=$xa;}if(isset($ha)){if($ha==""){$ha=".";}header((is_ajax()?"X-AJAX-Redirect":"Location").": $ha");exit;}}function
implode(";\n",$kb);}$kb[]=(ereg(';$',$i)?"DELIMITER ;;\n$i;\nDELIMITER ":$i);return$g->query($i);}function
as$h){if(!queries("$i ".$Hf($h))){return
pagination($aa,$Lf){return" ".($aa==$Lf?$aa+1:'<a href="'.h(remove_from_uri("page").($aa?"&page=$aa":"")).'">'.($aa+1)."</a>");}function
upload_error($n){$Ge=($n==UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE?ini_get("upload_max_filesize"):null);return($n?lang(1).($Ge?" ".lang(2,$Ge):""):lang(3));}function
shorten_utf8($I,$X=80,$Ff=""){if(!preg_match("(^(".repeat_pattern("[\t\r\n -\x{FFFF}]",$X).")($)?)u",$I,$k)){preg_match("(^(".repeat_pattern("[\t\r\n -~]",$X).")($)?)",$I,$k);}return
as$Na=>$y){$vb[$d."[$Na]"]=$y;}}elseif(!in_array($d,$Gf)){echo'<input type="hidden" name="'.h($d).'" value="'.h($b).'">';}}}function
hidden_fields_get(){echo(sid()?'<input type="hidden" name="'.session_name().'" value="'.h(session_id()).'">':''),(SERVER!==null?'<input type="hidden" name="'.DRIVER.'" value="'.h(SERVER).'">':""),'<input type="hidden" name="username" value="'.h($_GET["username"]).'">';}function
enum_input($z,$Ua,$e,$q,$gc=null){global$o;preg_match_all("~'((?:[^']|'')*)'~",$e["length"],$ta);$c=(isset($gc)?"<label><input type='$z'$Ua value='$gc'".((is_array($q)?in_array($gc,$q):$q===0)?" checked":"")."><i>".lang(4)."</i></label>":"");foreach($ta[1]as$l=>$b){$b=stripcslashes(str_replace("''","'",$b));$bb=(is_int($q)?$q==$l+1:(is_array($q)?in_array($l+1,$q):$q===$b));$c.=" <label><input type='$z'$Ua value='".($l+1)."'".($bb?' checked':'').'>'.h($o->editVal($b,$e)).'</label>';}return$c;}function
input($e,$q,$M){global$S,$o,$u;$f=h(bracket_escape($e["field"]));echo"<td class='function'>";$Ie=($u=="mssql"&&$e["auto_increment"]);if($Ie&&!$_POST["save"]){$M=null;}$ca=(isset($_GET["select"])||$Ie?array("orig"=>lang(5)):array())+$o->editFunctions($e);$Ua=" name='fields[$f]'";if($e["type"]=="enum"){echo
as$d=>$b){if($d===""||!$b){break;}$za++;}$Tb=($za?" onchange=\"var f = this.form['function[".h(js_escape(bracket_escape($e["field"])))."]']; if ($za > f.selectedIndex) f.selectedIndex = $za;\"":"");$Ua.=$Tb;echo(count($ca)>1?html_select("function[$f]",$ca,!isset($M)||in_array($M,$ca)||isset($ca[$M])?$M:"","functionChange(this);"):nbsp(reset($ca))).'<td>';$ze=$o->editInput($_GET["edit"],$e,$Ua,$q);if($ze!=""){echo$ze;}elseif($e["type"]=="set"){preg_match_all("~'((?:[^']|'')*)'~",$e["length"],$ta);foreach($ta[1]as$l=>$b){$b=stripcslashes(str_replace("''","'",$b));$bb=(is_int($q)?($q>>$l)&1:in_array($b,explode(",",$q),true));echo" <label><input type='checkbox' name='fields[$f][$l]' value='".(1<<$l)."'".($bb?' checked':'')."$Tb>".h($o->editVal($b,$e)).'</label>';}}elseif(ereg('blob|bytea|raw|file',$e["type"])&&ini_bool("file_uploads")){echo"<input type='file' name='fields-$f'$Tb>";}elseif(ereg('text|lob',$e["type"])){echo"<textarea ".($u!="sqlite"||ereg("\n",$q)?"cols='50' rows='12'":"cols='30' rows='1' style='height: 1.2em;'")."$Ua>".h($q).'</textarea>';}else{$Dd=(!ereg('int',$e["type"])&&preg_match('~^(\\d+)(,(\\d+))?$~',$e["length"],$k)?((ereg("binary",$e["type"])?2:1)*$k[1]+($k[3]?1:0)+($k[2]&&!$e["unsigned"]?1:0)):($S[$e["type"]]?$S[$e["type"]]+($e["unsigned"]?0:1):0));echo"<input value='".h($q)."'".($Dd?" maxlength='$Dd'":"").(ereg('char|binary',$e["type"])&&$Dd>20?" size='40'":"")."$Ua>";}}}function
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The variable $k does not seem to be defined for all execution paths leading up to this point.

If you define a variable conditionally, it can happen that it is not defined for all execution paths.

Let’s take a look at an example:

function myFunction($a) {
    switch ($a) {
        case 'foo':
            $x = 1;

        case 'bar':
            $x = 2;

    // $x is potentially undefined here.
    echo $x;

In the above example, the variable $x is defined if you pass “foo” or “bar” as argument for $a. However, since the switch statement has no default case statement, if you pass any other value, the variable $x would be undefined.

Available Fixes

  1. Check for existence of the variable explicitly:

    function myFunction($a) {
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
        if (isset($x)) { // Make sure it's always set.
            echo $x;
  2. Define a default value for the variable:

    function myFunction($a) {
        $x = ''; // Set a default which gets overridden for certain paths.
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
        echo $x;
  3. Add a value for the missing path:

    function myFunction($a) {
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
            // We add support for the missing case.
                $x = '';
        echo $x;
Loading history...
Documentation introduced by
'functionChange(this);' is of type string, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
search_tables(){global$o,$g;$_GET["where"][0]["op"]="LIKE %%";$_GET["where"][0]["val"]=$_POST["query"];$ua=false;foreach(table_status()as$h=>$E){$f=$o->tableName($E);if(isset($E["Engine"])&&$f!=""&&(!$_POST["tables"]||in_array($h,$_POST["tables"]))){$j=$g->query("SELECT".limit("1 FROM ".table($h)," WHERE ".implode(" AND ",$o->selectSearchProcess(fields($h),array())),1));if($j->fetch_row()){if(!$ua){echo"<ul>\n";$ua=true;}echo"<li><a href='".h(ME."select=".urlencode($h)."&where[0][op]=".urlencode($_GET["where"][0]["op"])."&where[0][val]=".urlencode($_GET["where"][0]["val"]))."'>$f</a>\n";}}}echo($ua?"</ul>":"<p class='message'>".lang(6))."\n";}function
dump_headers($cd,$Jd=false){global$o;$c=$o->dumpHeaders($cd,$Jd);$Ra=$_POST["output"];if($Ra!="text"){header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".friendly_url($cd!=""?$cd:(SERVER!=""?SERVER:"localhost")).".$c".($Ra!="file"&&!ereg('[^0-9a-z]',$Ra)?".$Ra":""));}session_write_close();return$c;}function
apply_sql_function($M,$C){return($M?($M=="unixepoch"?"DATETIME($C, '$M')":($M=="count distinct"?"COUNT(DISTINCT ":strtoupper("$M("))."$C)"):$C);}function
is_url($I){$lc='[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9])';return(preg_match("~^(https?)://($lc?\\.)+$lc(:\\d+)?(/.*)?(\\?.*)?(#.*)?\$~i",$I,$k)?strtolower($k[1]):"");}global$o,$g,$pa,$Mb,$Fb,$n,$ca,$qb,$yc,$hc,$u,$ka,$Ib,$eb,$Pa,$P,$W,$S,$mb,$nc;if(!isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])){$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]=$_SERVER["ORIG_PATH_INFO"].($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]!=""?"?$_SERVER[QUERY_STRING]":"");}$yc=$_SERVER["HTTPS"]&&strcasecmp($_SERVER["HTTPS"],"off");@ini_set("session.use_trans_sid",false);if(!defined("SID")){session_name("adminer_sid");$zc=array(0,preg_replace('~\\?.*~','',$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]),"",$yc);if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5.2.0')>=0){$zc[]=true;}call_user_func_array('session_set_cookie_params',$zc);session_start();}remove_slashes(array(&$_GET,&$_POST,&$_COOKIE),$ed);if(function_exists("set_magic_quotes_runtime")){set_magic_quotes_runtime(false);}@set_time_limit(0);@ini_set("zend.ze1_compatibility_mode",false);@ini_set("precision",20);$Ib=array('en'=>'English','cs'=>'Čeština','sk'=>'Slovenčina','nl'=>'Nederlands','es'=>'Español','de'=>'Deutsch','fr'=>'Français','it'=>'Italiano','et'=>'Eesti','hu'=>'Magyar','pl'=>'Polski','ca'=>'Català','pt'=>'Português','sl'=>'Slovenski','lt'=>'Lietuvių','tr'=>'Türkçe','ro'=>'Limba Română','ru'=>'Русский язык','zh'=>'简体中文','zh-tw'=>'繁體中文','ja'=>'日本語','ta'=>'த‌மிழ்','ar'=>'العربية',);function
0 ignored issues
Security Best Practice introduced by
It seems like you do not handle an error condition here. This can introduce security issues, and is generally not recommended.

If you suppress an error, we recommend checking for the error condition explicitly:

// For example instead of

// Better use
if (@mkdir($dir) === false) {
    throw new \RuntimeException('The directory '.$dir.' could not be created.');
Loading history...
switch_lang(){global$ka,$Ib;echo"<form action=''>\n<div id='lang'>";hidden_fields($_GET,array('lang'));echo
lang(7).": ".html_select("lang",$Ib,$ka,"var loc =[?&]lang=[^&]*/, ''); = loc + (loc ? '&' : '') + 'lang=' + this.value;")," <input type='submit' value='".lang(8)."' class='hidden'>\n","</div>\n</form>\n";}if(isset($_GET["lang"])){$_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]=$_GET["lang"];$_SESSION["lang"]=$_GET["lang"];}$ka="en";if(isset($Ib[$_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]])){cookie("adminer_lang",$_COOKIE["adminer_lang"]);$ka=$_COOKIE["adminer_lang"];}elseif(isset($Ib[$_SESSION["lang"]])){$ka=$_SESSION["lang"];}else{$ld=array();preg_match_all('~([-a-z]+)(;q=([0-9.]+))?~',str_replace("_","-",strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])),$ta,PREG_SET_ORDER);foreach($ta
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
'var loc = location.sear...'lang=\' + this.value;' is of type string, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The expression $ta of type null|array<integer,array<integer,string>> is not guaranteed to be traversable. How about adding an additional type check?

There are different options of fixing this problem.

  1. If you want to be on the safe side, you can add an additional type-check:

    $collection = json_decode($data, true);
    if ( ! is_array($collection)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('$collection must be an array.');
    foreach ($collection as $item) { /** ... */ }
  2. If you are sure that the expression is traversable, you might want to add a doc comment cast to improve IDE auto-completion and static analysis:

    /** @var array $collection */
    $collection = json_decode($data, true);
    foreach ($collection as $item) { /** .. */ }
  3. Mark the issue as a false-positive: Just hover the remove button, in the top-right corner of this issue for more options.

Loading history...
as$d=>$ba){if(isset($Ib[$d])){$ka=$d;break;}$d=preg_replace('~-.*~','',$d);if(!isset($ld[$d])&&isset($Ib[$d])){$ka=$d;break;}}}switch($ka){case"en":$W=array('Are you sure?','Unable to upload a file.','Maximum allowed file size is %sB.','File does not exist.','empty','original','No tables.','Language','Use','Please use one of the extensions %s.','File exists.','User types','Numbers','Date and time','Strings','Binary','Network','Geometry','Lists','System','Server','Username','Password','Login','Permanent login','Select data','Show structure','Alter view','Alter table','New item','Last page','Edit',array('%d byte','%d bytes'),'Select','Functions','Aggregation','Search','anywhere','Sort','descending','Limit','Text length','Action','SQL command','open','save','Alter database','Alter schema','Create schema','Database schema','Privileges','Dump','Logout','database','schema','Create new table','select','ltr','Resend POST data?','Invalid CSRF token. Send the form again.','Logout successful.','Session support must be enabled.','Session expired, please login again.','Invalid credentials.','No extension','None of the supported PHP extensions (%s) are available.','Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the %s configuration directive.','Database','Invalid database.','Databases have been dropped.','Select database','Create new database','Process list','Variables','Status','%s version: %s through PHP extension %s','Logged as: %s','Collation','Tables','Drop','Refresh','Schema','Invalid schema.','No rows.','%.3f s','Foreign keys','collation','ON DELETE','Column name','Parameter name','Type','Length','Options','Auto Increment','Default values','Comment','Add next','Move up','Move down','Remove','View','Table','Column','Indexes','Alter indexes','Source','Target','ON UPDATE','Alter','Add foreign key','Triggers','Add trigger','Permanent link','Export','Output','Format','Routines','Events','Data','edit','Create user','Error in query',array('%d row','%d rows'),array('Query executed OK, %d row affected.','Query executed OK, %d rows affected.'),'No commands to execute.',array('%d query executed OK.','%d queries executed OK.'),'File upload','File uploads are disabled.','Execute','Stop on error','Show only errors','From server','Webserver file %s','Run file','History','Clear','Edit all','Item has been deleted.','Item has been updated.','Item%s has been inserted.','Insert','Save','Save and continue edit','Save and insert next','Delete','Table has been dropped.','Table has been altered.','Table has been created.','Create table','Maximum number of allowed fields exceeded. Please increase %s and %s.','Table name','engine','Partition by','Partitions','Partition name','Values','Indexes have been altered.','Index Type','Column (length)','Name','Database has been dropped.','Database has been renamed.','Database has been created.','Database has been altered.','Create database','Schema has been dropped.','Schema has been created.','Schema has been altered.','Call',array('Routine has been called, %d row affected.','Routine has been called, %d rows affected.'),'Foreign key has been dropped.','Foreign key has been altered.','Foreign key has been created.','Source and target columns must have the same data type, there must be an index on the target columns and referenced data must exist.','Foreign key','Target table','Change','Add column','View has been dropped.','View has been altered.','View has been created.','Create view','Event has been dropped.','Event has been altered.','Event has been created.','Alter event','Create event','Start','End','Every','On completion preserve','Routine has been dropped.','Routine has been altered.','Routine has been created.','Alter function','Alter procedure','Create function','Create procedure','Return type','Sequence has been dropped.','Sequence has been created.','Sequence has been altered.','Alter sequence','Create sequence','Type has been dropped.','Type has been created.','Alter type','Create type','Trigger has been dropped.','Trigger has been altered.','Trigger has been created.','Alter trigger','Create trigger','Time','Event','User has been dropped.','User has been altered.','User has been created.','Hashed','Routine','Grant','Revoke',array('%d process has been killed.','%d processes have been killed.'),'%d in total','Kill',array('%d item has been affected.','%d items have been affected.'),'Double click on a value to modify it.',array('%d row has been imported.','%d rows have been imported.'),'Unable to select the table','Relations','Use edit link to modify this value.','Page','last','whole result','Clone','Import',',','Tables have been truncated.','Tables have been moved.','Tables have been copied.','Tables have been dropped.','Tables and views','Search data in tables','Engine','Data Length','Index Length','Data Free','Rows','Analyze','Optimize','Check','Repair','Truncate','Move to other database','Move','Copy','Sequences','Schedule','At given time',array('%d e-mail has been sent.','%d e-mails have been sent.'));break;case"cs":$W=array('Opravdu?','Nepodařilo se nahrát soubor.','Maximální povolená velikost souboru je %sB.','Soubor neexistuje.','prázdné','původní','Žádné tabulky.','Jazyk','Vybrat','Prosím použijte jednu z koncovek %s.','Soubor existuje.','Uživatelské typy','Čísla','Datum a čas','Řetězce','Binární','Síť','Geometrie','Seznamy','Systém','Server','Uživatel','Heslo','Přihlásit se','Trvalé přihlášení','Vypsat data','Zobrazit strukturu','Pozměnit pohled','Pozměnit tabulku','Nová položka','Poslední stránka','Upravit',array('%d bajt','%d bajty','%d bajtů'),'Vypsat','Funkce','Agregace','Vyhledat','kdekoliv','Seřadit','sestupně','Limit','Délka textů','Akce','SQL příkaz','otevřít','uložit','Pozměnit databázi','Pozměnit schéma','Vytvořit schéma','Schéma databáze','Oprávnění','Export','Odhlásit','databáze','schéma','Vytvořit novou tabulku','vypsat','ltr','Znovu odeslat POST data?','Neplatný token CSRF. Odešlete formulář znovu.','Odhlášení proběhlo v pořádku.','Session proměnné musí být povolené.','Session vypršela, přihlašte se prosím znovu.','Neplatné přihlašovací údaje.','Žádná extenze','Není dostupná žádná z podporovaných PHP extenzí (%s).','Příliš velká POST data. Zmenšete data nebo zvyšte hodnotu konfigurační direktivy %s.','Databáze','Nesprávná databáze.','Databáze byly odstraněny.','Vybrat databázi','Vytvořit novou databázi','Seznam procesů','Proměnné','Stav','Verze %s: %s přes PHP extenzi %s','Přihlášen jako: %s','Porovnávání','Tabulky','Odstranit','Obnovit','Schéma','Nesprávné schéma.','Žádné řádky.','%.3f s','Cizí klíče','porovnávání','Při smazání','Název sloupce','Název parametru','Typ','Délka','Volby','Auto Increment','Výchozí hodnoty','Komentář','Přidat další','Přesunout nahoru','Přesunout dolů','Odebrat','Pohled','Tabulka','Sloupec','Indexy','Pozměnit indexy','Zdroj','Cíl','Při změně','Změnit','Přidat cizí klíč','Triggery','Přidat trigger','Trvalý odkaz','Export','Výstup','Formát','Procedury a funkce','Události','Data','upravit','Vytvořit uživatele','Chyba v dotazu',array('%d řádek','%d řádky','%d řádků'),array('Příkaz proběhl v pořádku, byl změněn %d záznam.','Příkaz proběhl v pořádku, byly změněny %d záznamy.','Příkaz proběhl v pořádku, bylo změněno %d záznamů.'),'Žádné příkazy k vykonání.',array('%d příkaz proběhl v pořádku.','%d příkazy proběhly v pořádku.','%d příkazů proběhlo v pořádku.'),'Nahrání souboru','Nahrávání souborů není povoleno.','Provést','Zastavit při chybě','Zobrazit pouze chyby','Ze serveru','Soubor %s na webovém serveru','Spustit soubor','Historie','Vyčistit','Upravit vše','Položka byla smazána.','Položka byla aktualizována.','Položka%s byla vložena.','Vložit','Uložit','Uložit a pokračovat v editaci','Uložit a vložit další','Smazat','Tabulka byla odstraněna.','Tabulka byla změněna.','Tabulka byla vytvořena.','Vytvořit tabulku','Byl překročen maximální povolený počet polí. Zvyšte prosím %s a %s.','Název tabulky','úložiště','Rozdělit podle','Oddíly','Název oddílu','Hodnoty','Indexy byly změněny.','Typ indexu','Sloupec (délka)','Název','Databáze byla odstraněna.','Databáze byla přejmenována.','Databáze byla vytvořena.','Databáze byla změněna.','Vytvořit databázi','Schéma bylo odstraněno.','Schéma bylo vytvořeno.','Schéma bylo změněno.','Zavolat',array('Procedura byla zavolána, byl změněn %d záznam.','Procedura byla zavolána, byly změněny %d záznamy.','Procedura byla zavolána, bylo změněno %d záznamů.'),'Cizí klíč byl odstraněn.','Cizí klíč byl změněn.','Cizí klíč byl vytvořen.','Zdrojové a cílové sloupce musí mít stejný datový typ, nad cílovými sloupci musí být definován index a odkazovaná data musí existovat.','Cizí klíč','Cílová tabulka','Změnit','Přidat sloupec','Pohled byl odstraněn.','Pohled byl změněn.','Pohled byl vytvořen.','Vytvořit pohled','Událost byla odstraněna.','Událost byla změněna.','Událost byla vytvořena.','Pozměnit událost','Vytvořit událost','Začátek','Konec','Každých','Po dokončení zachovat','Procedura byla odstraněna.','Procedura byla změněna.','Procedura byla vytvořena.','Změnit funkci','Změnit proceduru','Vytvořit funkci','Vytvořit proceduru','Návratový typ','Sekvence byla odstraněna.','Sekvence byla vytvořena.','Sekvence byla změněna.','Pozměnit sekvenci','Vytvořit sekvenci','Typ byl odstraněn.','Typ byl vytvořen.','Pozměnit typ','Vytvořit typ','Trigger byl odstraněn.','Trigger byl změněn.','Trigger byl vytvořen.','Změnit trigger','Vytvořit trigger','Čas','Událost','Uživatel byl odstraněn.','Uživatel byl změněn.','Uživatel byl vytvořen.','Zahašované','Procedura','Povolit','Zakázat',array('Byl ukončen %d proces.','Byly ukončeny %d procesy.','Bylo ukončeno %d procesů.'),'%d celkem','Ukončit',array('Byl ovlivněn %d záznam.','Byly ovlivněny %d záznamy.','Bylo ovlivněno %d záznamů.'),'Dvojklikněte na políčko, které chcete změnit.',array('Byl importován %d záznam.','Byly importovány %d záznamy.','Bylo importováno %d záznamů.'),'Nepodařilo se vypsat tabulku','Vztahy','Ke změně této hodnoty použijte odkaz upravit.','Stránka','poslední','celý výsledek','Klonovat','Import',' ','Tabulky byly vyprázdněny.','Tabulky byly přesunuty.','Tabulky byly zkopírovány.','Tabulky byly odstraněny.','Tabulky a pohledy','Vyhledat data v tabulkách','Úložiště','Velikost dat','Velikost indexů','Volné místo','Řádků','Analyzovat','Optimalizovat','Zkontrolovat','Opravit','Vyprázdnit','Přesunout do jiné databáze','Přesunout','Zkopírovat','Sekvence','Plán','V daný čas','teď');break;case"sk":$W=array('Naozaj?','Súbor sa nepodarilo nahrať.','Maximálna povolená veľkosť súboru je %sB.','Súbor neexistuje.','prázdne','originál','Žiadne tabuľky.','Jazyk','Vybrať','Prosím vyberte jednu z koncoviek %s.','Súbor existuje.','Užívateľské typy','Čísla','Dátum a čas','Reťazce','Binárne','Sieť','Geometria','Zoznamy','Systém','Server','Používateľ','Heslo','Prihlásiť sa','Trvalé prihlásenie','Vypísať dáta','Zobraziť štruktúru','Zmeniť pohľad','Zmeniť tabuľku','Nová položka','Posledná stránka','Upraviť',array('%d bajt','%d bajty','%d bajtov'),'Vypísať','Funkcie','Agregácia','Vyhľadať','kdekoľvek','Zotriediť','zostupne','Limit','Dĺžka textov','Akcia','SQL príkaz','otvoriť','uložiť','Zmeniť databázu','Pozmeniť schému','Vytvoriť schému','Schéma databázy','Oprávnenia','Export','Odhlásiť','databáza','schéma','Vytvoriť novú tabuľku','vypísať','ltr','Znovu poslať POST data?','Neplatný token CSRF. Odošlite formulár znova.','Odhlásenie prebehlo v poriadku.','Session premenné musia byť povolené.','Session vypršala, prihláste sa prosím znova.','Neplatné prihlasovacie údaje.','Žiadne rozšírenie','Nie je dostupné žiadne z podporovaných rozšírení (%s).','Príliš veľké POST dáta. Zmenšite dáta alebo zvýšte hodnotu konfiguračej direktívy %s.','Databáza','Nesprávna databáza.','Databázy boli odstránené.','Vybrať databázu','Vytvoriť novú databázu','Zoznam procesov','Premenné','Stav','Verzia %s: %s cez PHP rozšírenie %s','Prihlásený ako: %s','Porovnávanie','Tabuľky','Odstrániť','Obnoviť','Schéma','Neplatné schéma.','Žiadne riadky.','%.3f s','Cudzie kľúče','porovnávanie','ON DELETE','Názov stĺpca','Názov parametra','Typ','Dĺžka','Voľby','Auto Increment','Východzie hodnoty','Komentár','Pridať ďalší','Presunúť hore','Presunúť dolu','Odobrať','Pohľad','Tabuľka','Stĺpec','Indexy','Zmeniť indexy','Zdroj','Cieľ','ON UPDATE','Zmeniť','Pridať cudzí kľúč','Triggery','Pridať trigger','Permanentný odkaz','Export','Výstup','Formát','Procedúry','Udalosti','Dáta','upraviť','Vytvoriť používateľa','Chyba v dotaze',array('%d riadok','%d riadky','%d riadkov'),array('Príkaz prebehol v poriadku, bol zmenený %d záznam.','Príkaz prebehol v poriadku boli zmenené %d záznamy.','Príkaz prebehol v poriadku bolo zmenených %d záznamov.'),'Žiadne príkazy na vykonanie.',array('Bol vykonaný %d dotaz.','Boli vykonané %d dotazy.','Bolo vykonaných %d dotazov.'),'Nahranie súboru','Nahrávánie súborov nie je povolené.','Vykonať','Zastaviť pri chybe','Zobraziť iba chyby','Zo serveru','Súbor %s na webovom serveri','Spustiť súbor','História','Vyčistiť','Upraviť všetko','Položka bola vymazaná.','Položka bola aktualizovaná.','Položka%s bola vložená.','Vložiť','Uložiť','Uložiť a pokračovať v úpravách','Uložiť a vložiť ďalší','Zmazať','Tabuľka bola odstránená.','Tabuľka bola zmenená.','Tabuľka bola vytvorená.','Vytvoriť tabuľku','Bol prekročený maximálny počet povolených polí. Zvýšte prosím %s a %s.','Názov tabuľky','úložisko','Rozdeliť podľa','Oddiely','Názov oddielu','Hodnoty','Indexy boli zmenené.','Typ indexu','Stĺpec (dĺžka)','Názov','Databáza bola odstránená.','Databáza bola premenovaná.','Databáza bola vytvorená.','Databáza bola zmenená.','Vytvoriť databázu','Schéma bola odstránená.','Schéma bola vytvorená.','Schéma bola zmenená.','Zavolať',array('Procedúra bola zavolaná, bol zmenený %d záznam.','Procedúra bola zavolaná, boli zmenené %d záznamy.','Procedúra bola zavolaná, bolo zmenených %d záznamov.'),'Cudzí kľúč bol odstránený.','Cudzí kľúč bol zmenený.','Cudzí kľúč bol vytvorený.','Zdrojové a cieľové stĺpce musia mať rovnaký datový typ, nad cieľovými stĺpcami musí byť definovaný index a odkazované dáta musia existovať.','Cudzí kľúč','Cieľová tabuľka','Zmeniť','Pridať stĺpec','Pohľad bol odstránený.','Pohľad bol zmenený.','Pohľad bol vytvorený.','Vytvoriť pohľad','Udalosť bola odstránená.','Udalosť bola zmenená.','Udalosť bola vytvorená.','Upraviť udalosť','Vytvoriť udalosť','Začiatok','Koniec','Každých','Po dokončení zachovat','Procedúra bola odstránená.','Procedúra bola zmenená.','Procedúra bola vytvorená.','Zmeniť funkciu','Zmeniť procedúru','Vytvoriť funkciu','Vytvoriť procedúru','Návratový typ','Sekvencia bola odstránená.','Sekvencia bola vytvorená.','Sekvencia bola zmenená.','Pozmeniť sekvenciu','Vytvoriť sekvenciu','Typ bol odstránený.','Typ bol vytvorený.','Pozmeniť typ','Vytvoriť typ','Trigger bol odstránený.','Trigger bol zmenený.','Trigger bol vytvorený.','Zmeniť trigger','Vytvoriť trigger','Čas','Udalosť','Používateľ bol odstránený.','Používateľ bol zmenený.','Používateľ bol vytvorený.','Zahašované','Procedúra','Povoliť','Zakázať',array('Bol ukončený %d proces.','Boli ukončené %d procesy.','Bolo ukončených %d procesov.'),'%d celkom','Ukončiť','%d položiek bolo ovplyvnených.','Dvojkliknite na políčko, ktoré chcete zmeniť.',array('Bol importovaný %d záznam.','Boli importované %d záznamy.','Bolo importovaných %d záznamov.'),'Tabuľku sa nepodarilo vypísať','Vzťahy','Pre zmenu tejto hodnoty použite odkaz upraviť.','Stránka','posledný','celý výsledok','Klonovať','Import',' ','Tabuľka bola vyprázdnená.','Tabuľka bola presunutá.','Tabuľky boli skopírované.','Tabuľka bola odstránená.','Tabuľky a pohľady','Vyhľadať dáta v tabuľkách','Typ','Veľkosť dát','Veľkosť indexu','Voľné miesto','Riadky','Analyzovať','Optimalizovať','Skontrolovať','Opraviť','Vyprázdniť','Presunúť do inej databázy','Presunúť','Kopírovať','Sekvencia','Plán','V stanovený čas','HH:MM:SS');break;case"nl":$W=array('Weet u het zeker?','Onmogelijk bestand te uploaden.','Maximum toegelaten bestandsgrootte is %sB.','Bestand niet gevonden.','leeg','origineel','Geen tabellen.','Taal','Gebruik','Gebruik 1 van volgende extensies: %s.','Bestand bestaat reeds.','Gebruikersgedefiniëerde types','Getallen','Datum en tijd','Tekst','Binaire gegevens','Netwerk','Geometrie','Lijsten','Databasesysteem','Server','Gebruikersnaam','Wachtwoord','Inloggen','Blijf aangemeld','Gegevens selecteren','Toon structuur','View aanpassen','Tabel aanpassen','Nieuw item','Laatste pagina','Bewerk',array('%d byte','%d bytes'),'Kies','Functies','Totalen','Zoeken','overal','Sorteren','Aflopend','Beperk','Tekst lengte','Acties','SQL opdracht','openen','opslaan','Database aanpassen','Schema wijzigen','Schema maken','Database schema','Rechten','Exporteer','Uitloggen','database','schema','Nieuwe tabel','kies','ltr','POST data opnieuw verzenden','Ongeldig CSRF token. Verstuur het formulier opnieuw.','Uitloggen geslaagd.','Sessies moeten geactiveerd zijn.','Uw sessie is verlopen. Gelieve opnieuw in te loggen.','Ongeldige logingegevens.','Geen extensie','Geen geldige PHP extensies beschikbaar (%s).','POST-data is te groot. Verklein de hoeveelheid data of verhoog de %s configuratie.','Database','Ongeldige database.','Databases verwijderd.','Database selecteren','Nieuwe database','Proceslijst','Variabelen','Status','%s versie: %s met PHP extensie %s','Aangemeld als: %s','Collatie','Tabellen','Verwijderen','Vernieuwen','Schema','Ongeldig schema.','Geen rijen.','%.3f s','Foreign keys','collation','ON DELETE','Kolomnaam','Parameternaam','Type','Lengte','Opties','Auto nummering','Standaard waarden','Commentaar','Volgende toevoegen','Omhoog','Omlaag','Verwijderen','View','Tabel','Kolom','Indexen','Indexen aanpassen','Bron','Doel','ON UPDATE','Aanpassen','Foreign key aanmaken','Triggers','Trigger aanmaken','Permanente link','Exporteren','Uitvoer','Formaat','Procedures','Events','Data','bewerk','Gebruiker aanmaken','Fout in query',array('%d rij','%d rijen'),array('Query uitgevoerd, %d rij geraakt.','Query uitgevoerd, %d rijen geraakt.'),'Geen opdrachten uit te voeren.',array('%d query succesvol uitgevoerd.','%d querys succesvol uitgevoerd'),'Bestand uploaden','Bestanden uploaden is uitgeschakeld.','Uitvoeren','Stoppen bij fout','Enkel fouten tonen','Van server','Webserver bestand %s','Bestand uitvoeren','Geschiedenis','Wissen','Alles bewerken','Item verwijderd.','Item aangepast.','Item%s toegevoegd.','Toevoegen','Opslaan','Opslaan en verder bewerken','Opslaan, daarna toevoegen','Verwijderen','Tabel verwijderd.','Tabel aangepast.','Tabel aangemaakt.','Tabel aanmaken','Maximum aantal velden bereikt. Verhoog %s en %s.','Tabelnaam','engine','Partitioneren op','Partities','Partitie naam','Waarden','Index aangepast.','Index type','Kolom (lengte)','Naam','Database verwijderd.','Database hernoemd.','Database aangemaakt.','Database aangepast.','Database aanmaken','Schema verwijderd.','Schema aangemaakt.','Schema gewijzigd.','Uitvoeren',array('Procedure uitgevoerd, %d rij geraakt.','Procedure uitgevoerd, %d rijen geraakt.'),'Foreign key verwijderd.','Foreign key aangepast.','Foreign key aangemaakt.','Bron- en doelkolommen moeten van hetzelfde data type zijn, er moet een index bestaan op de gekozen kolommen en er moet gerelateerde data bestaan.','Foreign key','Doeltabel','Veranderen','Kolom toevoegen','View verwijderd.','View aangepast.','View aangemaakt.','View aanmaken','Event werd verwijderd.','Event werd aangepast.','Event werd aangemaakt.','Event aanpassen','Event aanmaken','Start','Stop','Iedere','Bewaren na voltooiing','Procedure verwijderd.','Procedure aangepast.','Procedure aangemaakt.','Functie aanpassen','Procedure aanpassen','Functie aanmaken','Procedure aanmaken','Return type','Sequence verwijderd.','Sequence aangemaakt.','Sequence gewijzigd.','Sequence wijzigen','Sequence maken','Type verwijderd.','Type aangemaakt.','Type wijzigen','Type maken','Trigger verwijderd.','Trigger aangepast.','Trigger aangemaakt.','Trigger aanpassen','Trigger aanmaken','Time','Event','Gebruiker verwijderd.','Gebruiker aangepast.','Gebruiker aangemaakt.','Gehashed','Routine','Toekennen','Intrekken',array('%d proces gestopt.','%d processen gestopt.'),'%d in totaal','Stoppen',array('%d item aangepast.','%d items aangepast.'),'Dubbelklik op een waarde om deze te bewerken.',array('%d rij werd geïmporteerd.','%d rijen werden geïmporteerd.'),'Onmogelijk tabel te selecteren','Relaties','Gebruik de link "bewerk" om deze waarde te wijzigen.','Pagina','laatste','volledig resultaat','Dupliceer','Importeren','.','Tabellen werden geleegd.','Tabellen werden verplaatst.','De tabellen zijn gekopieerd.','Tabellen werden verwijderd.','Tabellen en views','Zoeken in database','Engine','Data lengte','Index lengte','Data Vrij','Rijen','Analyseer','Optimaliseer','Controleer','Herstel','Legen','Verplaats naar andere database','Verplaats','Kopieren','Sequences','Schedule','Op aangegeven tijd','HH:MM:SS');break;case"es":$W=array('Está seguro?','No es posible importar archivo.','Tamaño máximo de archivo es %sB.','Archivo no existe.','ningúno','original','No existen tablas.','Idioma','Usar','Por favor use una de las extensiones %s.','Archivo ya existe.','Tipos definido por el usuario','Números','Fecha y hora','Cadena','Binario','Red','Geometría','Listas','Motor de base de datos','Servidor','Usuario','Contraseña','Login','Guardar contraseña','Visualizar contenido','Mostrar estructura','Modificar vista','Modifique estructura','Nuevo Registro','Ultima página','Modificar',array('%d byte','%d bytes'),'Mostrar','Funciones','Agregaciones','Condición','donde sea','Ordenar','descendiente','Limit','Longitud de texto','Acción','Comando SQL','mostrar','archivo','Modificar Base de datos','Modificar esquema','Crear esquema','Esquema de base de datos','Privilegios','Export','Logout','base de datos','esquema','Nueva tabla','registros','ltr','Volver a enviar POST data?','Token CSRF inválido. Vuelva a enviar los datos del formulario.','Salida exitosa.','Deben estar habilitadas las sesiones.','Sesión expirada, por favor ingrese su clave de nuevo.','Identificacion inválida.','No hay extension','Ninguna de las extensiones PHP soportadas (%s) está disponible.','POST data demasiado grande. Reduzca el tamaño o aumente la directiva de configuración %s.','Base de datos','Base de datos inválida.','Bases de datos eliminadas.','Seleccionar Base de datos','Ingrese nueva base de datos','Lista de procesos','Variables','Estado','Versión %s: %s a través de extensión PHP %s','Logeado como: %s','Colación','Tablas','Eliminar','Refrescar','Esquema','Esquema inválido.','No existen registros.','%.3f s','Claves foráneas','colación','ON DELETE','Nombre de columna','Nombre de Parámetro','Tipo','Longitud','Opciones','Incremento automático','Valores predeterminados','Comentario','Agregar','Mover arriba','Mover abajo','Eliminar','Vistas','Tabla','Columna','Indices','Modificar indices','Origen','Destino','ON UPDATE','Modificar','Agregar clave foránea','Triggers','Agregar trigger','Enlace permanente','Exportar','Salida','Formato','Procedimientos','Eventos','Datos','modificar','Crear Usuario','Error en consulta',array('%d registro','%d registros'),array('Consulta ejecutada, %d registro afectado.','Consulta ejecutada, %d registros afectados.'),'No hay comando para ejecutar.',array('%d sentencia sql ejecutada correctamente.','%d sentencias sql ejecutadas correctamente.'),'Importar archivo','Importación de archivos deshablilitado.','Ejecutar','Parar en caso de error','Mostrar solamente errores','Desde servidor','Archivo de servidor web %s','Ejecutar Archivo','History','Vaciar','Editar todos','Registro eliminado.','Registro modificado.','Registro%s insertado.','Agregar','Guardar','Guardar y continuar editando','Guardar e insertar otro','Eliminar','Tabla eliminada.','Tabla modificada.','Tabla creada.','Cree tabla','Cantida máxima de campos permitidos excedidos. Por favor aumente %s y %s.','Nombre de la tabla','motor','Particionar por','Particiones','Nombre de Partición','Valores','Indices modificados.','Tipo de índice','Columna (longitud)','Nombre','Base de datos eliminada.','Base de datos renombrada.','Base de datos creada.','Base de datos modificada.','Crear Base de datos','Esquema eliminado.','Esquema creado.','Esquema modificado.','Llamar',array('Consulta ejecutada, %d registro afectado.','Consulta ejecutada, %d registros afectados.'),'Clave externa eliminada.','Clave externa modificada.','Clave externa creada.','Las columnas de origen y destino deben ser del mismo tipo, debe existir un índice entre las columnas del destino y el registro referenciado debe existir.','Clave externa','Tabla de destino','Modificar','Agregar columna','Vista eliminada.','Vista modificada.','Vista creada.','Cear vista','Evento eliminado.','Evento modificado.','Evento creado.','Modificar Evento','Crear Evento','Inicio','Fin','Cada','Al completar preservar','Procedimiento eliminado.','Procedimiento modificado.','Procedimiento creado.','Modificar Función','Modificar procedimiento','Crear función','Crear procedimiento','Tipo de valor de regreso','Secuencia eliminada.','Secuencia creada.','Secuencia modificada.','Modificar secuencia','Crear secuencias','Tipo eliminado.','Tipo creado.','Modificar tipo','Crear tipo','Trigger eliminado.','Trigger modificado.','Trigger creado.','Modificar Trigger','Agregar Trigger','Tiempo','Evento','Usuario eliminado.','Usuario modificado.','Usuario creado.','Hash','Rutina','Conceder','Impedir',array('%d proceso detenido.','%d procesos detenidos.'),'%d en total','Detener',array('%d ítem afectado.','%d itemes afectados.'),'Doble-clic sobre el valor para editarlo.',array('%d registro importado.','%d registros importados.'),'No es posible seleccionar la tabla','Relaciones','Utilice el enlace de modificar para realizar los cambios.','Página','último','resultado completo','Clonar','Importar',' ','Tablas vaciadas (truncate).','Se movieron las tablas.','Tablas copiadas.','Tablas eliminadas.','Tablas y vistas','Buscar datos en tablas','Motor','Longitud de datos','Longitud de índice','Espacio libre','Registros','Analizar','Optimizar','Comprobar','Reparar','Vaciar','Mover a otra base de datos','Mover','Copiar','Secuencias','Agenda','A hora determinada','HH:MM:SS');break;case"de":$W=array('Sind Sie sicher ?','Hochladen von Datei fehlgeschlagen.','Maximal erlaubte Dateigrösse ist %sB.','Datei existiert nicht.','leer','Original','Keine Tabellen.','Sprache','Benutzung','Bitte einen der Dateitypen %s benutzen.','Datei existiert schon.','Benutzer-definierte Typen','Zahlen','Datum oder Zeit','Zeichenketten','Binär','Netzwerk','Geometrie','Listen','Datenbank System','Server','Benutzer','Passwort','Login','Passwort speichern','Daten auswählen','Struktur anzeigen','View ändern','Tabelle ändern','Neuer Datensatz','Letzte Seite','Ändern',array('%d Byte','%d Bytes'),'Daten zeigen von','Funktionen','Agregationen','Suchen','beliebig','Ordnen','absteigend','Begrenzung','Textlänge','Aktion','SQL-Query','anzeigen','Datei','Datenbank ändern','Schema ändern','Neues Schema','Datenbankschema','Rechte','Export','Abmelden','Datenbank','Schema','Neue Tabelle','zeigen','ltr','POST data noch einmal senden ?','CSRF Token ungültig. Bitte die Formulardaten erneut abschicken.','Abmeldung erfolgreich.','Sitzungen müssen aktiviert sein.','Sitzungsdauer abgelaufen, bitte erneut anmelden.','Ungültige Anmelde-Informationen.','Keine Erweiterungen installiert','Keine der unterstützten PHP-Erweiterungen (%s) ist vorhanden.','POST data zu gross. Reduzieren Sie die Grösse oder vergrössern Sie den Wert %s in der Konfiguration.','Datenbank','Datenbank ungültig.','Datenbanken entfernt.','Datenbank auswählen','Neue Datenbank','Prozessliste','Variablen','Status','Version %s: %s, mit PHP-Erweiterung %s','Angemeldet als: %s','Collation','Tabellen','Entfernen','Aktualisieren','Schema','Schema nicht gültig.','Keine Daten.','%.3f s','Fremdschlüssel','Kollation','ON DELETE','Spaltenname','Name des Parameters','Typ','Länge','Optionen','Auto-Inkrement','Vorgabewerte festlegen','Kommentar','Hinzufügen','Nach oben','Nach unten','Entfernen','View','Tabelle','Spalte','Indizes','Indizes ändern','Ursprung','Ziel','ON UPDATE','Ändern','Fremdschlüssel hinzufügen','Trigger','Trigger hinzufügen','Dauerhafter Link','Exportieren','Ergebnis','Format','Prozeduren','Ereignisse','Daten','ändern','Neuer Benutzer','Fehler in der SQL-Abfrage',array('%d Datensatz','%d Datensätze'),array('Abfrage ausgeführt, %d Datensatz betroffen.','Abfrage ausgeführt, %d Datensätze betroffen.'),'Kein Kommando vorhanden.',array('SQL-Query erfolgreich ausgeführt.','%d SQL-Queries erfolgreich ausgeführt.'),'Datei importieren','Importieren von Dateien abgeschaltet.','Ausführen','Bei Fehler anhalten','Nur Fehler anzeigen','Im Server','Webserver Datei %s','Datei ausführen','History','Entleeren','Alle ändern','Datensatz gelöscht.','Datensatz geändert.','Datensatz%s hinzugefügt.','Hinzufügen','Speichern','Speichern und weiter bearbeiten','Speichern und nächsten hinzufügen','Entfernen','Tabelle entfernt.','Tabelle geändert.','Tabelle erstellt.','Neue Tabelle erstellen','Die maximal erlaubte Anzahl der Felder ist überschritten. Bitte %s und %s erhöhen.','Name der Tabelle','Motor','Partitionieren um','Partitionen','Name der Partition','Werte','Indizes geändert.','Index-Typ','Spalte (Länge)','Name','Datenbank entfernt.','Datenbank umbenannt.','Datenbank erstellt.','Datenbank geändert.','Neue Datenbank','Schema wurde gelöscht.','Neues Schema erstellt.','Schema geändert.','Aufrufen',array('Kommando SQL ausgeführt, %d Datensatz betroffen.','Kommando SQL ausgeführt, %d Datensätze betroffen.'),'Fremdschlüssel entfernt.','Fremdschlüssel geändert.','Fremdschlüssel erstellt.','Spalten des Ursprungs und des Zieles müssen vom gleichen Datentyp sein, es muss unter den Zielspalten ein Index existieren und die referenzierten Daten müssen existieren.','Fremdschlüssel','Zieltabelle','Ändern','Spalte hinzufügen','View entfernt.','View geändert.','View erstellt.','Neue View erstellen','Ereignis entfernt.','Ereignis geändert.','Ereignis erstellt.','Ereignis ändern','Ereignis erstellen','Start','Ende','Jede','Nach der Ausführung erhalten','Prozedur entfernt.','Prozedur geändert.','Prozedur erstellt.','Funktion ändern','Prozedur ändern','Neue Funktion','Neue Prozedur','Typ des Rückgabewertes','Sequenz gelöscht.','Neue Sequenz erstellt.','Sequenz geändert.','Sequenz ändern','Neue Sequenz','Typ gelöscht.','Typ erstellt.','Typ ändern','Typ erstellen','Trigger entfernt.','Trigger geändert.','Trigger erstellt.','Trigger ändern','Trigger hinzufügen','Zeitpunkt','Ereignis','Benutzer entfernt.','Benutzer geändert.','Benutzer erstellt.','Hashed','Rutine','Erlauben','Verbieten',array('%d Prozess gestoppt.','%d Prozesse gestoppt.'),'%d insgesamt','Anhalten','%d Artikel betroffen.','Doppelklick zum Bearbeiten des Wertes.',array('%d Datensatz importiert.','%d Datensätze wurden importiert.'),'Auswahl der Tabelle fehlgeschlagen','Relationen','Benutzen Sie den Link zum editieren dieses Wertes.','Seite','letzte','Gesamtergebnis','Klonen','Importieren',' ','Tabellen sind entleert worden (truncate).','Tabellen verschoben.','Tabellen wurden kopiert.','Tabellen wurden entfernt (drop).','Tabellen und Views','Suche in Tabellen','Motor','Datengrösse','Indexgrösse','Freier Bereich','Datensätze','Analysieren','Optimieren','Prüfen','Reparieren','Entleeren (truncate)','In andere Datenbank verschieben','Verschieben','Kopieren','Sequenz','Zeitplan','Zur angegebenen Zeit','HH:MM:SS');break;case"fr":$W=array('Êtes-vous certain ?','Impossible d\'importer le fichier.','La taille maximale des fichiers est de %sB.','Le fichier est introuvable.','vide','original','Aucune table.','Langue','Utiliser','Veuillez utiliser l\'une des extensions %s.','Le fichier existe.','Types utilisateur','Nombres','Date et heure','Chaînes','Binaires','Réseau','Géométrie','Listes','Système','Serveur','Utilisateur','Mot de passe','Authentification','Authentification permanente','Afficher les données','Afficher la structure','Modifier une vue','Modifier la table','Nouvel élément','Dernière page','Modifier',array('%d octet','%d octets'),'Select','Fonctions','Agrégation','Rechercher','n\'importe où','Trier','décroissant','Limite','Longueur du texte','Action','Requête SQL','ouvrir','sauvegarder','Modifier la base de données','Modifier le schéma','Créer un schéma','Schéma de la base de données','Privilèges','Exporter','Déconnexion','base de données','schéma','Créer une nouvelle table','select','ltr','Renvoyer les données POST ?','Token CSRF invalide. Veuillez réenvoyer le formulaire.','Au revoir !','Veuillez activer les sessions.','Session expirée, veuillez vous authentifier à nouveau.','Authentification échouée.','Extension introuvable','Aucune des extensions PHP supportées (%s) n\'est disponible.','Données POST trop grandes. Réduisez la taille des données ou augmentez la valeur de %s dans la configuration de PHP.','Base de données','Base de données invalide.','Les bases de données ont été supprimées.','Sélectionner la base de données','Créer une base de données','Liste des processus','Variables','Statut','Version de %s : %s via l\'extension PHP %s','Authentifié en tant que : %s','Interclassement','Tables','Supprimer','Rafraîchir','Schéma','Schéma invalide.','Aucun résultat.','%.3f s','Clés étrangères','interclassement','ON DELETE','Nom de la colonne','Nom du paramètre','Type','Longueur','Options','Auto increment','Valeurs par défaut','Commentaire','Ajouter le prochain','Déplacer vers le haut','Déplacer vers le bas','Effacer','Vue','Table','Colonne','Index','Modifier les index','Source','Cible','ON UPDATE','Modifier','Ajouter une clé étrangère','Triggers','Ajouter un trigger','Lien permanent','Exporter','Sortie','Format','Routines','Évènements','Données','modifier','Créer un utilisateur','Erreur dans la requête',array('%d ligne','%d lignes'),array('Requête exécutée avec succès, %d ligne modifiée.','Requête exécutée avec succès, %d lignes modifiées.'),'Aucune commande à exécuter.',array('%d requête exécutée avec succès.','%d requêtes exécutées avec succès.'),'Importer un fichier','L\'importation de fichier est désactivée.','Exécuter','Arrêter en cas d\'erreur','Montrer seulement les erreurs','Depuis le serveur','Fichier %s du serveur Web','Exécuter le fichier','Historique','Effacer','Tout modifier','L\'élément a été supprimé.','L\'élément a été modifié.','L\'élément%s a été inséré.','Insérer','Sauvegarder','Sauvegarder et continuer l\'édition','Sauvegarder et insérer le prochain','Effacer','La table a été effacée.','La table a été modifiée.','La table a été créée.','Créer une table','Le nombre maximum de champs est dépassé. Veuillez augmenter %s et %s.','Nom de la table','moteur','Partitionner par','Partitions','Nom de la partition','Valeurs','Index modifiés.','Type d\'index','Colonne (longueur)','Nom','La base de données a été supprimée.','La base de données a été renommée.','La base de données a été créée.','La base de données a été modifiée.','Créer une base de données','Le schéma a été supprimé.','Le schéma a été créé.','Le schéma a été modifié.','Appeler',array('La routine a été exécutée, %d ligne modifiée.','La routine a été exécutée, %d lignes modifiées.'),'La clé étrangère a été effacée.','La clé étrangère a été modifiée.','La clé étrangère a été créée.','Les colonnes de source et de destination doivent être du même type, il doit y avoir un index sur les colonnes de destination et les données référencées doivent exister.','Clé étrangère','Table visée','Modifier','Ajouter une colonne','La vue a été effacée.','La vue a été modifiée.','La vue a été créée.','Créer une vue','L\'évènement a été supprimé.','L\'évènement a été modifié.','L\'évènement a été créé.','Modifier un évènement','Créer un évènement','Démarrer','Terminer','Chaque','Conserver quand complété','La routine a été supprimée.','La routine a été modifiée.','La routine a été créée.','Modifier la fonction','Modifier la procédure','Créer une fonction','Créer une procédure','Type de retour','La séquence a été supprimée.','La séquence a été créée.','La séquence a été modifiée.','Modifier la séquence','Créer une séquence','Le type a été supprimé.','Le type a été créé.','Modifier le type','Créer un type','Le trigger a été supprimé.','Le trigger a été modifié.','Le trigger a été créé.','Modifier un trigger','Ajouter un trigger','Temps','Évènement','L\'utilisateur a été effacé.','L\'utilisateur a été modifié.','L\'utilisateur a été créé.','Haché','Routine','Grant','Revoke',array('%d processus a été arrêté.','%d processus ont été arrêtés.'),'%d au total','Arrêter',array('%d élément a été modifié.','%d éléments ont été modifiés.'),'Double-cliquez sur une valeur pour la modifier.',array('%d ligne a été importée.','%d lignes ont été importées.'),'Impossible de sélectionner la table','Relations','Utilisez le lien "modifier" pour modifier cette valeur.','Page','dernière','résultat entier','Cloner','Importer',',','Les tables ont été tronquées.','Les tables ont été déplacées.','Les tables ont été copiées.','Les tables ont été effacées.','Tables et vues','Rechercher dans les tables','Moteur','Longueur des données','Longueur de l\'index','Espace inutilisé','Lignes','Analyser','Optimiser','Vérifier','Réparer','Tronquer','Déplacer vers une autre base de données','Déplacer','Copier','Séquences','Horaire','À un moment précis','HH:MM:SS');break;case"it":$W=array('Sicuro?','Caricamento del file non riuscito.','La dimensione massima del file è %sB.','Il file non esiste.','vuoto','originale','No tabelle.','Lingua','Usa','Usa una delle estensioni %s.','Il file esiste già.','Tipi definiti dall\'utente','Numeri','Data e ora','Stringhe','Binari','Rete','Geometria','Liste','Sistema','Server','Utente','Password','Autenticazione','Login permanente','Visualizza dati','Visualizza struttura','Modifica vista','Modifica tabella','Nuovo elemento','Ultima pagina','Modifica',array('%d byte','%d bytes'),'Seleziona','Funzioni','Aggregazione','Cerca','ovunque','Ordina','discendente','Limite','Lunghezza testo','Azione','Comando SQL','apri','salva','Modifica database','Modifica schema','Crea schema','Schema database','Privilegi','Dump','Esci','database','schema','Crea nuova tabella','seleziona','ltr','Reinvio i dati POST?','Token CSRF non valido. Reinvia la richiesta.','Uscita effettuata con successo.','Le sessioni devono essere abilitate.','Sessione scaduta, autenticarsi di nuovo.','Credenziali non valide.','Estensioni non presenti','Nessuna delle estensioni PHP supportate (%s) disponibile.','Troppi dati via POST. Ridurre i dati o aumentare la direttiva di configurazione %s.','Database','Database non valido.','Database eliminati.','Seleziona database','Crea nuovo database','Elenco processi','Variabili','Stato','Versione %s: %s via estensione PHP %s','Autenticato come: %s','Collazione','Tabelle','Elimina','Aggiorna','Schema','Schema non valido.','Nessuna riga.','%.3f s','Chiavi esterne','collazione','ON DELETE','Nome colonna','Nome parametro','Tipo','Lunghezza','Opzioni','Auto incremento','Valori predefiniti','Commento','Aggiungi altro','Sposta su','Sposta giu','Rimuovi','Vedi','Tabella','Colonna','Indici','Modifica indici','Sorgente','Obiettivo','ON UPDATE','Modifica','Aggiungi foreign key','Trigger','Aggiungi trigger','Link permanente','Esporta','Risultato','Formato','Routine','Eventi','Dati','modifica','Crea utente','Errore nella query',array('%d riga','%d righe'),array('Esecuzione della query OK, %d riga interessata.','Esecuzione della query OK, %d righe interessate.'),'Nessun commando da eseguire.',array('%d query eseguita con successo.','%d query eseguite con successo.'),'Caricamento file','Caricamento file disabilitato.','Esegui','Stop su errore','Mostra solo gli errori','Dal server','Webserver file %s','Esegui file','Storico','Pulisci','Modifica tutto','Elemento eliminato.','Elemento aggiornato.','Elemento%s inserito.','Inserisci','Salva','Salva e continua','Salva e inserisci un altro','Elimina','Tabella eliminata.','Tabella modificata.','Tabella creata.','Crea tabella','Troppi campi. Per favore aumentare %s e %s.','Nome tabella','motore','Partiziona per','Partizioni','Nome partizione','Valori','Indici modificati.','Tipo indice','Colonna (lunghezza)','Nome','Database eliminato.','Database rinominato.','Database creato.','Database modificato.','Crea database','Schema eliminato.','Schema creato.','Schema modificato.','Chiama',array('Routine chiamata, %d riga interessata.','Routine chiamata, %d righe interessate.'),'Foreign key eliminata.','Foreign key modificata.','Foreign key creata.','Le colonne sorgente e destinazione devono essere dello stesso tipo e ci deve essere un indice sulla colonna di destinazione e sui dati referenziati.','Foreign key','Tabella obiettivo','Cambia','Aggiungi colonna','Vista eliminata.','Vista modificata.','Vista creata.','Crea vista','Evento eliminato.','Evento modificato.','Evento creato.','Modifica evento','Crea evento','Inizio','Fine','Ogni','Al termine preservare','Routine eliminata.','Routine modificata.','Routine creata.','Modifica funzione','Modifica procedura','Crea funzione','Crea procedura','Return type','Sequenza eliminata.','Sequenza creata.','Sequenza modificata.','Modifica sequenza','Crea sequenza','Tipo definito dall\'utente eliminato.','Tipo definito dall\'utente creato.','Modifica tipo definito dall\'utente','Crea tipo definito dall\'utente','Trigger eliminato.','Trigger modificato.','Trigger creato.','Modifica trigger','Crea trigger','Orario','Evento','Utente eliminato.','Utente modificato.','Utente creato.','Hashed','Routine','Permetti','Revoca',array('%d processo interrotto.','%d processi interrotti.'),'%d in totale','Interrompi',array('Il risultato consiste in %d elemento.','Il risultato consiste in %d elementi.'),'Fai doppio click su un valore per modificarlo.',array('%d riga importata.','%d righe importate.'),'Selezione della tabella non riuscita','Relazioni','Usa il link modifica per modificare questo valore.','Pagina','ultima','intero risultato','Clona','Importa','.','Le tabelle sono state svuotate.','Le tabelle sono state spostate.','Le tabelle sono state copiate.','Le tabelle sono state eliminate.','Tabelle e viste','Cerca nelle tabelle','Motore','Lunghezza dato','Lunghezza indice','Dati liberi','Righe','Analizza','Ottimizza','Controlla','Ripara','Svuota','Sposta in altro database','Sposta','Copia','Sequenza','Pianifica','A tempo prestabilito','HH:MM:SS');break;case"et":$W=array('Kas oled kindel?','Faili üleslaadimine pole võimalik.','Maksimaalne failisuurus %sB.','Faili ei leitud.','tühi','originaal','Tabeleid ei leitud.','Keel','Kasuta','Palun kasuta üht laiendustest %s.','Fail juba eksisteerib.','Kasutajatüübid','Numbrilised','Kuupäev ja kellaaeg','Tekstid','Binaar','Võrk (network)','Geomeetria','Listid','Andmebaasimootor','Server','Kasutajanimi','Parool','Logi sisse','Jäta mind meelde','Vaata andmeid','Näita struktuuri','Muuda vaadet (VIEW)','Muuda tabeli struktuuri','Lisa kirje','Viimane lehekülg','Muuda',array('%d bait','%d baiti'),'Kuva','Funktsioonid','Liitmine','Otsi','vahet pole','Sorteeri','kahanevalt','Piira','Teksti pikkus','Tegevus','SQL-Päring','näita brauseris','salvesta failina','Muuda andmebaasi','Muuda struktuuri','Loo struktuur','Andmebaasi skeem','Õigused','Ekspordi','Logi välja','andmebaas','struktuur','Loo uus tabel','kuva','ltr','Saada POST andmed uuesti?','Sobimatu CSRF, palun postitage vorm uuesti.','Väljalogimine õnnestus.','Sessioonid peavad olema lubatud.','Sessioon on aegunud, palun logige uuesti sisse.','Ebakorrektsed andmed.','Ei leitud laiendust','Serveris pole ühtegi toetatud PHP laiendustest (%s).','POST-andmete maht on liialt suur. Palun vähendage andmeid või suurendage %s php-seadet.','Andmebaas','Tundmatu andmebaas.','Andmebaasid on edukalt kustutatud.','Vali andmebaas','Loo uus andmebaas','Protsesside nimekiri','Muutujad','Staatus','%s versioon: %s, kasutatud PHP moodul: %s','Sisse logitud: %s','Tähetabel','Tabelid','Kustuta','Uuenda','Struktuur','Sobimatu skeema.','Sissekanded puuduvad.','%.3f s','Võõrvõtmed (foreign key)','tähetabel','ON DELETE','Veeru nimi','Parameetri nimi','Tüüp','Pikkus','Valikud','Automaatselt suurenev','Vaikimisi väärtused','Kommentaar','Lisa järgmine','Liiguta ülespoole','Liiguta allapoole','Eemalda','Vaata','Tabel','Veerg','Indeksid','Muuda indekseid','Allikas','Sihtkoht','ON UPDATE','Muuda','Lisa võõrvõti','Päästikud (trigger)','Lisa päästik (TRIGGER)','Püsilink','Ekspordi','Väljund','Formaat','Protseduurid','Sündmused (EVENTS)','Andmed','muuda','Loo uus kasutaja','Päringus esines viga','%d rida','Päring õnnestus, mõjutatatud ridu: %d.','Käsk puudub.',array('%d päring edukalt käivitatud.','%d päringut edukalt käivitatud.'),'Faili üleslaadimine','Failide üleslaadimine on keelatud.','Käivita','Peatuda vea esinemisel','Kuva vaid veateateid','Serverist','Fail serveris: %s','Käivita fail','Ajalugu','Puhasta','Muuda kõiki','Kustutamine õnnestus.','Uuendamine õnnestus.','Kirje%s on edukalt lisatud.','Sisesta','Salvesta','Salvesta ja jätka muutmist','Salvesta ja lisa järgmine','Kustuta','Tabel on edukalt kustutatud.','Tabeli andmed on edukalt muudetud.','Tabel on edukalt loodud.','Loo uus tabel','Maksimaalne väljade arv ületatud. Palun suurendage %s ja %s.','Tabeli nimi','andmebaasimootor','Partitsiooni','Partitsioonid','Partitsiooni nimi','Väärtused','Indeksite andmed on edukalt uuendatud.','Indeksi tüüp','Veerg (pikkus)','Nimi','Andmebaas on edukalt kustutatud.','Andmebaas on edukalt ümber nimetatud.','Andmebaas on edukalt loodud.','Andmebaasi struktuuri uuendamine õnnestus.','Loo uus andmebaas','Struktuur on edukalt kustutatud.','Struktuur on edukalt loodud.','Struktuur on edukalt muudetud.','Käivita','Protseduur täideti edukalt, mõjutatud ridu: %d.','Võõrvõti on edukalt kustutatud.','Võõrvõtme andmed on edukalt muudetud.','Võõrvõri on edukalt loodud.','Lähte- ja sihtveerud peavad eksisteerima ja omama sama andmetüüpi, sihtveergudel peab olema määratud indeks ning viidatud andmed peavad eksisteerima.','Võõrvõti','Siht-tabel','Muuda','Lisa veerg','Vaade (VIEW) on edukalt kustutatud.','Vaade (VIEW) on edukalt muudetud.','Vaade (VIEW) on edukalt loodud.','Loo uus vaade (VIEW)','Sündmus on edukalt kustutatud.','Sündmuse andmed on edukalt uuendatud.','Sündmus on edukalt loodud.','Muuda sündmuse andmeid','Loo uus sündmus (EVENT)','Alusta','Lõpeta','Iga','Lõpetamisel jäta sündmus alles','Protseduur on edukalt kustutatud.','Protseduuri andmed on edukalt muudetud.','Protseduur on edukalt loodud.','Muuda funktsiooni','Muuda protseduuri','Loo uus funktsioon','Loo uus protseduur','Tagastustüüp','Jada on edukalt kustutatud.','Jada on edukalt loodud.','Jada on edukalt muudetud.','Muuda jada','Loo jada','Tüüp on edukalt kustutatud.','Tüüp on edukalt loodud.','Muuda tüüpi','Loo tüüp','Päästik on edukalt kustutatud.','Päästiku andmed on edukalt uuendatud.','Uus päästik on edukalt loodud.','Muuda päästiku andmeid','Loo uus päästik (TRIGGER)','Aeg','Sündmus','Kasutaja on edukalt kustutatud.','Kasutaja andmed on edukalt muudetud.','Kasutaja on edukalt lisatud.','Häshitud (Hashed)','Protseduur','Anna','Eemalda',array('Protsess on edukalt peatatud (%d).','Valitud protsessid (%d) on edukalt peatatud.'),'Kokku: %d','Peata','Mõjutatud kirjeid: %d.','Väärtuse muutmiseks topelt-kliki sellel.','Imporditi %d rida.','Tabeli valimine ebaõnnestus','Seosed','Väärtuse muutmiseks kasuta muutmislinki.','Lehekülg','viimane','Täielikud tulemused','Kloon','Impordi',',','Validud tabelid on edukalt tühjendatud.','Valitud tabelid on edukalt liigutatud.','Tabelid on edukalt kopeeritud.','Valitud tabelid on edukalt kustutatud.','Tabelid ja vaated','Otsi kogu andmebaasist','Implementatsioon','Andmete pikkus','Indeksi pikkus','Vaba ruumi','Ridu','Analüüsi','Optimeeri','Kontrolli','Paranda','Tühjenda','Liiguta teise andmebaasi','Liiguta','Kopeeri','Jadad (sequences)','Ajakava','Antud ajahetkel','HH:MM:SS');break;case"hu":$W=array('Biztos benne?','Nem tudom feltölteni a fájlt.','A maximális fájlméret %s B.','A fájl nem létezik.','üres','eredeti','Nincs tábla.','Nyelv','Használ','Használja a(z) %s kiterjesztést.','A fájl létezik.','Felhasználói típus','Szám','Dátum és idő','Szöveg','Bináris','Hálózat','Geometria','Lista','Adatbázis','Szerver','Felhasználó','Jelszó','Belépés','Emlékezz rám','Tartalom','Struktúra','Nézet módosítása','Tábla módosítása','Új tétel','Utolsó oldal','Szerkeszt',array('%d bájt','%d bájt','%d bájt'),'Kiválasztás','Funkciók','Aggregálás','Keresés','bárhol','Sorba rendezés','csökkenő','korlát','Szöveg hossz','Művelet','SQL parancs','megnyit','ment','Adatbázis módosítása','Séma módosítása','Séma létrehozása','Adatbázis séma','Privilégiumok','Exportálás','Kilépés','adatbázis','séma','Új tábla','kiválasztás','ltr','Újraküldi a POST adatokat?','Érvénytelen CSRF azonosító. Küldd újra az űrlapot.','Sikeres kilépés.','A munkameneteknek (session) engedélyezve kell lennie.','Munkamenet lejárt, jelentkezz be újra.','Érvénytelen adatok.','Nincs kiterjesztés','Nincs egy elérhető támogatott PHP kiterjesztés (%s) sem.','Túl sok a POST adat! Csökkentsd az adat méretét, vagy növeld a %s beállítást.','Adatbázis','Érvénytelen adatbázis.','Adatbázis eldobva.','Adatbázis kiválasztása','Új adatbázis','Folyamatok','Változók','Állapot','%s verzió: %s, PHP: %s','Belépve: %s','Egybevetés','Táblák','Eldob','Frissítés','Séma','Érvénytelen séma.','Nincs megjeleníthető eredmény.','%.3f másodperc','Idegen kulcs','egybevetés','törléskor','Oszlop neve','Paraméter neve','Típus','Hossz','Opciók','Automatikus növelés','Alapértelmezett értékek','Megjegyzés','Következő hozzáadása','Felfelé','Lefelé','Eltávolítás','Nézet','Tábla','Oszlop','Indexek','Index módosítása','Forrás','Cél','frissítéskor','Módosítás','Idegen kulcs hozzadása','Trigger','Trigger hozzáadása','Hivatkozás','Export','Kimenet','Formátum','Rutinok','Esemény','Adat','szerkeszt','Felhasználó hozzáadása','Hiba a lekérdezésben',array('%d sor','%d sor','%d sor'),array('Lekérdezés sikeresen végrehajtva, %d sor érintett.','Lekérdezés sikeresen végrehajtva, %d sor érintett.','Lekérdezés sikeresen végrehajtva, %d sor érintett.'),'Nincs végrehajtható parancs.','%d sikeres lekérdezés.','Fájl feltöltése','A fájl feltöltés le van tiltva.','Végrehajt','Hiba esetén megáll','Csak a hibák mutatása','Szerverről','Webszerver fájl %s','Fájl futtatása','Történet','Törlés','Összes szerkesztése','A tétel törölve.','A tétel frissítve.','%s tétel beszúrva.','Beszúr','Mentés','Mentés és szerkesztés folytatása','Mentés és újat beszúr','Törlés','A tábla eldobva.','A tábla módosult.','A tábla létrejött.','Tábla létrehozása','A maximális mezőszámot elérted. Növeld meg ezeket: %s, %s.','Tábla név','motor','Particionálás ezzel','Particiók','Partició neve','Értékek','Az indexek megváltoztak.','Index típusa','Oszop (méret)','Név','Az adatbázis eldobva.','Az adadtbázis átnevezve.','Az adatbázis létrejött.','Az adatbázis módosult.','Adatbázis létrehozása','Séma eldobva.','Séma létrejött.','Séma módosult.','Meghív',array('Rutin meghívva, %d sor érintett.','Rutin meghívva, %d sor érintett.','Rutin meghívva, %d sor érintett.'),'Idegen kulcs eldobva.','Idegen kulcs módosult.','Idegen kulcs létrejött.','A forrás és cél oszlopoknak azonos típusúak legyenek, a cél oszlopok indexeltek legyenek, és a hivatkozott adatnak léteznie kell.','Idegen kulcs','Cél tábla','Változtat','Oszlop hozzáadása','A nézet eldobva.','A nézet módosult.','A nézet létrejött.','Nézet létrehozása','Az esemény eldobva.','Az esemény módosult.','Az esemény létrejött.','Esemény módosítása','Esemény létrehozása','Kezd','Vége','Minden','Befejezéskor megőrzi','A rutin eldobva.','A rutin módosult.','A rutin létrejött.','Funkció módosítása','Eljárás módosítása','Funkció létrehozása','Eljárás létrehozása','Visszatérési érték','Sorozat eldobva.','Sorozat létrejött.','Sorozat módosult.','Sorozat módosítása','Sorozat létrehozása','Típus eldobva.','Típus létrehozva.','Típus módosítása','Típus létrehozása','A trigger eldobva.','A trigger módosult.','A trigger létrejött.','Trigger módosítása','Trigger létrehozása','Idő','Esemény','A felhasználó eldobva.','A felhasználó módosult.','A felhasználó létrejött.','Hashed','Rutin','Engedélyezés','Visszavonás',array('%d folyamat leállítva.','%d folyamat leállítva.','%d folyamat leállítva.'),'összesen %d','Leállít',array('%d tétel érintett.','%d tétel érintett.','%d tétel érintett.'),'Kattints kétszer az értékre a szerkesztéshez.',array('%d sor importálva.','%d sor importálva.','%d sor importálva.'),'Nem tudom kiválasztani a táblát','Reláció','Használd a szerkesztés hivatkozást ezen érték módosításához.','oldal','utolsó','összes eredményt mutatása','Klónoz','Importálás',' ','A tábla felszabadítva.','Táblák áthelyezve.','Táblák átmásolva.','Táblák eldobva.','Táblák és nézetek','Keresés a táblákban','Motor','Méret','Index hossz','Adat szabad','Oszlop','Elemzés','Optimalizál','Ellenőrzés','Javít','Felszabadít','Áthelyezés másik adatbázisba','Áthelyez','Másolás','Sorozatok','Ütemzés','Megadott időben','óó:pp:mm');break;case"pl":$W=array('Czy jesteś pewien?','Wgranie pliku było niemożliwe.','Maksymalna wielkość pliku to %sB.','Plik nie istnieje.','puste','bez zmian','Brak tabel.','Język','Wybierz','Proszę użyć jednego z rozszerzeń: %s.','Plik już istnieje.','Typy użytkownika','Numeryczne','Data i czas','Tekstowe','Binarne','Sieć','Geometria','Listy','Rodzaj bazy','Serwer','Użytkownik','Hasło','Zaloguj się','Zapamiętaj sesję','Pokaż dane','Struktura tabeli','Zmień perspektywę','Zmień tabelę','Nowy rekord','Ostatnia strona','Edytuj',array('%d bajt','%d bajty','%d bajtów'),'pokaż','Funkcje','Agregacje','Szukaj','gdziekolwiek','Sortuj','malejąco','Limit','Długość tekstu','Czynność','Zapytanie SQL','otwórz','zapisz','Zmień bazę danych','Zmień schemat','Utwórz schemat','Schemat bazy danych','Uprawnienia użytkowników','Eksport','Wyloguj','baza danych','schemat','Utwórz nową tabelę','przeglądaj','ltr','Wysłać dane ponownie?','Nieprawidłowy token CSRF. Spróbuj wysłać formularz ponownie.','Wylogowano pomyślnie.','Wymagana jest obsługa sesji w PHP.','Sesja wygasła, zaloguj się ponownie.','Nieprawidłowe dane logowania.','Brak rozszerzenia','Żadne z rozszerzeń PHP umożliwiających połączenie się z bazą danych (%s) nie jest dostępne.','Przesłano zbyt dużo danych. Zmniejsz objętość danych lub zwiększ zmienną konfiguracyjną %s.','Baza danych','Nie znaleziono bazy danych.','Bazy danych zostały usunięte.','Wybierz bazę danych','Utwórz nową bazę danych','Lista procesów','Zmienne','Status','Wersja %s: %s za pomocą %s','Zalogowany jako: %s','Porównywanie znaków','Tabele','Usuń','Odśwież','Schemat','Nieprawidłowy schemat.','Brak rekordów.','%.3f s','Klucze obce','porównywanie znaków','W przypadku usunięcia','Nazwa kolumny','Nazwa parametru','Typ','Długość','Opcje','Auto Increment','Wartości domyślne','Komentarz','Dodaj następny','Przesuń w górę','Przesuń w dół','Usuń','Perspektywa','Tabela','Kolumna','Indeksy','Zmień indeksy','Źródło','Cel','W przypadku zmiany','Zmień','Dodaj klucz obcy','Wyzwalacze','Dodaj wyzwalacz','Trwały link','Eksport','Rezultat','Format','Procedury i funkcje','Wydarzenia','Dane','edytuj','Dodaj użytkownika','Błąd w zapytaniu',array('%d rekord','%d rekordy','%d rekordów'),array('Zapytanie wykonane pomyślnie, zmieniono %d rekord.','Zapytanie wykonane pomyślnie, zmieniono %d rekordy.','Zapytanie wykonane pomyślnie, zmieniono %d rekordów.'),'Nic do wykonania.',array('Pomyślnie wykonano %d zapytanie.','Pomyślnie wykonano %d zapytania.','Pomyślnie wykonano %d zapytań.'),'Wgranie pliku','Wgrywanie plików jest wyłączone.','Wykonaj','Zatrzymaj w przypadku błędu','Pokaż tylko błędy','Z serwera','Plik %s na serwerze','Uruchom z pliku','Historia','Wyczyść','Edytuj wszystkie','Rekord został usunięty.','Rekord został zaktualizowany.','Rekord%s został dodany.','Dodaj','Zapisz zmiany','Zapisz i kontynuuj edycję','Zapisz i dodaj następny','Usuń','Tabela została usunięta.','Tabela została zmieniona.','Tabela została utworzona.','Utwórz tabelę','Przekroczono maksymalną liczbę pól. Zwiększ %s i %s.','Nazwa tabeli','składowanie','Partycjonowanie','Partycje','Nazwa partycji','Wartości','Indeksy zostały zmienione.','Typ indeksu','Kolumna (długość)','Nazwa','Baza danych została usunięta.','Nazwa bazy danych została zmieniona.','Baza danych została utworzona.','Baza danych została zmieniona.','Utwórz bazę danych','Schemat został usunięty.','Schemat został utworzony.','Schemat został zmieniony.','Uruchom',array('Procedura została uruchomiona, zmieniono %d rekord.','Procedura została uruchomiona, zmieniono %d rekordy.','Procedura została uruchomiona, zmieniono %d rekordów.'),'Klucz obcy został usunięty.','Klucz obcy został zmieniony.','Klucz obcy został utworzony.','Źródłowa i docelowa kolumna muszą być tego samego typu, powinien istnieć indeks na docelowej kolumnie oraz muszą istnieć dane referencyjne.','Klucz obcy','Tabela docelowa','Zmień','Dodaj kolumnę','Perspektywa została usunięta.','Perspektywa została zmieniona.','Perspektywa została utworzona.','Utwórz perspektywę','Wydarzenie zostało usunięte.','Wydarzenie zostało zmienione.','Wydarzenie zostało utworzone.','Zmień wydarzenie','Utwórz wydarzenie','Początek','Koniec','Wykonuj co','Nie kasuj wydarzenia po przeterminowaniu','Procedura została usunięta.','Procedura została zmieniona.','Procedura została utworzona.','Zmień funkcję','Zmień procedurę','Utwórz funkcję','Utwórz procedurę','Zwracany typ','Sekwencja została usunięta.','Sekwencja została utworzona.','Sekwencja została zmieniona.','Zmień sekwencję','Utwórz sekwencję','Typ został usunięty.','Typ został utworzony.','Zmień typ','Utwórz typ','Wyzwalacz został usunięty.','Wyzwalacz został zmieniony.','Wyzwalacz został utworzony.','Zmień wyzwalacz','Utwórz wyzwalacz','Czas','Wydarzenie','Użytkownik został usunięty.','Użytkownik został zmieniony.','Użytkownik został dodany.','Zahashowane','Procedura','Uprawnienia','Usuń uprawnienia',array('Przerwano %d wątek.','Przerwano %d wątki.','Przerwano %d wątków.'),'%d w sumie','Przerwij wykonywanie',array('Zmieniono %d rekord.','Zmieniono %d rekordy.','Zmieniono %d rekordów.'),'Kliknij podwójnie wartość, aby ją edytować.',array('%d rekord został zaimportowany.','%d rekordy zostały zaimportowane.','%d rekordów zostało zaimportowanych.'),'Nie udało się pobrać danych z tabeli','Relacje','Użyj linku edycji aby zmienić tę wartość.','Strona','ostatni','wybierz wszystkie','Duplikuj','Import',' ','Tabele zostały opróżnione.','Tabele zostały przeniesione.','Tabele zostały skopiowane.','Tabele zostały usunięte.','Tabele i perspektywy','Wyszukaj we wszystkich tabelach','Składowanie','Rozmiar danych','Rozmiar indeksów','Wolne miejsce','Liczba rekordów','Analizuj','Optymalizuj','Sprawdź','Napraw','Opróżnij','Przenieś do innej bazy danych','Przenieś','Kopiuj','Sekwencje','Harmonogram','O danym czasie','teraz');break;case"ca":$W=array('Estàs segur?','Impossible adjuntar el fitxer.','La mida màxima permesa del fitxer és de %sB.','El fitxer no existeix.','buit','original','No hi ha cap taula.','Idioma','Utilitza','Si us plau, utilitza una de les extensions %s.','El fitxer ja existeix.','Tipus de l\'usuari','Nombres','Data i hora','Cadenes','Binari','Xarxa','Geometria','Llistes','Sistema','Servidor','Nom d\'usuari','Contrasenya','Inicia la sessió','Sessió permanent','Selecciona dades','Mostra l\'estructura','Modifica la vista','Modifica la taula','Nou element','Darrera plana','Edita',array('%d byte','%d bytes'),'Selecciona','Funcions','Agregació','Cerca','a qualsevol lloc','Ordena','descendent','Límit','Longitud del text','Acció','Ordre SQL','obre','desa','Modifica la base de dades','Modifica l\'esquema','Crea un esquema','Esquema de la base de dades','Privilegis','Exporta','Desconnecta','base de dades','esquema','Crea una nova taula','registres','ltr','Torna a enviar les dades POST?','Token CSRF invàlid. Torna a enviar el formulari.','Desconnexió correcta.','Cal que estigui permès l\'us de sessions.','La sessió ha expirat, torna a iniciar-ne una.','Credencials invàlids.','Cap extensió','No hi ha cap de les extensions PHP soporatades (%s) disponible.','Les dades POST són massa grans. Redueix les dades o incrementa la directiva de configuració %s.','Base de dades','Base de dades invàlida.','S\'han suprimit les bases de dades.','Selecciona base de dades','Crea una nova base de dades','Llista de processos','Variables','Estat','Versió %s: %s amb l\'extensió de PHP %s','Connectat com: %s','Compaginació','Taules','Suprimeix','Refresca','Esquema','Esquema invàlid.','No hi ha cap registre.','%.3f s','Claus foranes','compaginació','ON DELETE','Nom de la columna','Nom del paràmetre','Tipus','Llargada','Opcions','Increment automàtic','Valors per defecte','Comentari','Afegeix el següent','Mou a dalt','Mou a baix','Suprimeix','Vista','Taula','Columna','Índexs','Modifica els índexs','Font','Destí','ON UPDATE','Modifica','Afegeix una clau forana','Activadors','Afegeix un activador','Enllaç permanent','Exporta','Sortida','Format','Rutines','Events','Dades','edita','Crea un usuari','Error en la consulta',array('%d registre','%d registres'),array('Consulta executada correctament, %d registre modificat.','Consulta executada correctament, %d registres modificats.'),'Cap comanda per executar.',array('%d consulta executada correctament.','%d consultes executades correctament.'),'Adjunta un fitxer','L\'ddjunció de fitxers està desactivada.','Executa','Atura en trobar un error','Mostra només els errors','En el servidor','Fitxer %s del servidor web','Executa el fitxer','Història','Suprimeix','Edita-ho tot','S\'ha suprmit l\'element.','S\'ha actualitzat l\'element.','S\'ha insertat l\'element%s.','Insereix','Desa','Desa i segueix editant','Desa i insereix el següent','Suprimeix','S\'ha suprimit la taula.','S\'ha modificat la taula.','S\'ha creat la taula.','Crea una taula','S\'ha assolit el nombre màxim de camps. Incrementa %s i %s.','Nom de la taula','motor','Fes particions segons','Particions','Nom de la partició','Valors','S\'han modificat els índexs.','Tipus d\'índex','Columna (longitud)','Nom','S\'ha suprimit la base de dades.','S\'ha canviat el nom de la base de dades.','S\'ha creat la base de dades.','S\'ha modificat la base de dades.','Crea una base de dades','S\'ha suprimit l\'esquema.','S\'ha creat l\'esquema.','S\'ha modificat l\'esquema.','Crida',array('S\'ha cridat la rutina, %d registre modificat.','S\'ha cridat la rutina, %d registres modificats.'),'S\'ha suprimit la clau forana.','S\'ha modificat la clau forana.','S\'ha creat la clau forana.','Les columnes origen i destí han de ser del mateix tipus, la columna destí ha d\'estar indexada i les dades referenciades han d\'existir.','Clau forana','Taula de destí','Canvi','Afegeix una columna','S\'ha suprimit la vista.','S\'ha modificat la vista.','S\'ha creat la vista.','Crea una vista','S\'ha suprimit l\'event.','S\'ha modificat l\'event.','S\'ha creat l\'event.','Modifica l\'event','Crea un event','Comença','Acaba','Cada','Conservar en completar','S\'ha suprimit la rutina.','S\'ha modificat la rutina.','S\'ha creat la rutina.','Modifica la funció','Modifica el procediment','Crea una funció','Crea un procediment','Tipus retornat','S\'ha suprimit la seqüència.','S\'ha creat la seqüència.','S\'ha modificat la seqüència.','Modifica la seqüència','Crea una seqüència','S\'ha suprimit el tipus.','S\'ha creat el tipus.','Modifica el tipus','Crea un tipus','S\'ha suprimit l\'activador.','S\'ha modificat l\'activador.','S\'ha creat l\'activador.','Modifica l\'activador','Crea un activador','Temps','Event','S\'ha suprimit l\'usuari.','S\'ha modificat l\'usuari.','S\'ha creat l\'usuari.','Hashed','Rutina','Grant','Revoke',array('S\'ha aturat %d procés.','S\'han aturat %d processos.'),'%d en total','Atura',array('S\'ha modificat %d element.','S\'han modificat %d elements.'),'Fes un doble clic a un valor per modificar-lo.',array('S\'ha importat %d registre.','S\'han importat %d registres.'),'Impossible seleccionar la taula','Relacions','Utilitza l\'enllaç d\'edició per modificar aquest valor.','Plana','darrera','tots els resultats','Clona','Importa',',','S\'han escapçat les taules.','S\'han desplaçat les taules.','S\'han copiat les taules.','S\'han suprimit les taules.','Taules i vistes','Cerca dades en les taules','Motor','Longitud de les dades','Longitud de l\'índex','Espai lliure','Files','Analitza','Optimitza','Verifica','Repara','Escapça','Desplaça a una altra base de dades','Desplaça','Còpia','Seqüències','Horari','A un moment donat','HH:MM:SS');break;case"pt":$W=array('Está seguro?','Não é possivel enviar o arquivo.','Tamanho máximo do arquivo é %sB.','Arquivo não existe.','vazio','original','Não existem tabelas.','Idioma','Usar','Por favor use uma das extensões %s.','Arquivo ja existe.','Tipos definido pelo usuario','Números','Data e hora','Cadena','Binario','Rede','Geometría','Listas','Motor de Base de dados','Servidor','Usuario','Senha','Entrar','Salvar Senha','Selecionar dados','Mostrar estrutura','Modificar vista','Modificar estrutura','Novo Registro','Ultima página','Modificar',array('%d byte','%d bytes'),'Selecionar','Funções','Adições','Procurar','qualquer local','Ordenar','decrescente','Limite','Tamanho de texto','Ação','Comando SQL','mostrar','salvas','Modificar Base de dados','Modificar esquema','Criar esquema','Esquema de Base de dados','Privilegios','Exportar','Sair','base de dados','esquema','Nova tabela','registros','ltr','Resend POST data?','Token CSRF inválido. Enviar o formulario novamente.','Saida bem sucedida.','Devem estar habilitadas as sessões.','Sessão expirada, por favor entre sua Chave de novo.','Identificação inválida.','Não ha extension','Nenhuma das extensões PHP soportadas (%s) está disponivel.','POST data demasiado grande. Reduza o tamanho ou aumente a diretiva de configuração %s.','Base de dados','Base de dados inválida.','Bases de dados eliminadas.','Selecionar Base de dados','Criar nova base de dados','Lista de processos','Variaveis','Estado','Versão %s: %s através da extensão PHP %s','Logado como: %s','Colação','Tabelas','Remover','Atualizar','Esquema','Esquema inválido.','Não existem registros.','%.3f s','Chaves foráneas','collation','ON DELETE','Nome da coluna','Nome de Parametro','Tipo','Tamanho','Opções','Incremento Automático','Valores predeterminados','Comentario','Adicionar proximo','Mover acima','Mover abaixo','Remover','Visualizar','Tabela','Coluna','Indices','Modificar indices','Origem','Destino','ON UPDATE','Modificar','Adicionar Chave foránea','Triggers','Adicionar trigger','Permanent link','Exportar','Saida','Formato','Procedimentos','Eventos','Dados','modificar','Criar Usuario','Erro na consulta',array('%d registro','%d registros'),array('Consulta executada, %d registro afetados.','Consulta executada, %d registros afetados.'),'Nenhum comando para executar.',array('%d consulta sql executada corretamente.','%d consulta sql executadas corretamente.'),'Importar arquivo','Importação de arquivos desablilitado.','Executar','Parar em caso de erro','Mostrar somente erros','Desde servidor','Arquivo do servidor web %s','Executar Arquivo','Historico','Limpar','Edit all','Registro eliminado.','Registro modificado.','Registro%s inserido.','Inserir','Salvar','Salvar e continuar editando','Salvar e inserir outro','Apagar','Tabela eliminada.','Tabela modificada.','Tabela criada.','Criar tabela','Cantida máxima de campos permitidos excedidos. Por favor aumente %s y %s.','Nome da tabela','motor','Particionar por','Partições','Nome da Partição','Valores','Indices modificados.','Tipo de índice','coluna (tamanho)','Nome','Base de dados eliminada.','Base de dados renomeada.','Base de dados criada.','Base de dados modificada.','Criar Base de dados','Esquema eliminado.','Esquema criado.','Esquema modificado.','Chamar',array('Consulta executada, %d registro afetado.','Consulta executada, %d registros afetados.'),'Chave externa eliminada.','Chave externa modificada.','Chave externa criada.','As colunas de origen e destino devem ser do mesmo tipo, deve existir um índice entre as colunas de destino e o registro referenciado deve existir.','Chave externa','Tabela de destino','Modificar','Adicionar coluna','Vista eliminada.','Vista modificada.','Vista criada.','Criar vista','Evento eliminado.','Evento modificado.','Evento criado.','Modificar Evento','Criar Evento','Inicio','Fim','Cada','Ao completar preservar','Procedimento eliminado.','Procedimento modificado.','Procedimento criado.','Modificar Função','Modificar procedimiento','Criar função','Criar procedimento','Tipo de valor de regreso','Sequencia eliminada.','Sequencia criada.','Sequencia modificada.','Modificar sequencia','Criar sequencias','Tipo eliminado.','Tipo criado.','Modificar tipo','Criar tipo','Trigger eliminado.','Trigger modificado.','Trigger criado.','Modificar Trigger','Adicionar Trigger','Tempo','Evento','Usuario eliminado.','Usuario modificado.','Usuario criado.','Hash','Rotina','Conceder','Impedir',array('%d processo terminado.','%d processos terminados.'),'%d no total','Parar',array('%d ítem afetado.','%d itens afetados.'),'Doble-clic sobre o valor para edita-lo.',array('%d registro importado.','%d registros importados.'),'Não é possivel selecionar a Tabela','Relações','Utilize o link modificar para alterar.','Página','último','resultado completo','Clonar','Importar',' ','Tabelas truncadas (truncate).','As Tabelas foram movidas.','Tables have been copied.','Tabelas eliminadas.','Tabelas e vistas','Buscar dados nas Tabelas','Motor','Tamanho de dados','Tamanho de índice','Espaço Livre','Registros','Analizar','Otimizar','Verificar','Reparar','Truncar','Mover outra Base de dados','Mover','Copy','Sequencias','Agenda','A hora determinada','agora');break;case"sl":$W=array('Ste prepričani?','Ne morem naložiti datoteke.','Največja velikost datoteke je %sB.','Datoteka ne obstaja.','prazno','original','Ni tabel.','Jezik','Uporabi','Prosim, uporabite enega od dodatkov %s.','Datoteka obstaja.','Uporabniški tipi','Števila','Datum in čas','Nizi','Binarni','Mrežni','Geometrčni','Seznami','Sistem','Strežnik','Uporabniško ime','Geslo','Prijavi se','Trajna prijava','Izberi podatke','Pokaži zgradbo','Spremeni pogled','Spremeni tabelo','Nov predmet','Zadnja stran','Uredi',array('%d bajt','%d bajta','%d bajti','%d bajtov'),'Izberi','Funkcije','Združitev','Išči','kjerkoli','Sortiraj','padajoče','Limita','Dolžina teksta','Dejanje','Ukaz SQL','odpri','shrani','Spremeni bazo','Spremeni shemo','Ustvari shemo','Shema baze','Pravice','Izvozi','Odjavi se','baza','shema','Ustvari novo tabelo','izberi','ltr','Resend POST data?','Neveljaven token CSRF. Pošljite formular še enkrat.','Prijava uspešna.','Podpora za seje mora biti omogočena.','Seja je potekla. Prosimo, ponovno se prijavite.','Neveljavne pravice.','Brez dodatkov','Noben od podprtih dodatkov za PHP (%s) ni na voljo.','Preveliko podatkov za POST. Zmanjšajte število podatkov ali povečajte nastavitev za %s.','Baza','Neveljavna baza.','Baze so zavržene.','Izberi bazo','Ustvari novo bazo','Seznam procesov','Spremenljivke','Stanje','Verzija %s: %s preko dodatka za PHP %s','Prijavljen kot: %s','Zbiranje','Tabele','Zavrzi','Osveži','Shema','Neveljavna shema.','Ni vrstic.','%.3f s','Tuji ključi','zbiranje','pri brisanju','Ime stolpca','Ime parametra','Tip','Dolžina','Možnosti','Samodejno povečevanje','Privzete vrednosti','Komentar','Dodaj naslednjega','Premakni gor','Premakni dol','Odstrani','Pogledi','Tabela','Stolpec','Indeksi','Spremeni indekse','Izvor','Cilj','pri posodabljanju','Spremeni','Dodaj tuj ključ','Sprožilniki','Dodaj sprožilnik','Permanent link','Izvozi','Izhod rezultata','Format','Postopki','Dogodki','Podatki','uredi','Ustvari uporabnika','Napaka v poizvedbi',array('%d vrstica','%d vrstici','%d vrstice','%d vrstic'),array('Poizvedba se je uspešno izvedla, spremenjena je %d vrstica.','Poizvedba se je uspešno izvedla, spremenjeni sta %d vrstici.','Poizvedba se je uspešno izvedla, spremenjene so %d vrstice.','Poizvedba se je uspešno izvedla, spremenjenih je %d vrstic.'),'Ni ukazov za izvedbo.',array('Uspešno se je končala %d poizvedba.','Uspešno sta se končali %d poizvedbi.','Uspešno so se končale %d poizvedbe.','Uspešno se je končalo %d poizvedb.'),'Naloži datoteko','Nalaganje datotek je onemogočeno.','Izvedi','Ustavi ob napaki','Pokaži samo napake','z strežnika','Datoteka na spletnem strežniku %s','Zaženi datoteko','Zgodovina','Počisti','Edit all','Predmet je izbrisan.','Predmet je posodobljen.','Predmet%s je vstavljen.','Vstavi','Shrani','Shrani in nadaljuj z urejanjem','Shrani in vstavi tekst','Izbriši','Tabela je zavržena.','Tabela je spremenjena.','Tabela je ustvarjena.','Ustvari tabelo','Največje število dovoljenih polje je preseženo. Prosimo, povečajte %s in %s.','Ime tabele','pogon','Porazdeli po','Porazdelitve','Ime porazdelitve','Vrednosti','Indeksi so spremenjeni.','Tip indeksa','Stolpec (dolžina)','Naziv','Baza je zavržena.','Baza je preimenovana.','Baza je ustvarjena.','Baza je spremenjena.','Ustvari bazo','Shema je zavržena.','Shema je ustvarjena.','Shema je spremenjena.','Pokliči',array('Klican je bil postopek, spremenjena je %d vrstica.','Klican je bil postopek, spremenjeni sta %d vrstici.','Klican je bil postopek, spremenjene so %d vrstice.','Klican je bil postopek, spremenjenih je %d vrstic.'),'Tuj ključ je zavržen.','Tuj ključ je spremenjen.','Tuj ključ je ustvarjen.','Izvorni in ciljni stolpec mora imeti isti podatkovni tip. Obstajati mora indeks na ciljnih stolpcih in obstajati morajo referenčni podatki.','Tuj ključ','Ciljna tabela','Spremeni','Dodaj stolpec','Pogled je zavržen.','Pogled je spremenjen.','Pogled je ustvarjen.','Ustvari pogled','Dogodek je zavržen.','Dogodek je spremenjen.','Dogodek je ustvarjen.','Spremeni dogodek','Ustvari dogodek','Začetek','Konec','vsake','Po zaključku ohrani','Postopek je zavržen.','Postopek je spremenjen.','Postopek je ustvarjen.','Spremeni funkcijo','Spremeni postopek','Ustvari funkcijo','Ustvari postopek','Vračalni tip','Sekvenca je zavržena.','Sekvence je ustvarjena.','Sekvence je spremenjena.','Spremni sekvenco','Ustvari sekvenco','Tip je zavržen.','Tip je ustvarjen.','Spremeni tip','Ustvari tip','Sprožilnik je odstranjen.','Sprožilnik je spremenjen.','Sprožilnik je ustvarjen.','Spremeni sprožilnik','Ustvari sprožilnik','Čas','Dogodek','Uporabnik je odstranjen.','Uporabnik je spremenjen.','Uporabnik je ustvarjen.','Zakodirano','Postopek','Dovoli','Odvzemi',array('Končan je %d proces.','Končana sta %d procesa.','Končani so %d procesi.','Končanih je %d procesov.'),'Skupaj %d','Končaj',array('Spremenjen je %d predmet.','Spremenjena sta %d predmeta.','Spremenjeni so %d predmeti.','Spremenjenih je %d predmetov.'),'Dvojni klik na vrednost za urejanje.',array('Uvožena je %d vrstica.','Uvoženi sta %d vrstici.','Uvožene so %d vrstice.','Uvoženih je %d vrstic.'),'Ne morem izbrati tabele','Relacijski','Uporabite urejanje povezave za spreminjanje te vrednosti.','Stran','Zadnja','cel razultat','Kloniraj','Uvozi',' ','Tabele so skrajšane.','Tabele so premaknjene.','Tabele so kopirane.','Tabele so zavržene.','Tabele in pogledi','Išče podatke po tabelah','Pogon','Velikost podatkov','Velikost indeksa','Podatkov prosto ','Vrstic','Analiziraj','Optimiziraj','Preveri','Popravi','Skrajšaj','Premakni v drugo bazo','Premakni','Kopiraj','Sekvence','Urnik','v danem času','zdaj');break;case"lt":$W=array('Tikrai?','Nepavyko įkelti failo.','Maksimalus failo dydis - %sB.','Failas neegzistuoja.','tuščia','originalas','Nėra lentelių.','Kalba','Naudoti','Naudokite vieną iš plėtinių %s.','Failas egzistuoja.','Vartotojų tipai','Skaičiai','Data ir laikas','Tekstas','Dvejetainis','Tinklas','Geometrija','Sąrašai','Sistema','Serveris','Vartotojas','Slaptažodis','Prisijungti','Pastovus prisijungimas','Atrinkti duomenis','Rodyti struktūrą','Redaguoti vaizdą','Redaguoti lentelę','Naujas įrašas','Paskutinis puslapis','Redaguoti',array('%d baitas','%d baigai','%d baitų'),'Atrinkti','Funkcijos','Agregacija','Ieškoti','visur','Rikiuoti','mažėjimo tvarka','Limitas','Teksto ilgis','Veiksmas','SQL užklausa','atidaryti','išsaugoti','Redaguoti duomenų bazę','Keisti schemą','Sukurti schemą','Duomenų bazės schema','Privilegijos','Eksportuoti','Atsijungti','duomenų bazė','schema','Sukurti naują lentelę','atrinkti','ltr','Persiųsti POST duomenis?','Neteisingas CSRF tokenas. Bandykite siųsti formos duomenis dar kartą.','Jūs atsijungėte nuo sistemos.','Sesijų palaikymas turi būti įjungtas.','Sesijos galiojimas baigėsi. Prisijunkite iš naujo.','Neteisingi prisijungimo duomenys.','Nėra plėtiio','Nėra nei vieno iš palaikomų PHP plėtinių (%s).','Per daug POST duomenų. Sumažinkite duomenų kiekį arba padidinkite konfigūracijos nustatymą %s.','Duomenų bazė','Neteisinga duomenų bazė.','Duomenų bazės panaikintos.','Pasirinkti duomenų bazę','Sukurti naują duomenų bazę','Procesų sąrašas','Kintamieji','Būsena','%s versija: %s per PHP plėtinį %s','Prisijungęs kaip: %s','Lyginimas','Lentelės','Pašalinti','Atnaujinti','Schema','Neteisinga schema.','Nėra įrašų.','%.3f s','Išoriniai raktai','palyginimas','Ištrinant','Stulpelio pavadinimas','Parametro pavadinimas','Tipas','Ilgis','Nustatymai','Auto Increment','Reikšmės pagal nutylėjimą','Komentaras','Pridėti kitą','Perkelti į viršų','Perkelti žemyn','Pašalinti','Vaizdas','Lentelė','Stulpelis','Indeksai','Redaguoti indeksus','Šaltinis','Tikslas','Atnaujinant','Redaguoti','Pridėti išorinį raktą','Trigeriai','Pridėti trigerį','Pastovi nuoroda','Eksportas','Išvestis','Formatas','Procedūros','Įvykiai','Duomenys','redaguoti','Sukurti vartotoją','Klaida užklausoje',array('%d įrašas','%d įrašai','%d įrašų'),array('Užklausa įvykdyta. Pakeistas %d įrašas.','Užklausa įvykdyta. Pakeisti %d įrašai.','Užklausa įvykdyta. Pakeista %d įrašų.'),'Nėra vykdomų užklausų.',array('%d užklausa įvykdyta.','%d užklausos įvykdytos.','%d užklausų įvykdyta.'),'Failo įkėlimas','Failų įkėlimas išjungtas.','Vykdyti','Sustabdyti esant klaidai','Rodyti tik klaidas','Iš serverio','Failas %s iš serverio','Vykdyti failą','Istorija','Išvalyti','Redaguoti visus','Įrašas ištrintas.','Įrašas pakeistas.','Įrašas%s sukurtas.','Įrašyti','Išsaugoti','Išsaugoti ir tęsti redagavimą','Išsaugoti ir įrašyti kitą','Trinti','Lentelė pašalinta.','Lentelė pakeista.','Lentelė sukurta.','Sukurti lentelę','Viršytas maksimalus leidžiamų stulpelių kiekis. Padidinkite %s ir %s.','Lentelės pavadinimas','variklis','Skirstyti pagal','Skirsniai','Skirsnio pavadinimas','Reikšmės','Indeksai pakeisti.','Indekso tipas','Stulpelis (ilgis)','Pavadinimas','Duomenų bazė panaikinta.','Duomenų bazė pervadinta.','Duomenų bazė sukurta.','Duomenų bazė pakeista.','Sukurti duomenų bazę','Schema pašalinta.','Schema sukurta.','Schema pakeista.','Vykdyti',array('Procedūra įvykdyta. %d įrašas pakeistas.','Procedūra įvykdyta. %d įrašai pakeisti.','Procedūra įvykdyta. %d įrašų pakeista.'),'Išorinis raktas pašalintas.','Išorinis raktas pakeistas.','Išorinis raktas sukurtas.','Šaltinio ir tikslinis stulpelis turi būti to paties tipo, tiksliniame stulpelyje turi būti naudojamas indeksas ir duomenys turi egzistuoti.','Išorinis raktas','Tikslinė lentelė','Pakeisti','Pridėti stulpelį','Vaizdas pašalintas.','Vaizdas pakeistas.','Vaizdas sukurtas.','Sukurti vaizdą','Įvykis pašalintas.','Įvykis pakeistas.','Įvykis sukurtas.','Redaguoti įvykį','Sukurti įvykį','Pradžia','Pabaiga','Kas','Įvykdžius išsaugoti','Procedūra pašalinta.','Procedūra pakeista.','Procedūra sukurta.','Keisti funkciją','Keiskti procedūrą','Sukurti funkciją','Sukurti procedūrą','Grąžinimo tipas','Seka pašalinta.','Seka sukurta.','Seka pakeista.','Keisti seką','Sukurti seką','Tipas pašalintas.','Tipas sukurtas.','Keisti tipą','Sukurti tipą','Trigeris pašalintas.','Trigeris pakeistas.','Trigeris sukurtas.','Keisti trigerį','Sukurti trigerį','Laikas','Įvykis','Vartotojas ištrintas.','Vartotojo duomenys pakeisti.','Vartotojas sukurtas.','Šifruotas','Procedūra','Suteikti','Atšaukti',array('%d procesas nutrauktas.','%d procesai nutraukti.','%d procesų nutraukta.'),'%d iš viso','Nutraukti',array('Pakeistas %d įrašas.','Pakeisti %d įrašai.','Pakeistas %d įrašų.'),'Du kartus spragtelėkite pelyte norėdami redaguoti.',array('%d įrašas įkelta.','%d įrašai įkelti.','%d įrašų įkelta.'),'Neįmanoma atrinkti lentelės','Ryšiai','Norėdami redaguoti reikšmę naudokite redagavimo nuorodą.','Puslapis','paskutinis','visas rezultatas','Klonuoti','Importas',' ','Lentelės buvo ištuštintos.','Lentelės perkeltos.','Lentelės nukopijuotos.','Lentelės pašalintos.','Lentelės ir vaizdai','Ieškoti duomenų lentelėse','Variklis','Duomenų ilgis','Indekso ilgis','Laisvos vietos','Įrašai','Analizuoti','Optimizuoti','Patikrinti','Pataisyti','Tuštinti','Perkelti į kitą duomenų bazę','Perkelti','Kopijuoti','Sekos','Grafikas','Nurodytu laiku','dabar');break;case"tr":$W=array('Emin misin?','Dosya gönderilemiyor.','Bir dosya için izin verilen dosya sınırı %sB.','Dosya mevcut değil.','boş','orijinal','Tablo yok.','Dil','Kullan','%s uzantılarından birini kullanın.','Dosya mevcut.','Kullanıcı türleri','Sayılar','Tarih ve zaman','Sözcükler','İkili','Ağ','Geometri','Listeler','Sistem','Sunucu','Kullanıcı','Parola','Giriş','Kalıcı giriş','Veri seç','Yapıyı göster','Değişim görünüm','Tablo değiştir','Yeni öğe','Son sayfa','Düzen',array('%d bayt','%d kadar bayt'),'Seç','Fonksiyonlar','Kümeleme','Arama','herhangi bir yer','Sırala','azalan','sınır','Yazı uzunluğu','Eylem','SQL komutu','aç','kaydet','Veritabanı değiştir','Değişim şeması','Yaratım şeması','Veritabanı şeması','İzinler','Döküm','Çıkış','veritabanı','şema','Yeni tablo yarat','seç','ltr','Resend POST data?','Geçersiz Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) jetonu. Forumu tekrar yolla.','Başarıyla çıkıldı.','Oturum desteği etkin olmalıdır.','Oturum süresi doldu, lütfen tekrar giriş yapın.','Geçersiz kimlik.','Uzantı yok','Desteklenen PHP uzantılarından (%s) hiçbiri mevcut değil.','Çok büyük POST verisi, veriyi azaltın ya da ayar yönergesini uygun olarak yapılandırın.','Veritabanı','Geçersiz veritabanı.','Veritabanları düşüüldü.','Veritabanı seç','Yeni veritabanı yarat','İşlem listesi','Değişkenler','Durum','%s sürüm: %s PHP uzantısı ile %s','%s olarak giriş yapıldı.','Karşılaştırma','Tablolar','Düşür','Tazele','Şema','Geçersiz şema.','Sıra yok.','%.3f s','Dış anahtarlar','karşılaştırma','Silinmek üzere','Kolon adı','Parametre adı','Tür','Uzunluk','Seçenekler','Otomatik yükselt','Varsayılan değerler','Yorum','Sonraya ekle','Yukarı taşı','AŞağı taş','Kaldır','Görünüm','Tablo','Kolon','Dizinler','Dizinleri değiştir','Kaynak','Hedef','Yükseltilmek üzere','Değiştir','Dış anahtar ekle','Tetikler','Tetik ekle','Permanent link','İhraç','Çıktı','Biçim','Yordamlar','Olaylar','Veri','düzen','Kullanıcı yarat','Sorguda hata',array('%d sıra)','%d kadar sıra'),array('Sorgu işletilmesi tamamlandı. %d sıra(row) etkilendi.','Sorgu işletilmesi tamamlandı. Bundan %d kadar sıra etkilendi.'),'İşletilmek için komut yok.',array('%d sorgunun işletilmesi tamamlandı.','%d kadar sorgunun işletilmesi tamamlandı.'),'Dosya gönder','Dosya gönderimi etkin değil.','İşlet','Dur hata','Sadece hataları göster.','Sunucudan','%s web sunucusu dosyası','Dosya çalıştır','Tarih','Boşluk','Edit all','Öğe silindi.','Öğe güncellendi.','Öğeler eklendi.','Ekle','Kaydet','Kaydet ve düzenlemeye devam et','Kaydet ve sonrakin ekle','Sil','Tablo düşürüldü.','Tablo değiştirildi.','Tablo yaratıldı.','Tablo yarat','kabul edilebilir alan sayısı aşıldı. Lütfen %s ve %s düşürün.','Tablo adı','motor','Bölümü tarafından','Bölümler','BÖlüm adı','Değerler','Dizinler değiştirilidi.','Dizin Türü','Kolon (uzunluğu)','Ad','Veritabanı düşürüldü.','Veritabanının ismi değiştirildi.','Veritabanı yaratıldı.','Veritabanı değiştirildi.','Veritabanı yarat','Şema düşürüldü.','Şema yaratıldı.','Şema değiştirildi.','Çağrı',array('Yordam çağrıldı, %d sıra(row) etkilendi.','Yordam çağrıldı, %d sıralar(rows) etkilendi.'),'Dış anahtar düşürüldü.','Dış anahtar değiştir.','Dış anahtar yarat.','Kaynak ve hedef kolonlar aynı veri türü olmak zorunda, hedef kolonda bir dizin ve başvurulan veri bulunmalı.','Dış anahtar','Hedef tablo','Değiş','Kolon eklde','Görünüm düşürüldü.','Görünüm değiştirildi.','Görünüm yaratıldı.','Görünüm yarat','Olay düşüdüldü.','Olay değiştirildi.','Olay yaratıldı.','Değiştirme olayı','Yaratma olayı','Başla','Son','Herzaman','Tamamlama koruması AÇIK','Yordam düşürüldü.','Yordam değiştirildi.','Yordam yaratıldı.','Değiştirme fonksyionu','Değiştirme yöntemi','Fonksiyon yarat','Yöntem yarat','Geri dönüş türü','Dizi düşürüldü.','Dizi yaratıldı.','Dizi değiştirildi.','Dizi değiştir','Dizi yarat','Tür düşürüldü.','Tür yaratıldı.','Tür değiştir','Tür yarat','Tetik düşürüldü.','Tetik değiştirildi.','Tetik yaratıldı.','Tetik değiştir.','Tetik yarat','Zaman','Olay','Kullanıcı düşürüldü.','Kullanıcı değiştirildi.','Kullanıcı yaratıldı.','Harmanlandı.','Yordam','İmtiyaz','Geri al',array('%d süreç öldürüldü.','%d adet süreç öldürüldü.'),'%d toplamda','Öldür',array('%d öğe etkilendi.','%d kadar öğe etkilendi.'),'Değerin üzerine çift tıklayın ve değiştirin.',array('%d sıra ithal edildi.','%d kadar sıra ithal edildi.'),'Tablo seçilemedi','İlişkiler','Değeri değiştirmek için düzenleme bağlantısını kullanın.','Sayfa','son','tüm sonuç','Klonla','İthal',' ','Tablolar budandı.','Tablolar taşındı.','Tablolar kopyalandı.','Tablolar düşürüldü.','Tablolar ve görünümler','Tablolarda veri ara.','Motor','Veri uzunluğu','Dizin uzunluğu','Serbest veri','Sıralar (Rows)','Çözümleme','En uygun hale getirme','Denetleme','Tamir','Buda','Diğer veritabanına taşı','Taşı','Kopyala','Diziler','Takvimli','Bir anda','şimdi');break;case"ro":$W=array('Ești precis?','Nu am putut încărca fișierul pe server.','Fișierul maxim admis - %sO.','Așa fișier nu există.','gol','original','În baza de date nu sunt tabele.','Limba','Alege','Folosiți una din următoarele extensii %s.','Fișierul deja există.','Tipuri de utilizatori','Număr','Data și timpul','Șire de caractere','Tip binar','Rețea','Geometrie','Liste','Sistema','Server','Nume de utilizator','Parola','Intră','Logare permanentă','Selectează','Arată structura','Modifică reprezentare','Modifică tabelul','Înscriere nouă','Ultima pagină','Editează',array('%d octet','%d octeți'),'Selectează','Funcții','Agregare','Căutare','oriunde','Sortare','descrescător','Limit','Lungimea textului','Acțiune','SQL query','deschide','salvează','Modifică baza de date','Modifică schema','Crează o schemă','Schema bazei de date','Privelegii','Dump','Eșire','baza de date','schema','Crează tabel nou','selectează','ltr','Retrimite datele POST?','CSRF token imposibil. Retrimite forma.','Ați eșit cu succes.','Sesiunile trebuie să fie pornite.','Timpul sesiunii a expirat, rog să te loghezi din nou.','Numele de utilizator sau parola este greșită.','Nu este extensie','Nu este aviabilă nici o extensie suportată (%s).','Mesajul POST este prea mare. Trimiteți mai puține date sau măriți parametrul configurației directivei %s.','Baza de date','Bază de deate invalidă.','Baze de date au fost șterse.','Alege baza de date','Crează o bază de date nouă','Lista proceselor','Variabile','Stare','Versiunea %s: %s cu extensia PHP %s','Ați intrat ca: %s','Colaționare','Tabele','Șterge','Împrospătează','Schema','Schemă incorectă.','Nu sunt înscrieri.','%.3f s','Cheiuri externe','colaționarea','La ștergere','Denumirea coloanei','Numele parametrului','Tip','Lungime','Acțiune','Creșterea automată','Valoarea inițială','Comentariu','Adaugă încă','Mișcă în sus','Mișcă în jos','Șterge','Reprezentare','Tabel','Coloană','Indexe','Modifică indexe','Sursă','Scop','La modificare','Modifică','Adaugă chei extern','Triggere','Adaugă trigger','Adresă permanentă','Export','Date de eșire','Format','Proceduri și funcții salvate','Evenimente','Date','editare','Crează utilizator','Eroare în query',array('%d înscriere','%d înscrieri'),array('Query executat, %d înscriere modificată.','Query executat, %d înscrieri modificate.'),'Nu sunt comenzi de executat.',array('%d query executat.','%d query-uri executate cu succes.'),'Încarcă fișierul','Încărcarea fișierelor este interzisă.','Execută','Opreștete la eroare','Arată doar greșeli','De pe server','Fișierul %s pe server','Execută fișier','Istoria','Curățp','Editează tot','Înregistrare a fost ștearsă.','Înregistrare a fost înnoită.','Înregistrarea%s a fost inserată.','Inserează','Salvează','Salvează și continuă editarea','Salvează și mai inserează','Șterge','Tabelul a fost șters.','Tabelul a fost modificat.','Tabelul a fost creat.','Crează tabel','Numărul maxim de înscrieri disponibile a fost atins. Majorați %s și %s.','Denumirea tabelului','tip','Împarte','Secțiuni','Denumirea secțiunii','Parametru','Indexele au fost modificate.','Tipul indexului','Coloană (lungimea)','Titlu','Baza de date a fost ștearsă.','Baza de date a fost redenumită.','Baza de date a fost creată.','Baza de date a fost modificată.','Crează baza de date','Schema a fost ștearsă.','Schema a fost creată.','Schema a fost modificată.','Apelează',array('A fost executată procedură, %d înscriere a fost modificată.','A fost executată procedură, %d înscrieri au fost modificate.'),'Chei extern a fost șters.','Chei extern a fost modificat.','Chei extern a fost creat.','Coloanele ar trebui să aibă aceleaşi tipuri de date, trebuie să existe date de referinţă și un index pe coloanela-ţintă.','Chei extern','Tabela scop','Modifică','Adaugă coloană','Reprezentarea a fost ștearsă.','Reprezentarea a fost modificată.','Reprezentarea a fost creată.','Crează reprezentare','Evenimentul a fost șters.','Evenimentul a fost modificat.','Evenimentul a fost adăugat.','Modifică eveniment','Creează evenimet','Început','Svârșit','Fiecare','Salvează după finisare','Procedura a fost ștearsă.','Procedura a fost modificată.','Procedura a fost creată.','Modifică funcția','Modifică procedura','Crează funcție','Crează procedură','Tipul returnării','«secvența» a fost ștearsă.','«secvența» a fost creată.','«secvența» a fost modificată.','Modifică «secvență»','Crează «secvență»','Tiipul a fost șters.','Crează tip nou.','Modifică tip','Crează tip noi','Triggerul a fost șters.','Triggerul a fost modificat.','Triggerul a fost creat.','Modifică trigger','Crează trigger','Timp','Eveniment','Utilizatorul a fost șters.','Utilizatorul a fost modificat.','Utilizatorul a fost creat.','Hashed','Procedură','Permite','Interzice',array('A fost finisat %d proces.','Au fost finisate %d procese.'),'În total %d','Termină',array('A fost modificată %d înscriere.','Au fost modificate %d înscrieri.'),'Dublu click pe o valoare pentru a o modifica.',array('%d rînd importat.','%d rînduri importate.'),'Nu am putut selecta date din tabel','Relații','Valoare poate fi modificată cu ajutorul butonului «modifică».','Pagina','ultima','tot rezultatul','Clonează','Importă',',','Tabelele au fost curățate.','Tabelele au fost mutate.','Tabelele au fost copiate','Tabelele au fost șterse.','Tabele și reprezentări','Caută în tabele','Tip','Cantitatea de date','Cantitatea de indexe','Spațiu liber','Înscrieri','Analizează','Optimizează','Controlează','Repară','Curăță','Mută în altă bază de date','Mută','Copiază','«Secvențe»','Program','În timpul curent','HH:MM:SS');break;case"ru":$W=array('Вы уверены?','Не удалось загрузить файл на сервер.','Максимальный разрешенный размер файла - %sB.','Такого файла не существует.','пусто','исходный','В базе данных нет таблиц.','Язык','Выбрать','Используйте одно из этих расширений %s.','Файл уже существует.','Типы пользователей','Число','Дата и время','Строки','Двоичный тип','Сеть','Геометрия','Списки','Движок','Сервер','Имя пользователя','Пароль','Войти','Оставаться в системе','Выбрать','Показать структуру','Изменить представление','Изменить таблицу','Новая запись','Последняя страница','Редактировать',array('%d байт','%d байта','%d байтов'),'Выбрать','Функции','Агрегация','Поиск','в любом месте','Сортировать','по убыванию','Лимит','Длина текста','Действие','SQL запрос','открыть','сохранить','Изменить базу данных','Изменить схему','Новая схема','Схема базы данных','Полномочия','Дамп','Выйти','база данных','схема','Создать новую таблицу','выбрать','ltr','Еще раз послать данные POST запроса?','Недействительный CSRF токен. Отправите форму ещё раз.','Вы успешно покинули систему.','Сессии должны быть включены.','Срок действия сесси истек, нужно снова войти в систему.','Неправильное имя пользователя или пароль.','Нет расширений','Не доступно ни одного расширения из поддерживаемых (%s).','Слишком большой объем POST-данных. 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создано.','Изменить событие','Создать событие','Начало','Конец','Каждые','После завершения сохранить','Процедура была удалена.','Процедура была изменена.','Процедура была создана.','Изменить функцию','Изменить процедуру','Создать функцию','Создать процедуру','Возвращаемый тип','«Последовательность» удалена.','Создана новая «последовательность».','«Последовательность» изменена.','Изменить «последовательность»','Создать «последовательность»','Тип удален.','Создан новый тип.','Изменить тип','Создать тип','Триггер был удален.','Триггер был изменен.','Триггер был создан.','Изменить триггер','Создать триггер','Время','Событие','Пользователь был удален.','Пользователь был изменен.','Пользователь был создан.','Хешировано','Процедура','Позволить','Запретить',array('Был завершен %d процесс.','Было завершено %d процесса.','Было завершёно %d процессов.'),'Всего %d','Завершить',array('Была изменена %d запись.','Были изменены %d записи.','Было изменено %d записей.'),'Кликни два раза по значению, чтобы его изменить.',array('Импортирована %d строка.','Импортировано %d строки.','Импортировано %d строк.'),'Не удалось получить данные из таблицы','Реляции','Изменить это значение можно с помощью ссылки «изменить».','Страница','последняя','весь результат','Клонировать','Импорт',' ','Таблицы были очищены.','Таблицы были перемещены.','Таблицы скопированы.','Таблицы были удалены.','Таблицы и представления','Поиск в таблицах','Тип','Объём данных','Объём индексов','Свободное место','Строк','Анализировать','Оптимизировать','Проверить','Исправить','Очистить','Переместить в другою базу данных','Переместить','Копировать','«Последовательности»','Расписание','В данное время','ЧЧ:ММ:СС');break;case"zh":$W=array('你确定吗?','不能上传文件。','最多允许的文件大小为 %sB','文件不存在。','空','原始','没有表。','语言','使用','请使用这些扩展中的一个:%s。','文件已存在。','用户类型','数字','日期时间','字符串','二进制','网络','几何图形','列表','系统','服务器','用户名','密码','登录','保持登录','选择数据','显示结构','更改视图','更改表','新建项','末页','编辑','%d 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。','表名','引擎','分区类型','分区','分区名','值','已更改索引。','索引类型','列(长度)','名称','已丢弃数据库。','已重命名数据库。','已创建数据库。','已更改数据库。','创建数据库','已丢弃模式。','已创建模式。','已更改模式。','调用','子程序被调用,%d 行被影响。','已删除外键。','已更改外键。','已创建外键。','源列和目标列必须具有相同的数据类型,在目标列上必须有一个索引并且引用的数据必须存在。','外键','目标表','更改','增加列','已丢弃视图。','已更改视图。','已创建视图。','创建视图','已丢弃事件。','已更改事件。','已创建事件。','更改事件','创建事件','开始','结束','每','完成后保存','已丢弃子程序。','已更改子程序。','已创建子程序。','更改函数','更改过程','创建函数','创建过程','返回类型','已丢弃序列。','已创建序列。','已更改序列。','更改序列','创建序列','已丢弃类型。','已创建类型。','更改类型','创建类型','已丢弃触发器。','已更改触发器。','已创建触发器。','更改触发器','创建触发器','时间','事件','已丢弃用户。','已更改用户。','已创建用户。','Hashed','子程序','授权','废除','%d 个进程被终止','共计 %d','终止','%d 个项目受到影响。','在值上双击类修改它。','%d 行已导入。','不能选择该表','关联信息','使用编辑链接来修改该值。','页面','最后','所有结果','克隆','导入',',','已清空表。','已转移表。','表已复制。','已丢弃表。','表和视图','在表中搜索数据','引擎','数据长度','索引长度','数据空闲','行数','分析','优化','检查','修复','清空','转移到其它数据库','转移','复制','序列','调度','在指定时间','HH:MM:SS');break;case"zh-tw":$W=array('你確定嗎?','無法上傳檔案。','允許的檔案上限大小為%sB','檔案不存在','空值','原始','沒有資料表。','語言','使用','請使用下列其中一個 extension 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செய்','Functions','திர‌ள்வு (Aggregation)','தேடு','எங்காயினும்','த‌ர‌ம் பிரி','இற‌ங்குமுக‌மான‌','வ‌ர‌ம்பு','உரை நீள‌ம்','செய‌ல்','SQL க‌ட்ட‌ளை','திற‌','சேமி','த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌த்தை மாற்று','அமைப்புமுறையை மாற்று','அமைப்புமுறையை உருவாக்கு','த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌ அமைப்பு முறைக‌ள்','ச‌லுகைக‌ள் / சிற‌ப்புரிமைக‌ள்','Dump','வெளியேறு','த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌ம்','அமைப்புமுறை','புதிய‌ அட்ட‌வ‌ணையை உருவாக்கு','தேர்வு செய்','ltr','POST data வை மீண்டும் அனுப்பவா?','CSRF டோக்க‌ன் செல்லாது. ப‌டிவ‌த்தை மீண்டும் அனுப்ப‌வும்.','வெற்றிக‌ர‌மாய் வெளியேறியாயிற்று.','செஷ‌ன் ஆத‌ர‌வு இய‌க்க‌ப்ப‌ட‌ வேண்டும்.','செஷ‌ன் காலாவ‌தியாகி விட்ட‌து. மீண்டும் நுழைய‌வும்.','ச‌ரியான‌ விப‌ர‌ங்க‌ள் இல்லை.','விரிவு (extensஇஒன்) இல்லை ','PHP ஆத‌ர‌வு விரிவுக‌ள் (%s) இல்லை.','மிக‌ அதிக‌மான‌ POST  த‌க‌வ‌ல். த‌க‌வ‌லை குறைக்க‌வும் அல்ல‌து %s வ‌டிவ‌மைப்பை (configuration directive) மாற்ற‌வும்.','த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌ம்','த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌ம் ச‌ரியானதல்ல‌.','த‌க‌வ‌ல் த‌ள‌ங்க‌ள் நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்டன‌.','த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌த்தை தேர்வு செய்','புதிய‌ த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌த்தை உருவாக்கு','வேலைக‌ளின் ப‌ட்டி','மாறிலிக‌ள் (Variables)','நிக‌ழ்நிலை (Status)','%s ப‌திப்பு: %s through PHP extension %s','ப‌ய‌னாளர்: %s','கொலேச‌ன்','அட்ட‌வ‌ணை','நீக்கு','புதுப்பி (Refresh)','அமைப்புமுறை','அமைப்புமுறை ச‌ரியான‌த‌ல்ல‌ (Invalid Schema).','வ‌ரிசை இல்லை.','%.3f s','வேற்று விசைக‌ள்','கொலேச‌ன்','ON DELETE','நெடுவ‌ரிசையின் பெய‌ர்','அள‌புரு (Parameter) பெய‌ர்','வ‌கை','நீளம்','வேண்டிய‌வ‌ற்றை ','ஏறுமான‌ம்','உள்ளிருக்கும் (Default) ம‌திப்புக‌ள் ','குறிப்பு','அடுத்த‌தை சேர்க்க‌வும்','மேலே ந‌க‌ர்த்து','கீழே நக‌ர்த்து','நீக்கு','தோற்றம்','அட்ட‌வ‌ணை','நெடுவ‌ரிசை','அக‌வ‌ரிசைக‌ள் (Index) ','அக‌வ‌ரிசையை (Index) மாற்று','மூல‌ம்','இல‌க்கு','ON UPDATE','மாற்று','வேற்று விசை சேர்க்க‌வும்','தூண்டுத‌ல்க‌ள்','தூண்டு விசையை சேர்','நிரந்தர இணைப்பு','ஏற்றும‌தி','வெளியீடு','ஃபார்ம‌ட் (Format)','ரொட்டீன் ','நிக‌ழ்ச்சிக‌ள்','த‌க‌வ‌ல்','தொகு','ப‌ய‌னாள‌ரை உருவாக்கு','வின‌வ‌லில் த‌வ‌றுள்ள‌து',array('%d வ‌ரிசை','%d வ‌ரிசைக‌ள்'),array('வின‌வ‌ல் செய‌ல்ப‌டுத்த‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து, %d வ‌ரிசை மாற்ற‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','வின‌வ‌ல் செய‌ல்ப‌டுத்த‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து, %d வ‌ரிசைக‌ள் மாற்றப்ப‌ட்ட‌ன‌.'),'செய‌ல் ப‌டுத்த‌ எந்த‌ க‌ட்ட‌ளைக‌ளும் இல்லை.',array('%d வின‌வ‌ல் செய‌ல்ப‌டுத்த‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','%d வின‌வ‌ல்க‌ள் செய‌ல்ப‌டுத்த‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌ன‌.'),'கோப்பை மேலேற்று (upload) ','கோப்புக‌ள் மேலேற்றம் (upload)முட‌க்க‌ப்ப‌ட்டுள்ள‌ன‌.','செய‌ல்ப‌டுத்து','பிழை ஏற்ப‌டின் நிற்க‌','பிழைக‌ளை ம‌ட்டும் காண்பிக்க‌வும்','செர்வ‌ரில் இருந்து','வெப் ச‌ர்வ‌ர் கோப்பு %s','கோப்பினை இய‌க்க‌வும்','வ‌ர‌லாறு','துடை (Clear)','அனைத்தையும் தொகு','உருப்படி நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','உருப்ப‌டி புதுப்பிக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','உருப்ப‌டி (Item) சேர்க்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','புகுத்து','சேமி','சேமித்த‌ பிற‌கு தொகுப்ப‌தை தொட‌ர‌வும்','சேமித்த‌ப் பின் அடுத்த‌தை புகுத்து','நீக்கு','அட்ட‌வ‌ணை நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','அட்ட‌வணை மாற்ற‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','அட்ட‌வ‌ணை உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','அட்ட‌வ‌ணையை உருவாக்கு','அனும‌திக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌ அதிக‌ப‌ட்ச‌ கோப்புக‌ளின் எண்ணிக்கை மீற‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து. த‌ய‌வு செய்து %s ம‌ற்றும் %s யை அதிக‌ரிக்க‌வும்.','அட்ட‌வ‌ணைப் பெய‌ர்','எஞ்சின்','பிரித்த‌து','பிரிவுக‌ள்','பிரிவின் பெய‌ர்','ம‌திப்புக‌ள்','அக‌வ‌ரிசைக‌ள் (Indexes) மாற்ற‌ப்பட்ட‌து.','அக‌வ‌ரிசை வ‌கை (Index Type)','நெடுவ‌ரிசை (நீள‌ம்)','பெய‌ர்','த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌ம் நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌ம் பெய‌ர் மாற்ற‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌ம் உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌ம் மாற்ற‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','த‌க‌வ‌ல்த‌ள‌த்தை உருவாக்கு','அமைப்புமுறை நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','அமைப்புமுறை உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','அமைப்புமுறை மாற்ற‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','அழை',array('ரொட்டீன்க‌ள் அழைக்க‌ப்பட்டுள்ள‌ன‌, %d வ‌ரிசை மாற்ற‌ம் அடைந்த‌து.','ரொட்டீன்க‌ள் அழைக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்டுள்ள‌ன‌, %d வ‌ரிசைக‌ள் மாற்றம் அடைந்துள்ள‌ன‌.'),'வேற்று விசை நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','வேற்று விசை மாற்ற‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','வேற்று விசை உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','இல‌க்கு நெடுவ‌ரிசையில் அக‌வ‌ரிசை (Index) ம‌ற்றும் குறிக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌ த‌க‌வல் (Referenced DATA) க‌ண்டிப்பாக‌ இருத்த‌ல் வேண்டும். மூல‌ நெடுவ‌ரிசை ம‌ற்றும் இலக்கு நெடுவ‌ரிசையின் த‌க‌வ‌ல் வ‌டிவ‌ம் (DATA TYPE) ஒன்றாக‌ இருக்க‌ வேண்டும்.','வேற்று விசை','அட்ட‌வ‌ணை இல‌க்கு','மாற்று','நெடு வ‌ரிசையை சேர்க்க‌வும்','தோற்ற‌ம் நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','தோற்றம் மாற்றப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','தோற்ற‌ம் உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','தோற்றத்தை உருவாக்கு','நிக‌ழ்ச்சி (Event) நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','நிக‌ழ்ச்சி (Event) மாற்றப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','நிக‌ழ்ச்சி (Event) உருவாக்க‌‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','நிக‌ழ்ச்சியை (Event) மாற்று','நிக‌ழ்ச்சியை (Event) உருவாக்கு','தொட‌ங்கு','முடி (வு)','ஒவ்வொரு','முடிந்த‌தின் பின் பாதுகாக்க‌வும்','ரொட்டீன் நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','ரொட்டீன் மாற்ற‌ப்ப‌ட்டது.','ரொட்டீன் உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','Function மாற்று','செய‌ல்முறையை மாற்று','Function உருவாக்கு','செய்முறையை உருவாக்கு','திரும்பு வ‌கை','வ‌ரிசைமுறை நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','வ‌ரிசைமுறை உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','வ‌ரிசைமுறை மாற்ற‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','வ‌ரிசைமுறையை மாற்று','வ‌ரிசைமுறையை உருவாக்கு','வ‌கை (type) நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','வ‌கை (type) உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','வ‌கையினை (type) மாற்று','வ‌கையை உருவாக்கு','தூண்டு விசை நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','தூண்டு விசை மாற்ற‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','தூண்டு விசை உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','தூண்டு விசையை மாற்று','தூண்டு விசையை உருவாக்கு','நேர‌ம்','நிக‌ழ்ச்சி','ப‌யனீட்டாள‌ர் நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்டார்.','ப‌யனீட்டாள‌ர் மாற்றப்ப‌ட்டார்.','ப‌ய‌னீட்டாள‌ர் உருவாக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','Hashed','ரொட்டீன்','அனும‌திய‌ளி','இர‌த்துச்செய்',array('%d வேலை வ‌லுவில் நிறுத்த‌ப‌ட்ட‌து.','%d வேலைக‌ள் வ‌லுவில் நிறுத்த‌ப‌ட்ட‌ன‌.'),'மொத்தம் %d ','வ‌லுவில் நிறுத்து',array('%d உருப்ப‌டி மாற்ற‌ம‌டைந்தது.','%d உருப்ப‌டிக‌ள் மாற்ற‌ம‌டைந்த‌ன‌.'),'ம‌திப்பினை மாற்ற அத‌ன் மீது இருமுறை சொடுக்க‌வும் (Double click).',array('%d வ‌ரிசை இற‌க்கும‌தி (Import) செய்ய‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','%d வ‌ரிசைக‌ள் இற‌க்கும‌தி (Import) செய்ய‌ப்ப‌ட்டன‌.'),'அட்ட‌வ‌ணையை தேர்வு செய்ய‌ முடிய‌வில்லை','உற‌வுக‌ள் (Relations)','இந்த‌ ம‌திப்பினை மாற்ற‌, தொகுப்பு இணைப்பினை உப‌யோகிக்க‌வும்.','ப‌க்க‌ம்','க‌டைசி','முழுமையான‌ முடிவு','ந‌க‌லி (Clone)','இற‌க்கும‌தி (Import)',',','அட்ட‌வ‌ணை குறைக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து (truncated).','அட்ட‌வ‌ணை ந‌க‌ர்த்த‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','அட்டவணைகள் நகலெடுக்கப் பட்டது.','அட்ட‌வ‌ணை நீக்க‌ப்ப‌ட்ட‌து.','அட்ட‌வ‌ணைக‌ளும் பார்வைக‌ளும்','த‌க‌வ‌லை அட்ட‌வ‌ணையில் தேடு','எஞ்சின் (Engine)','த‌க‌வ‌ல் நீள‌ம்','Index நீள‌ம்','Data Free','வ‌ரிசைக‌ள்','நுணுகி ஆராய‌வும்','உக‌ப்பாக்கு (Optimize)','ப‌ரிசோதி','ப‌ழுது பார்','குறை (Truncate)','ம‌ற்ற‌ த‌க‌வ‌ல் தள‌த்திற்க்கு ந‌க‌ர்த்து','ந‌க‌ர்த்து','நகல்','வ‌ரிசைமுறை','கால‌ அட்ட‌வ‌ணை','குறித்த‌ நேர‌த்தில்','HH:MM:SS');break;case"ar":$W=array('هل أنت متأكد؟','من غير الممكن رفع الملف.','حجم الملف الأقصى هو %sB.','الملف غير موجود.','فارغ','الأصلي','لا توجد جداول.','اللغة','المستعمل','من فضلك إستعمل إحدى الإمتدادات: %s.','الملف موجود.','نوع المستخدم','أعداد','التاريخ و الوقت','سلاسل','ثنائية','شبكة','هندسة','قوائم','النظام','الخادم','المستعمل','كلمة المرور','تسجيل الدخول','تسجيل دخول دائم','عرض البيانات','عرض التركيبة','تعديل عرض','تعديل الجدول','عنصر جديد','الصفحة السابقة','تعديل','%d بايت','إختيار','الدوال','تجميع','بحث','في اي مكان','ترتيب','تنازلي','حد','طول النص','حركة','إستعلام SQL','فتح','حفظ','تعديل قاعدة البيانات','تعديل المخطط','إنشاء مخطط','مخطط فاعدة البيانات','الإمتيازات','تصدير','تسجيل الخروج','قاعدة بيانات','المخطط','أنشئ جدول جديد','تحديد','rtl','هل تود إعادة إرسال بيانات POST ؟','CSRF Token خاطئ. من فضلك أعد إرسال الإستمارة.','مع السلامة.','عليك تفعيل نظام الجلسات.','إنتهت الجلسة، من فضلك أعد تسجيل الدخول.','فشل في تسجيل الدخول.','إمتداد غير موجود','إمتدادات php المدعومة غير موجودة.','معلومات POST كبيرة جدا. قم بتقليص حجم المعلومات أو قم بزيادة قيمة %s في خيارات ال PHP.','قاعدة بيانات','قاعدة بيانات خاطئة.','تم حذف قواعد البيانات.','إختر قاعدة البيانات','أنشئ فاعدة بيانات','قائمة الإجراءات','متغيرات','حالة','النسخة %s : %s عن طريق إمتداد ال PHP %s','تم تسجيل الدخول بإسم %s','ترتيب','جداول','حذف','تحديث','المخطط','مخطط خاطئ.','لا توجد نتائج.','%.3f s','مفاتيح أجنبية','الترتيب','ON DELETE','إسم العمود','إسم المتغير','النوع','الطول','خيارات','تزايد تلقائي','القيمة الإفتراضية','تعليق','إضافة التالي','نقل للأعلى','نقل للأسفل','مسح','عرض','جدول','عمود','المؤشرات','تعديل المؤشرات','المصدر','الهدف','ON UPDATE','تعديل','إضافة مفتاح أجنبي','الزنادات','إضافة زناد','وصلة دائمة','تصدير','إخراج','الصيغة','الروتينات','الأحداث','معلومات','تعديل','إنشاء مستخدم','هناك خطأ في الإستعلام','%d أسطر','تم تنفسذ الإستعلام, %d عدد الأسطر المعدلة.','لا توجد أوامر للتنفيذ.',array('تم تنفيذ الإستعلام %d بنجاح.','تم تنفيذ الإستعلامات %d بنجاح.'),'رفع ملف','تم إلغاء رفع الملفات.','تنفيذ','أوقف في حالة حدوث خطأ','إعرض الأخطاء فقط','من الخادم','ملف %s من خادم الويب','نفذ الملف','تاريخ','مسح','تعديل الكل','تم حذف العنصر.','تم تعديل العنصر.','تم إدراج العنصر.','إنشاء','حفظ','إحفظ و واصل التعديل','جفظ و إنشاء التالي','مسح','تم حذف الجدول.','تم تعديل الجدول.','تم إنشاء الجدول.','إنشاء جدول','لقد تجاوزت العدد الأقصى للحقول. يرجى الرفع من %s و %s.','إسم الجدول','المحرك','مقسم بواسطة','التقسيمات','إسم التقسيم','القيم','تم تعديل المؤشر.','نوع المؤشر','العمود (الطول)','الإسم','تم حذف قاعدة البيانات.','تمت إعادة تسمية فاعدة البيانات.','تم إنشاء قاعدة البيانات.','تم تعديل قاعدة البيانات.','إنشاء قاعدة بيانات','تم حذف المخطط.','تم إنشاء المخطط.','تم تعديل المخطط.','إستدعاء','تم إستدعاء الروتين, عدد الأسطر المعدلة %d.','المفتاح الأجنبي تم مسحه.','المفتاح الأجنبي تم تعديله.','المفتاح الأجنبي تم إنشاؤه.','أعمدة المصدر و الهدف يجب أن تكون بنفس النوع, يجب أن يكون هناك مؤشر في أعمدة الهدف و البيانات المرجعية يجب ان تكون موجودة.','مفتاح أجنبي','الجدول المستهدف','تعديل','أضف عمود','تم مسح العرض.','تم تعديل العرض.','تم إنشاء العرض.','إنشاء عرض','تم مسح الحدث.','تم تعديل الحدث.','تم إنشاء الحدث.','تعديل حدث','إنشاء حدث','إبدأ','إنهاء','كل','حفظ عند الإنتهاء','تم حذف الروتين.','تم تعديل الروتين.','تم إنشاء الروتين.','تعديل الدالة','تعديل الإجراء','إنشاء دالة','إنشاء إجراء','نوع العودة','تم حذف السلسلة.','تم إنشاء السلسلة.','تم تعديل السلسلة.','تعديل سلسلة','إنشاء سلسلة','تم حذف النوع.','تم إنشاء النوع.','تعديل نوع','إنشاء نوع','تم حذف الزناد.','تم تعديل الزناد.','تم إنشاء الزناد.','تعديل زناد','إنشاء زناد','الوقت','الحدث','تم حذف المستخدم.','تم تعديل المستخدم.','تم إنشاء المستخدم.','تلبيد','روتين','موافق','إلغاء','عدد الإجراءات التي تم إيقافها %d.','%d في المجموع','إيقاف','عدد العناصر المعدلة هو %d.','أنقر نقرا مزدوجا على قيمة لتعديلها.','عدد الأسطر المستوردة هو %d.','من غير الممكن إختيار الجدول','علاقات','إستعمل الرابط "تعديل" لتعديل هذه القيمة.','صفحة','الأخيرة','نتيجة كاملة','نسخ','إستيراد',',','تم قطع الجداول.','تم نقل الجداول.','تم نسخ الجداول.','تم حذف الجداول.','الجداول و العروض','بحث في الجداول','المحرك','طول المعطيات.','طول المؤشر.','المساحة الحرة','الأسطر','تحليل','تحسين','فحص','إصلاح','قطع','نقل إلى قاعدة بيانات أخرى','نقل','نسخ','السلاسل','مواعيد','في وقت محدد','HH:MM:SS');break;}if(extension_loaded('pdo')){class
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Bug introduced by
It seems like you call parent on a different method (__construct() instead of dsn()). Are you sure this is correct? If so, you might want to change this to $this->__construct().

This check looks for a call to a parent method whose name is different than the method from which it is called.

Consider the following code:

class Daddy
    protected function getFirstName()
        return "Eidur";

    protected function getSurName()
        return "Gudjohnsen";

class Son
    public function getFirstName()
        return parent::getSurname();

The getFirstName() method in the Son calls the wrong method in the parent class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The return type of return false; (false) is incompatible with the return type of the parent method PDO::query of type PDOStatement.

If you return a value from a function or method, it should be a sub-type of the type that is given by the parent type f.e. an interface, or abstract method. This is more formally defined by the Lizkov substitution principle, and guarantees that classes that depend on the parent type can use any instance of a child type interchangably. This principle also belongs to the SOLID principles for object oriented design.

Let’s take a look at an example:

class Author {
    private $name;

    public function __construct($name) {
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getName() {
        return $this->name;

abstract class Post {
    public function getAuthor() {
        return 'Johannes';

class BlogPost extends Post {
    public function getAuthor() {
        return new Author('Johannes');

class ForumPost extends Post { /* ... */ }

function my_function(Post $post) {
    echo strtoupper($post->getAuthor());

Our function my_function expects a Post object, and outputs the author of the post. The base class Post returns a simple string and outputting a simple string will work just fine. However, the child class BlogPost which is a sub-type of Post instead decided to return an object, and is therefore violating the SOLID principles. If a BlogPost were passed to my_function, PHP would not complain, but ultimately fail when executing the strtoupper call in its body.

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Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $cb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
fetch_field(){$a=(object)$this->getColumnMeta($this->_offset++);$a->orgtable=$a->table;$a->orgname=$a->name;$a->charsetnr=(in_array("blob",$a->flags)?63:0);return$a;}}}$pa=array();$pa["sqlite"]="SQLite 3";$pa["sqlite2"]="SQLite 2";if(isset($_GET["sqlite"])||isset($_GET["sqlite2"])){$kc=array((isset($_GET["sqlite"])?"SQLite3":"SQLite"),"PDO_SQLite");define("DRIVER",(isset($_GET["sqlite"])?"sqlite":"sqlite2"));if(extension_loaded(isset($_GET["sqlite"])?"sqlite3":"sqlite")){if(isset($_GET["sqlite"])){class
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method lastErrorMsg does only exist in SQLite3, but not in SQLiteDatabase.

It seems like the method you are trying to call exists only in some of the possible types.

Let’s take a look at an example:

class A
    public function foo() { }

class B extends A
    public function bar() { }

 * @param A|B $x
function someFunction($x)
    $x->foo(); // This call is fine as the method exists in A and B.
    $x->bar(); // This method only exists in B and might cause an error.

Available Fixes

  1. Add an additional type-check:

     * @param A|B $x
    function someFunction($x)
        if ($x instanceof B) {
  2. Only allow a single type to be passed if the variable comes from a parameter:

    function someFunction(B $x) { /** ... */ }
Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method escapeString does only exist in SQLite3, but not in SQLiteDatabase.

It seems like the method you are trying to call exists only in some of the possible types.

Let’s take a look at an example:

class A
    public function foo() { }

class B extends A
    public function bar() { }

 * @param A|B $x
function someFunction($x)
    $x->foo(); // This call is fine as the method exists in A and B.
    $x->bar(); // This method only exists in B and might cause an error.

Available Fixes

  1. Add an additional type-check:

     * @param A|B $x
    function someFunction($x)
        if ($x instanceof B) {
  2. Only allow a single type to be passed if the variable comes from a parameter:

    function someFunction(B $x) { /** ... */ }
Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _result does not exist. Did you maybe forget to declare it?

In PHP it is possible to write to properties without declaring them. For example, the following is perfectly valid PHP code:

class MyClass { }

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;

Generally, it is a good practice to explictly declare properties to avoid accidental typos and provide IDE auto-completion:

class MyClass {
    public $foo;

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;
Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _result cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_Result.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_SQLite has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L288-300) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The variable $n does not exist. Did you forget to declare it?

This check marks access to variables or properties that have not been declared yet. While PHP has no explicit notion of declaring a variable, accessing it before a value is assigned to it is most likely a bug.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method changes() does not seem to exist on object<Min_SQLite>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_Result has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L300-306) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_SQLite has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L288-300) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The variable $h does not seem to be defined for all execution paths leading up to this point.

If you define a variable conditionally, it can happen that it is not defined for all execution paths.

Let’s take a look at an example:

function myFunction($a) {
    switch ($a) {
        case 'foo':
            $x = 1;

        case 'bar':
            $x = 2;

    // $x is potentially undefined here.
    echo $x;

In the above example, the variable $x is defined if you pass “foo” or “bar” as argument for $a. However, since the switch statement has no default case statement, if you pass any other value, the variable $x would be undefined.

Available Fixes

  1. Check for existence of the variable explicitly:

    function myFunction($a) {
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
        if (isset($x)) { // Make sure it's always set.
            echo $x;
  2. Define a default value for the variable:

    function myFunction($a) {
        $x = ''; // Set a default which gets overridden for certain paths.
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
        echo $x;
  3. Add a value for the missing path:

    function myFunction($a) {
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
            // We add support for the missing case.
                $x = '';
        echo $x;
Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method dsn() does not seem to exist on object<Min_SQLite>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
select_db($la){if(is_readable($la)&&$this->query("ATTACH ".$this->quote(ereg("(^[/\\]|:)",$la)?$la:dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"])."/$la")." AS a")){$this->Min_SQLite($la);return
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _result does not exist. Did you maybe forget to declare it?

In PHP it is possible to write to properties without declaring them. For example, the following is perfectly valid PHP code:

class MyClass { }

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;

Generally, it is a good practice to explictly declare properties to avoid accidental typos and provide IDE auto-completion:

class MyClass {
    public $foo;

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;
Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
limit($i,$t,$L,$N=0,$fb=" "){return" $i$t".(isset($L)?$fb."LIMIT $L".($N?" OFFSET $N":""):"");}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $fb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
limit1($i,$t){global$g;return($g->result("SELECT sqlite_compileoption_used('ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT')")?limit($i,$t,1):" $i$t");}function
db_collation($s,$Z){global$g;return$g->result("PRAGMA encoding");}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $s is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Z is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
get_key_vals("SELECT name, type FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table', 'view') ORDER BY (name = 'sqlite_sequence'), name",1);}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $_ is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
359 View Code Duplication
table_status($f=""){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT name AS Name, type AS Engine FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ('table', 'view')".($f!=""?" AND name = ".q($f):""))as$a){$a["Auto_increment"]="";$c[$a["Name"]]=$a;}foreach(get_rows("SELECT * FROM sqlite_sequence",null,"")as$a){$c[$a["name"]]["Auto_increment"]=$a["seq"];}return($f!=""?$c[$f]:$c);}function
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
fk_support($E){global$g;return!$g->result("SELECT sqlite_compileoption_used('OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY')");}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $E is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
fields($h){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("PRAGMA table_info(".table($h).")")as$a){$z=strtolower($a["type"]);$Ea=$a["dflt_value"];$c[$a["name"]]=array("field"=>$a["name"],"type"=>(eregi("int",$z)?"integer":(eregi("char|clob|text",$z)?"text":(eregi("blob",$z)?"blob":(eregi("real|floa|doub",$z)?"real":"numeric")))),"full_type"=>$z,"default"=>(ereg("'(.*)'",$Ea,$k)?str_replace("''","'",$k[1]):($Ea=="NULL"?null:$Ea)),"null"=>!$a["notnull"],"auto_increment"=>eregi('^integer$',$z)&&$a["pk"],"privileges"=>array("select"=>1,"insert"=>1,"update"=>1),"primary"=>$a["pk"],);}return$c;}function
indexes($h,$G=null){$c=array();$Ma=array();foreach(fields($h)as$e){if($e["primary"]){$Ma[]=$e["field"];}}if($Ma){$c[""]=array("type"=>"PRIMARY","columns"=>$Ma,"lengths"=>array());}foreach(get_rows("PRAGMA index_list(".table($h).")")as$a){$c[$a["name"]]["type"]=($a["unique"]?"UNIQUE":"INDEX");$c[$a["name"]]["lengths"]=array();foreach(get_rows("PRAGMA index_info(".idf_escape($a["name"]).")")as$dd){$c[$a["name"]]["columns"][]=$dd["name"];}}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Ma of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $G is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
364 View Code Duplication
foreign_keys($h){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("PRAGMA foreign_key_list(".table($h).")")as$a){$A=&$c[$a["id"]];if(!$A){$A=$a;}$A["source"][]=$a["from"];$A["target"][]=$a["to"];}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $h is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
array("select"=>preg_replace('~^(?:[^`"[]+|`[^`]*`|"[^"]*")* AS\\s+~iU','',$g->result("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = ".q($f))));}function
collations(){return(isset($_GET["create"])?get_vals("PRAGMA collation_list",1):array());}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $s is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
check_sqlite_name($f){global$g;$Le="db|sdb|sqlite";if(!preg_match("~^[^\\0]*\\.($Le)\$~",$f)){$g->error=lang(9,str_replace("|",", ",$Le));return
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $U is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Min_SQLite($s);$x->query('PRAGMA encoding = "UTF-8"');$x->query('CREATE TABLE adminer (i)');$x->query('DROP TABLE adminer');return
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $U is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
auto_increment(){return" PRIMARY KEY".(DRIVER=="sqlite"?" AUTOINCREMENT":"");}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Oa is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Ca is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $wb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $U is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Va is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $zb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
as$e){if($e[1]){$v[]=($h!=""&&$e[0]==""?"ADD ":"  ").implode($e[1]);}}$v=array_merge($v,$Oa);if($h!=""){foreach($v
as$b){if(!queries("ALTER TABLE ".table($h)." $b")){return
false;}}if($h!=$f&&!queries("ALTER TABLE ".table($h)." RENAME TO ".table($f))){return
false;}}elseif(!queries("CREATE TABLE ".table($f)." (\n".implode(",\n",$v)."\n)")){return
false;}if($Va){queries("UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq = $Va WHERE name = ".q($f));}return
397 View Code Duplication
as$b){if(!queries($b[2]=="DROP"?"DROP INDEX ".idf_escape($b[1]):"CREATE $b[0] ".($b[0]!="INDEX"?"INDEX ":"").idf_escape($b[1]!=""?$b[1]:uniqid($h."_"))." ON ".table($h)." $b[2]")){return
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
apply_queries("DELETE FROM",$D);}function
apply_queries("DROP VIEW",$Y);}function
apply_queries("DROP TABLE",$D);}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $D is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Y is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $ia is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
trigger($f){global$g;preg_match('~^CREATE\\s+TRIGGER\\s*(?:[^`"\\s]+|`[^`]*`|"[^"]*")+\\s*([a-z]+)\\s+([a-z]+)\\s+ON\\s*(?:[^`"\\s]+|`[^`]*`|"[^"]*")+\\s*(?:FOR\\s*EACH\\s*ROW\\s)?(.*)~is',$g->result("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = ".q($f)),$k);return
triggers($h){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND tbl_name = ".q($h))as$a){preg_match('~^CREATE\\s+TRIGGER\\s*(?:[^`"\\s]+|`[^`]*`|"[^"]*")+\\s*([a-z]+)\\s*([a-z]+)~i',$a["sql"],$k);$c[$a["name"]]=array($k[1],$k[2]);}return$c;}function
array("Timing"=>array("BEFORE","AFTER","INSTEAD OF"),"Type"=>array("FOR EACH ROW"),);}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $f is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $z is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
queries("INSERT INTO ".table($h).($r?" (".implode(", ",array_keys($r)).")\nVALUES (".implode(", ",$r).")":"DEFAULT VALUES"));}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Ma is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
queries("REPLACE INTO ".table($h)." (".implode(", ",array_keys($r)).") VALUES (".implode(", ",$r).")");}function
last_id(){global$g;return$g->result("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ROWID()");}function
explain($g,$i){return$g->query("EXPLAIN $i");}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Rd is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
create_sql($h,$Va){global$g;return$g->result("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = ".q($h));}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Va is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
truncate_sql($h){return"DELETE FROM ".table($h);}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $ea is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $V is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
implode(get_vals("SELECT sql || ';;\n' FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND name = ".q($h)));}function
show_variables(){global$g;$c=array();foreach(array("auto_vacuum","cache_size","count_changes","default_cache_size","empty_result_callbacks","encoding","foreign_keys","full_column_names","fullfsync","journal_mode","journal_size_limit","legacy_file_format","locking_mode","page_size","max_page_count","read_uncommitted","recursive_triggers","reverse_unordered_selects","secure_delete","short_column_names","synchronous","temp_store","temp_store_directory","schema_version","integrity_check","quick_check")as$d){$c[$d]=$g->result("PRAGMA $d");}return$c;}function
show_status(){$c=array();foreach(get_vals("PRAGMA compile_options")as$tf){list($d,$b)=explode("=",$tf,2);$c[$d]=$b;}return$c;}function
ereg('^(view|trigger|variables|status|dump)$',$_b);}$u="sqlite";$S=array("integer"=>0,"real"=>0,"numeric"=>0,"text"=>0,"blob"=>0);$Pa=array_keys($S);$mb=array();$ic=array("=","<",">","<=",">=","!=","LIKE","LIKE %%","IN","IS NULL","NOT LIKE","NOT IN","IS NOT NULL","");$ca=array("hex","length","lower","round","unixepoch","upper");$qb=array("avg","count","count distinct","group_concat","max","min","sum");$Mb=array(array(),array("integer|real|numeric"=>"+/-","text"=>"||",));}$pa["pgsql"]="PostgreSQL";if(isset($_GET["pgsql"])){$kc=array("PgSQL","PDO_PgSQL");define("DRIVER","pgsql");if(extension_loaded("pgsql")){class
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_DB has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L329-339) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
_error($nf,$n){if(ini_bool("html_errors")){$n=html_entity_decode(strip_tags($n));}$n=ereg_replace('^[^:]*: ','',$n);$this->error=$n;}function
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
connect($F,$Q,$T){global$o;$s=$o->database();set_error_handler(array($this,'_error'));$this->_string="host='".str_replace(":","' port='",addcslashes($F,"'\\"))."' user='".addcslashes($Q,"'\\")."' password='".addcslashes($T,"'\\")."'";$this->_link=@pg_connect($this->_string.($s!=""?" dbname='".addcslashes($s,"'\\")."'":" dbname='template1'"),PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW);if(!$this->_link&&$s!=""){$this->_database=false;$this->_link=@pg_connect("$this->_string dbname='template1'",PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW);}restore_error_handler();if($this->_link){$wd=pg_version($this->_link);$this->server_info=$wd["server"];pg_set_client_encoding($this->_link,"UTF8");}return(bool)$this->_link;}function
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property server_info cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property _string does not exist. Did you maybe forget to declare it?

In PHP it is possible to write to properties without declaring them. For example, the following is perfectly valid PHP code:

class MyClass { }

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;

Generally, it is a good practice to explictly declare properties to avoid accidental typos and provide IDE auto-completion:

class MyClass {
    public $foo;

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;
Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property _database does not exist. Did you maybe forget to declare it?

In PHP it is possible to write to properties without declaring them. For example, the following is perfectly valid PHP code:

class MyClass { }

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;

Generally, it is a good practice to explictly declare properties to avoid accidental typos and provide IDE auto-completion:

class MyClass {
    public $foo;

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;
Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
select_db($ea){global$o;if($ea==$o->database()){return$this->_database;}$c=@pg_connect("$this->_string dbname='".addcslashes($ea,"'\\")."'",PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW);if($c){$this->_link=$c;}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
close(){$this->_link=@pg_connect("$this->_string dbname='template1'");}function
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $cb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property affected_rows cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_Result has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L300-306) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_DB has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L329-339) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
connect($F,$Q,$T){global$o;$s=$o->database();$I="pgsql:host='".str_replace(":","' port='",addcslashes($F,"'\\"))."' options='-c client_encoding=utf8'";$this->dsn($I.($s!=""?" dbname='".addcslashes($s,"'\\")."'":""),$Q,$T);return
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method dsn() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function idf_escape() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L339-340) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function table() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L340-342) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function connect() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L342-345) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function get_databases() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L345-347) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The method connect() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
get_vals("SELECT datname FROM pg_database");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function limit() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L347-348) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
limit($i,$t,$L,$N=0,$fb=" "){return" $i$t".(isset($L)?$fb."LIMIT $L".($N?" OFFSET $N":""):"");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function limit1() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L348-349) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
limit1($i,$t){return" $i$t";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function db_collation() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L349-350) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
db_collation($s,$Z){global$g;return$g->result("SHOW LC_COLLATE");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function engines() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L350-352) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $s is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Z is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function logged_user() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L352-354) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
logged_user(){global$g;return$g->result("SELECT user");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function tables_list() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L354-356) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_key_vals("SELECT table_name, table_type FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = current_schema() ORDER BY table_name");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function count_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L356-358) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $_ is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function table_status() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L358-359) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
491 View Code Duplication
table_status($f=""){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT relname AS \"Name\", CASE relkind WHEN 'r' THEN '' ELSE 'view' END AS \"Engine\", pg_relation_size(oid) AS \"Data_length\", pg_total_relation_size(oid) - pg_relation_size(oid) AS \"Index_length\", obj_description(oid, 'pg_class') AS \"Comment\", relhasoids AS \"Oid\"
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind IN ('r','v')
AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = current_schema())".($f!=""?" AND relname = ".q($f):""))as$a){$c[$a["Name"]]=$a;}return($f!=""?$c[$f]:$c);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function is_view() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L359-360) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function fk_support() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L360-361) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $E is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function fields() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L361-362) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
fields($h){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT a.attname AS field, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS full_type, d.adsrc AS default, a.attnotnull, col_description(c.oid, a.attnum) AS comment
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid
JOIN pg_attribute a ON c.oid = a.attrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON c.oid = d.adrelid AND a.attnum = d.adnum
WHERE c.relname = ".q($h)."
AND n.nspname = current_schema()
AND NOT a.attisdropped
AND a.attnum > 0
ORDER BY a.attnum")as$a){ereg('(.*)(\\((.*)\\))?',$a["full_type"],$k);list(,$a["type"],,$a["length"])=$k;$a["full_type"]=$a["type"].($a["length"]?"($a[length])":"");$a["null"]=($a["attnotnull"]=="f");$a["auto_increment"]=eregi("^nextval\\(",$a["default"]);$a["privileges"]=array("insert"=>1,"select"=>1,"update"=>1);if(preg_match('~^(.*)::.+$~',$a["default"],$k)){$a["default"]=($k[1][0]=="'"?idf_unescape($k[1]):$k[1]);}$c[$a["field"]]=$a;}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function indexes() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L362-363) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
indexes($h,$G=null){global$g;if(!is_object($G)){$G=$g;}$c=array();$jf=$G->result("SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = ".q($h));$B=get_key_vals("SELECT attnum, attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = $jf AND attnum > 0",$G);foreach(get_rows("SELECT relname, indisunique, indisprimary, indkey FROM pg_index i, pg_class ci WHERE i.indrelid = $jf AND ci.oid = i.indexrelid",$G)as$a){$c[$a["relname"]]["type"]=($a["indisprimary"]=="t"?"PRIMARY":($a["indisunique"]=="t"?"UNIQUE":"INDEX"));$c[$a["relname"]]["columns"]=array();foreach(explode(" ",$a["indkey"])as$rf){$c[$a["relname"]]["columns"][]=$B[$rf];}$c[$a["relname"]]["lengths"]=array();}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function foreign_keys() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L363-364) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
509 View Code Duplication
foreign_keys($h){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT tc.constraint_name, kcu.column_name, rc.update_rule AS on_update, rc.delete_rule AS on_delete, unique_constraint_schema AS ns, ccu.table_name AS table, ccu.column_name AS ref
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc
LEFT JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage kcu USING (constraint_catalog, constraint_schema, constraint_name)
LEFT JOIN information_schema.referential_constraints rc USING (constraint_catalog, constraint_schema, constraint_name)
LEFT JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu ON rc.unique_constraint_catalog = ccu.constraint_catalog AND rc.unique_constraint_schema = ccu.constraint_schema AND rc.unique_constraint_name = ccu.constraint_name
WHERE tc.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND tc.constraint_schema = current_schema() AND tc.table_name = ".q($h))as$a){$A=&$c[$a["constraint_name"]];if(!$A){$A=$a;}$A["source"][]=$a["column_name"];$A["target"][]=$a["ref"];}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function view() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L364-366) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
array("select"=>$g->result("SELECT pg_get_viewdef(".q($f).")"));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function collations() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L366-367) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function information_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L367-369) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function error() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L369-371) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
error(){global$g;$c=h($g->error);if(preg_match('~^(.*\\n)?([^\\n]*)\\n( *)\\^(\\n.*)?$~s',$c,$k)){$c=$k[1].preg_replace('~((?:[^&]|&[^;]*;){'.strlen($k[3]).'})(.*)~','\\1<b>\\2</b>',$k[2]).$k[4];}return
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function exact_value() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L371-373) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function create_database() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L376-381) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("CREATE DATABASE ".idf_escape($s).($U?" ENCODING ".idf_escape($U):""));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function drop_databases() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L381-385) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
apply_queries("DROP DATABASE",$_,'idf_escape');}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function rename_database() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L385-387) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $U is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
queries("ALTER DATABASE ".idf_escape(DB)." RENAME TO ".idf_escape($f));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function auto_increment() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L387-388) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function alter_table() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L388-395) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $wb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $U is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $zb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
as$e){$C=idf_escape($e[0]);$b=$e[1];if(!$b){$v[]="DROP $C";}else{$pd=$b[5];unset($b[5]);if(isset($b[6])&&$e[0]==""){$b[1]=($b[1]=="bigint"?" big":" ")."serial";}if($e[0]==""){$v[]=($h!=""?"ADD ":"  ").implode($b);}else{if($C!=$b[0]){$kb[]="ALTER TABLE ".table($h)." RENAME $C TO $b[0]";}$v[]="ALTER $C TYPE$b[1]";if(!$b[6]){$v[]="ALTER $C ".($b[3]?"SET$b[3]":"DROP DEFAULT");$v[]="ALTER $C ".($b[2]==" NULL"?"DROP NOT":"SET").$b[2];}}if($e[0]!=""||$pd!=""){$kb[]="COMMENT ON COLUMN ".table($h).".$b[0] IS ".($pd!=""?substr($pd,9):"''");}}}$v=array_merge($v,$Oa);if($h==""){array_unshift($kb,"CREATE TABLE ".table($f)." (\n".implode(",\n",$v)."\n)");}elseif($v){array_unshift($kb,"ALTER TABLE ".table($h)."\n".implode(",\n",$v));}if($h!=""&&$h!=$f){$kb[]="ALTER TABLE ".table($h)." RENAME TO ".table($f);}if($h!=""||$Ca!=""){$kb[]="COMMENT ON TABLE ".table($f)." IS ".q($Ca);}if($Va!=""){}foreach($kb
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $v of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function alter_indexes() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L395-399) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
as$b){if($b[0]!="INDEX"){$ma[]=($b[2]=="DROP"?"\nDROP CONSTRAINT ".idf_escape($b[1]):"\nADD $b[0] ".($b[0]=="PRIMARY"?"KEY ":"").$b[2]);}elseif($b[2]=="DROP"){$Ha[]=idf_escape($b[1]);}elseif(!queries("CREATE INDEX ".idf_escape($b[1]!=""?$b[1]:uniqid($h."_"))." ON ".table($h)." $b[2]")){return
false;}}return((!$ma||queries("ALTER TABLE ".table($h).implode(",",$ma)))&&(!$Ha||queries("DROP INDEX ".implode(", ",$Ha))));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function truncate_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L399-401) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $ma of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Ha of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
queries("TRUNCATE ".implode(", ",array_map('table',$D)));return
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
return true; does not seem to be reachable.

This check looks for unreachable code. It uses sophisticated control flow analysis techniques to find statements which will never be executed.

Unreachable code is most often the result of return, die or exit statements that have been added for debug purposes.

function fx() {
    try {
        return true;
    catch (\Exception $e) {
        return false;

    return false;

In the above example, the last return false will never be executed, because a return statement has already been met in every possible execution path.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function drop_views() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L401-403) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("DROP VIEW ".implode(", ",array_map('table',$Y)));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function drop_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L403-405) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("DROP TABLE ".implode(", ",array_map('table',$D)));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function move_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L405-407) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
547 View Code Duplication
as$h){if(!queries("ALTER TABLE ".table($h)." SET SCHEMA ".idf_escape($ia))){return
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
549 View Code Duplication
as$h){if(!queries("ALTER VIEW ".table($h)." SET SCHEMA ".idf_escape($ia))){return
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function trigger() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L407-409) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
trigger($f){$H=get_rows('SELECT trigger_name AS "Trigger", condition_timing AS "Timing", event_manipulation AS "Event", \'FOR EACH \' || action_orientation AS "Type", action_statement AS "Statement" FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE event_object_table = '.q($_GET["trigger"]).' AND trigger_name = '.q($f));return
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function triggers() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L409-410) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
triggers($h){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT * FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE event_object_table = ".q($h))as$a){$c[$a["trigger_name"]]=array($a["condition_timing"],$a["event_manipulation"]);}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function trigger_options() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L410-412) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
array("Timing"=>array("BEFORE","AFTER"),"Type"=>array("FOR EACH ROW","FOR EACH STATEMENT"),);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function routines() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L413-414) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_rows('SELECT p.proname AS "ROUTINE_NAME", p.proargtypes AS "ROUTINE_TYPE", pg_catalog.format_type(p.prorettype, NULL) AS "DTD_IDENTIFIER"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc p ON p.pronamespace = n.oid
WHERE n.nspname = current_schema()
ORDER BY p.proname');}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function routine_languages() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L414-415) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_vals("SELECT langname FROM pg_catalog.pg_language");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function begin() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L415-417) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function insert_into() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L417-419) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("INSERT INTO ".table($h).($r?" (".implode(", ",array_keys($r)).")\nVALUES (".implode(", ",$r).")":"DEFAULT VALUES"));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function insert_update() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L419-421) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
569 View Code Duplication
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){$ra[]="$d = $b";if(isset($Ma[idf_unescape($d)])){$t[]="$d = $b";}}return($t&&queries("UPDATE ".table($h)." SET ".implode(", ",$ra)." WHERE ".implode(" AND ",$t))&&$g->affected_rows)||queries("INSERT INTO ".table($h)." (".implode(", ",array_keys($r)).") VALUES (".implode(", ",$r).")");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function last_id() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L421-422) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $t of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function explain() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L422-423) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
explain($g,$i){return$g->query("EXPLAIN $i");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function types() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L423-425) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_vals("SELECT typname
FROM pg_type
WHERE typnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = current_schema())
AND typtype IN ('b','d','e')
AND typelem = 0");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function schemas() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L425-427) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_vals("SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function get_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L427-428) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_schema(){global$g;return$g->result("SELECT current_schema()");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function set_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L428-430) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
set_schema($La){global$g,$S,$Pa;$c=$g->query("SET search_path TO ".idf_escape($La));foreach(types()as$z){if(!isset($S[$z])){$S[$z]=0;$Pa[lang(11)][]=$z;}}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function use_sql() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L432-433) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
use_sql($ea){return"\connect ".idf_escape($ea);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function show_variables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L435-436) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_key_vals("SHOW ALL");}function
get_rows("SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity ORDER BY procpid");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function show_status() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L436-437) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function support() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L437-439) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
ereg('^(comment|view|scheme|processlist|sequence|trigger|type|variables|drop_col)$',$_b);}$u="pgsql";$S=array();$Pa=array();foreach(array(lang(12)=>array("smallint"=>5,"integer"=>10,"bigint"=>19,"boolean"=>1,"numeric"=>0,"real"=>7,"double precision"=>16,"money"=>20),lang(13)=>array("date"=>13,"time"=>17,"timestamp"=>20,"interval"=>0),lang(14)=>array("character"=>0,"character varying"=>0,"text"=>0,"tsquery"=>0,"tsvector"=>0,"uuid"=>0,"xml"=>0),lang(15)=>array("bit"=>0,"bit varying"=>0,"bytea"=>0),lang(16)=>array("cidr"=>43,"inet"=>43,"macaddr"=>17,"txid_snapshot"=>0),lang(17)=>array("box"=>0,"circle"=>0,"line"=>0,"lseg"=>0,"path"=>0,"point"=>0,"polygon"=>0),)as$d=>$b){$S+=$b;$Pa[$d]=array_keys($b);}$mb=array();$ic=array("=","<",">","<=",">=","!=","~","!~","LIKE","LIKE %%","IN","IS NULL","NOT LIKE","NOT IN","IS NOT NULL","");$ca=array("char_length","lower","round","to_hex","to_timestamp","upper");$qb=array("avg","count","count distinct","max","min","sum");$Mb=array(array("char"=>"md5","date|time"=>"now",),array("int|numeric|real|money"=>"+/-","date|time"=>"+ interval/- interval","char|text"=>"||",));}$pa["oracle"]="Oracle";if(isset($_GET["oracle"])){$kc=array("OCI8","PDO_OCI");define("DRIVER","oracle");if(extension_loaded("oci8")){class
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_DB has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L329-339) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
_error($nf,$n){if(ini_bool("html_errors")){$n=html_entity_decode(strip_tags($n));}$n=ereg_replace('^[^:]*: ','',$n);$this->error=$n;}function
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property server_info cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $ea is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $cb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property affected_rows cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_Result has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L300-306) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method _convert() does not seem to exist on object<Min_Result>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method _convert() does not seem to exist on object<Min_Result>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_DB has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L329-339) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method dsn() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $ea is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function idf_escape() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L339-340) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function table() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L340-342) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function connect() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L342-345) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function get_databases() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L345-347) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The method connect() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
get_vals("SELECT tablespace_name FROM user_tablespaces");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function limit() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L347-348) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
limit($i,$t,$L,$N=0,$fb=" "){return($N?" * FROM (SELECT t.*, rownum AS rnum FROM (SELECT $i$t) t WHERE rownum <= ".($L+$N).") WHERE rnum > $N":(isset($L)?" * FROM (SELECT $i$t) WHERE rownum <= ".($L+$N):" $i$t"));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function limit1() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L348-349) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $fb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
limit1($i,$t){return" $i$t";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function db_collation() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L349-350) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
db_collation($s,$Z){global$g;return$g->result("SELECT value FROM nls_database_parameters WHERE parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function engines() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L350-352) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $s is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Z is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function logged_user() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L352-354) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
logged_user(){global$g;return$g->result("SELECT USER FROM DUAL");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function tables_list() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L354-356) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_key_vals("SELECT table_name, 'table' FROM all_tables WHERE tablespace_name = ".q(DB)."
UNION SELECT view_name, 'view' FROM user_views");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function count_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L356-358) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $_ is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function table_status() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L358-359) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
table_status($f=""){$c=array();$Oe=q($f);foreach(get_rows('SELECT table_name "Name", \'table\' "Engine" FROM all_tables WHERE tablespace_name = '.q(DB).($f!=""?" AND table_name = $Oe":"")."
UNION SELECT view_name, 'view' FROM user_views".($f!=""?" WHERE view_name = $Oe":""))as$a){if($f!=""){return$a;}$c[$a["Name"]]=$a;}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function is_view() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L359-360) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function fk_support() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L360-361) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $E is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function fields() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L361-362) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
fields($h){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT * FROM all_tab_columns WHERE table_name = ".q($h)." ORDER BY column_id")as$a){$z=$a["DATA_TYPE"];$X="$a[DATA_PRECISION],$a[DATA_SCALE]";if($X==","){$X=$a["DATA_LENGTH"];}$c[$a["COLUMN_NAME"]]=array("field"=>$a["COLUMN_NAME"],"full_type"=>$z.($X?"($X)":""),"type"=>strtolower($z),"length"=>$X,"default"=>$a["DATA_DEFAULT"],"null"=>($a["NULLABLE"]=="Y"),"privileges"=>array("insert"=>1,"select"=>1,"update"=>1),);}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function indexes() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L362-363) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
indexes($h,$G=null){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT uic.*, uc.constraint_type
FROM user_ind_columns uic
LEFT JOIN user_constraints uc ON uic.index_name = uc.constraint_name AND uic.table_name = uc.table_name
WHERE uic.table_name = ".q($h)."
ORDER BY uc.constraint_type, uic.column_position",$G)as$a){$c[$a["INDEX_NAME"]]["type"]=($a["CONSTRAINT_TYPE"]=="P"?"PRIMARY":($a["CONSTRAINT_TYPE"]=="U"?"UNIQUE":"INDEX"));$c[$a["INDEX_NAME"]]["columns"][]=$a["COLUMN_NAME"];$c[$a["INDEX_NAME"]]["lengths"][]=($a["CHAR_LENGTH"]&&$a["CHAR_LENGTH"]!=$a["COLUMN_LENGTH"]?$a["CHAR_LENGTH"]:null);}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function view() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L364-366) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
view($f){$H=get_rows('SELECT text "select" FROM user_views WHERE view_name = '.q($f));return
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function collations() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L366-367) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function information_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L367-369) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $s is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function error() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L369-371) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function exact_value() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L371-373) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function explain() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L422-423) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
explain($g,$i){$g->query("EXPLAIN PLAN FOR $i");return$g->query("SELECT * FROM plan_table");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function alter_table() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L388-395) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Oa is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Ca is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $wb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $U is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Va is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $zb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
668 View Code Duplication
as$e){$b=$e[1];if($b&&$e[0]!=""&&idf_escape($e[0])!=$b[0]){queries("ALTER TABLE ".table($h)." RENAME COLUMN ".idf_escape($e[0])." TO $b[0]");}if($b){$v[]=($h!=""?($e[0]!=""?"MODIFY (":"ADD ("):"  ").implode($b).($h!=""?")":"");}else{$Ha[]=idf_escape($e[0]);}}if($h==""){return
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
queries("CREATE TABLE ".table($f)." (\n".implode(",\n",$v)."\n)");}return(!$v||queries("ALTER TABLE ".table($h)."\n".implode("\n",$v)))&&(!$Ha||queries("ALTER TABLE ".table($h)." DROP (".implode(", ",$Ha).")"))&&($h==$f||queries("ALTER TABLE ".table($h)." RENAME TO ".table($f)));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function foreign_keys() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L363-364) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $v of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Ha of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $h is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function truncate_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L399-401) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
apply_queries("TRUNCATE TABLE",$D);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function drop_views() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L401-403) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
apply_queries("DROP VIEW",$Y);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function drop_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L403-405) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
apply_queries("DROP TABLE",$D);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function begin() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L415-417) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function insert_into() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L417-419) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("INSERT INTO ".table($h)." (".implode(", ",array_keys($r)).")\nVALUES (".implode(", ",$r).")");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function last_id() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L421-422) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function schemas() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L425-427) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function get_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L427-428) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function set_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L428-430) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Rd is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function show_variables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L435-436) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_key_vals('SELECT name, display_value FROM v$parameter');}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function show_status() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L436-437) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
show_status(){$H=get_rows('SELECT * FROM v$instance');return
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function support() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L437-439) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
ereg("view|drop_col|variables|status",$_b);}$u="oracle";$S=array();$Pa=array();foreach(array(lang(12)=>array("number"=>38,"binary_float"=>12,"binary_double"=>21),lang(13)=>array("date"=>10,"timestamp"=>29,"interval year"=>12,"interval day"=>28),lang(14)=>array("char"=>2000,"varchar2"=>4000,"nchar"=>2000,"nvarchar2"=>4000,"clob"=>4294967295,"nclob"=>4294967295),lang(15)=>array("raw"=>2000,"long raw"=>2147483648,"blob"=>4294967295,"bfile"=>4294967296),)as$d=>$b){$S+=$b;$Pa[$d]=array_keys($b);}$mb=array();$ic=array("=","<",">","<=",">=","!=","LIKE","LIKE %%","IN","IS NULL","NOT LIKE","NOT REGEXP","NOT IN","IS NOT NULL","");$ca=array("length","lower","round","upper");$qb=array("avg","count","count distinct","max","min","sum");$Mb=array(array("date"=>"current_date","timestamp"=>"current_timestamp",),array("number|float|double"=>"+/-","date|timestamp"=>"+ interval/- interval","char|clob"=>"||",));}$pa["mssql"]="MS SQL";if(isset($_GET["mssql"])){$kc=array("SQLSRV","MSSQL");define("DRIVER","mssql");if(extension_loaded("sqlsrv")){class
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_DB has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L329-339) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property server_info cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The method _get_error() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
select_db($ea){return$this->query("USE $ea");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The method _get_error() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $cb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The call to Min_DB::store_result() has too many arguments starting with $j.

This check compares calls to functions or methods with their respective definitions. If the call has more arguments than are defined, it raises an issue.

If a function is defined several times with a different number of parameters, the check may pick up the wrong definition and report false positives. One codebase where this has been known to happen is Wordpress.

In this case you can add the @ignore PhpDoc annotation to the duplicate definition and it will be ignored.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The method _get_error() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property affected_rows cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_Result has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L300-306) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){if(is_a($b,'DateTime')){$a[$d]=$b->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");}}return$a;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method _convert() does not seem to exist on object<Min_Result>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method _convert() does not seem to exist on object<Min_Result>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _fields does not exist. Did you maybe forget to declare it?

In PHP it is possible to write to properties without declaring them. For example, the following is perfectly valid PHP code:

class MyClass { }

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;

Generally, it is a good practice to explictly declare properties to avoid accidental typos and provide IDE auto-completion:

class MyClass {
    public $foo;

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;
Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_DB has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L329-339) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
connect($F,$Q,$T){$this->_link=@mssql_connect($F,$Q,$T);if($this->_link){$j=$this->query("SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel'), SERVERPROPERTY('Edition')");$a=$j->fetch_row();$this->server_info=$this->result("sp_server_info 2",2)." [$a[0]] $a[1]";}else{$this->error=mssql_get_last_message();}return(bool)$this->_link;}function
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property server_info cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $cb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property affected_rows cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_Result has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L300-306) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property _result cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_Result.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function idf_escape() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L339-340) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function table() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L340-342) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function connect() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L342-345) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function get_databases() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L345-347) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The method connect() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
get_vals("EXEC sp_databases");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function limit() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L347-348) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
limit($i,$t,$L,$N=0,$fb=" "){return(isset($L)?" TOP (".($L+$N).")":"")." $i$t";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function limit1() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L348-349) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $fb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function db_collation() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L349-350) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
db_collation($s,$Z){global$g;return$g->result("SELECT collation_name FROM sys.databases WHERE name =  ".q($s));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function engines() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L350-352) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Z is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function logged_user() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L352-354) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
logged_user(){global$g;return$g->result("SELECT SUSER_NAME()");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function tables_list() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L354-356) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_key_vals("SELECT name, type_desc FROM sys.all_objects WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID(".q(get_schema()).") AND type IN ('S', 'U', 'V') ORDER BY name");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function count_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L356-358) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
as$s){$g->select_db($s);$c[$s]=$g->result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES");}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function table_status() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L358-359) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
table_status($f=""){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT name AS Name, type_desc AS Engine FROM sys.all_objects WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID(".q(get_schema()).") AND type IN ('S', 'U', 'V')".($f!=""?" AND name = ".q($f):""))as$a){if($f!=""){return$a;}$c[$a["Name"]]=$a;}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function is_view() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L359-360) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function fk_support() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L360-361) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $E is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function fields() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L361-362) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
fields($h){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT c.*, type, d.definition [default]
FROM sys.all_columns c
JOIN sys.all_objects o ON c.object_id = o.object_id
JOIN sys.types t ON c.user_type_id = t.user_type_id
LEFT JOIN sys.default_constraints d ON c.default_object_id = d.parent_column_id
WHERE o.schema_id = SCHEMA_ID(".q(get_schema()).") AND o.type IN ('S', 'U', 'V') AND = ".q($h))as$a){$z=$a["type"];$X=(ereg("char|binary",$z)?$a["max_length"]:($z=="decimal"?"$a[precision],$a[scale]":""));$c[$a["name"]]=array("field"=>$a["name"],"full_type"=>$z.($X?"($X)":""),"type"=>$z,"length"=>$X,"default"=>$a["default"],"null"=>$a["is_nullable"],"auto_increment"=>$a["is_identity"],"collation"=>$a["collation_name"],"privileges"=>array("insert"=>1,"select"=>1,"update"=>1),"primary"=>$a["is_identity"],);}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function indexes() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L362-363) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
indexes($h,$G=null){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT, key_ordinal, is_unique, is_primary_key, AS column_name
FROM sys.indexes i
INNER JOIN sys.index_columns ic ON i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON ic.object_id = c.object_id AND ic.column_id = c.column_id
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id) = ".q($h),$G)as$a){$c[$a["name"]]["type"]=($a["is_primary_key"]?"PRIMARY":($a["is_unique"]?"UNIQUE":"INDEX"));$c[$a["name"]]["lengths"]=array();$c[$a["name"]]["columns"][$a["key_ordinal"]]=$a["column_name"];}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function view() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L364-366) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
array("select"=>preg_replace('~^(?:[^[]|\\[[^]]*])*\\s+AS\\s+~isU','',$g->result("SELECT VIEW_DEFINITION FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = SCHEMA_NAME() AND TABLE_NAME = ".q($f))));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function collations() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L366-367) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
collations(){$c=array();foreach(get_vals("SELECT name FROM fn_helpcollations()")as$U){$c[ereg_replace("_.*","",$U)][]=$U;}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function information_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L367-369) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $s is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function error() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L369-371) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function exact_value() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L371-373) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function create_database() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L376-381) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("CREATE DATABASE ".idf_escape($s).(eregi('^[a-z0-9_]+$',$U)?" COLLATE $U":""));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function drop_databases() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L381-385) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("DROP DATABASE ".implode(", ",array_map('idf_escape',$_)));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function rename_database() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L385-387) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
rename_database($f,$U){if(eregi('^[a-z0-9_]+$',$U)){queries("ALTER DATABASE ".idf_escape(DB)." COLLATE $U");}queries("ALTER DATABASE ".idf_escape(DB)." MODIFY NAME = ".idf_escape($f));return
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function auto_increment() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L387-388) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
auto_increment(){return" IDENTITY".($_POST["Auto_increment"]!=""?"(".(+$_POST["Auto_increment"]).",1)":"")." PRIMARY KEY";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function alter_table() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L388-395) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Ca is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $wb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $U is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Va is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $zb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
800 View Code Duplication
as$e){$C=idf_escape($e[0]);$b=$e[1];if(!$b){$v["DROP"][]=" COLUMN $C";}else{$b[1]=preg_replace("~( COLLATE )'(\\w+)'~","\\1\\2",$b[1]);if($e[0]==""){$v["ADD"][]="\n  ".implode("",$b).($h==""?substr($Oa[$b[0]],16+strlen($b[0])):"");}else{unset($b[6]);if($C!=$b[0]){queries("EXEC sp_rename ".q(table($h).".$C").", ".q(idf_unescape($b[0])).", 'COLUMN'");}$v["ALTER COLUMN ".implode("",$b)][]="";}}}if($h==""){return
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
queries("CREATE TABLE ".table($f)." (".implode(",",(array)$v["ADD"])."\n)");}if($h!=$f){queries("EXEC sp_rename ".q(table($h)).", ".q($f));}if($Oa){$v[""]=$Oa;}foreach($v
as$d=>$b){if(!queries("ALTER TABLE ".idf_escape($f)." $d".implode(",",$b))){return
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function alter_indexes() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L395-399) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
806 View Code Duplication
as$b){if($b[2]=="DROP"){if($b[0]=="PRIMARY"){$Ha[]=idf_escape($b[1]);}else{$w[]=idf_escape($b[1])." ON ".table($h);}}elseif(!queries(($b[0]!="PRIMARY"?"CREATE $b[0] ".($b[0]!="INDEX"?"INDEX ":"").idf_escape($b[1]!=""?$b[1]:uniqid($h."_"))." ON ".table($h):"ALTER TABLE ".table($h)." ADD PRIMARY KEY")." $b[2]")){return
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
false;}}return(!$w||queries("DROP INDEX ".implode(", ",$w)))&&(!$Ha||queries("ALTER TABLE ".table($h)." DROP ".implode(", ",$Ha)));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function begin() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L415-417) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $w of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Ha of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
queries("BEGIN TRANSACTION");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function insert_into() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L417-419) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("INSERT INTO ".table($h).($r?" (".implode(", ",array_keys($r)).")\nVALUES (".implode(", ",$r).")":"DEFAULT VALUES"));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function insert_update() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L419-421) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
812 View Code Duplication
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){$ra[]="$d = $b";if(isset($Ma[idf_unescape($d)])){$t[]="$d = $b";}}return
queries("MERGE ".table($h)." USING (VALUES(".implode(", ",$r).")) AS source (c".implode(", c",range(1,count($r))).") ON ".implode(" AND ",$t)." WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET ".implode(", ",$ra)." WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (".implode(", ",array_keys($r)).") VALUES (".implode(", ",$r).");");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function last_id() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L421-422) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
last_id(){global$g;return$g->result("SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function explain() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L422-423) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
explain($g,$i){$g->query("SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON");$c=$g->query($i);$g->query("SET SHOWPLAN_ALL OFF");return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function foreign_keys() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L363-364) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
817 View Code Duplication
foreign_keys($h){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("EXEC sp_fkeys @fktable_name = ".q($h))as$a){$A=&$c[$a["FK_NAME"]];$A["table"]=$a["PKTABLE_NAME"];$A["source"][]=$a["FKCOLUMN_NAME"];$A["target"][]=$a["PKCOLUMN_NAME"];}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function truncate_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L399-401) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
apply_queries("TRUNCATE TABLE",$D);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function drop_views() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L401-403) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("DROP VIEW ".implode(", ",array_map('table',$Y)));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function drop_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L403-405) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("DROP TABLE ".implode(", ",array_map('table',$D)));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function move_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L405-407) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
apply_queries("ALTER SCHEMA ".idf_escape($ia)." TRANSFER",array_merge($D,$Y));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function trigger() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L407-409) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
trigger($f){$H=get_rows("SELECT [Trigger],
FROM sysobjects s
JOIN syscomments c ON =
WHERE s.xtype = 'TR' AND = ".q($f));$c=reset($H);if($c){$c["Statement"]=preg_replace('~^.+\\s+AS\\s+~isU','',$c["text"]);}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function triggers() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L409-410) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
FROM sysobjects sys1
JOIN sysobjects sys2 ON sys1.parent_obj =
WHERE sys1.xtype = 'TR' AND = ".q($h))as$a){$c[$a["name"]]=array($a["Timing"],$a["Event"]);}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function trigger_options() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L410-412) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
array("Timing"=>array("AFTER","INSTEAD OF"),"Type"=>array("AS"),);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function schemas() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L425-427) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_vals("SELECT name FROM sys.schemas");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function get_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L427-428) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_schema(){global$g;if($_GET["ns"]!=""){return$_GET["ns"];}return$g->result("SELECT SCHEMA_NAME()");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function set_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L428-430) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $La is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function use_sql() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L432-433) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
use_sql($ea){return"USE ".idf_escape($ea);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function show_variables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L435-436) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function show_status() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L436-437) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function support() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L437-439) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
ereg('^(scheme|trigger|view|drop_col)$',$_b);}$u="mssql";$S=array();$Pa=array();foreach(array(lang(12)=>array("tinyint"=>3,"smallint"=>5,"int"=>10,"bigint"=>20,"bit"=>1,"decimal"=>0,"real"=>12,"float"=>53,"smallmoney"=>10,"money"=>20),lang(13)=>array("date"=>10,"smalldatetime"=>19,"datetime"=>19,"datetime2"=>19,"time"=>8,"datetimeoffset"=>10),lang(14)=>array("char"=>8000,"varchar"=>8000,"text"=>2147483647,"nchar"=>4000,"nvarchar"=>4000,"ntext"=>1073741823),lang(15)=>array("binary"=>8000,"varbinary"=>8000,"image"=>2147483647),)as$d=>$b){$S+=$b;$Pa[$d]=array_keys($b);}$mb=array();$ic=array("=","<",">","<=",">=","!=","LIKE","LIKE %%","IN","IS NULL","NOT LIKE","NOT IN","IS NOT NULL","");$ca=array("len","lower","round","upper");$qb=array("avg","count","count distinct","max","min","sum");$Mb=array(array("date|time"=>"getdate",),array("int|decimal|real|float|money|datetime"=>"+/-","char|text"=>"+",));}$pa=array("server"=>"MySQL")+$pa;if(!defined("DRIVER")){$kc=array("MySQLi","MySQL","PDO_MySQL");define("DRIVER","server");if(extension_loaded("mysqli")){class
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_DB has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L329-339) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method init() does not seem to exist on object<Min_SQLite>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
Comprehensibility Bug introduced by
It seems like you call parent on a different method (init() instead of Min_DB()). Are you sure this is correct? If so, you might want to change this to $this->init().

This check looks for a call to a parent method whose name is different than the method from which it is called.

Consider the following code:

class Daddy
    protected function getFirstName()
        return "Eidur";

    protected function getSurName()
        return "Gudjohnsen";

class Son
    public function getFirstName()
        return parent::getSurname();

The getFirstName() method in the Son calls the wrong method in the parent class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
connect($F,$Q,$T){mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF);list($wf,$Nc)=explode(":",$F,2);$c=@$this->real_connect(($F!=""?$wf:ini_get("mysqli.default_host")),($F.$Q!=""?$Q:ini_get("mysqli.default_user")),($F.$Q.$T!=""?$T:ini_get("mysqli.default_pw")),null,(is_numeric($Nc)?$Nc:ini_get("mysqli.default_port")),(!is_numeric($Nc)?$Nc:null));if($c){if(method_exists($this,'set_charset')){$this->set_charset("utf8");}else{$this->query("SET NAMES utf8");}}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method real_connect() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The method set_charset() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method fetch_array() does not seem to exist on object<Min_Result>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_DB has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L329-339) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The method escape_string() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
connect($F,$Q,$T){$this->_link=@mysql_connect(($F!=""?$F:ini_get("mysql.default_host")),("$F$Q"!=""?$Q:ini_get("mysql.default_user")),("$F$Q$T"!=""?$T:ini_get("mysql.default_password")),true,131072);if($this->_link){$this->server_info=mysql_get_server_info($this->_link);if(function_exists('mysql_set_charset')){mysql_set_charset("utf8",$this->_link);}else{$this->query("SET NAMES utf8");}}else{$this->error=mysql_error();}return(bool)$this->_link;}function
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property server_info cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property affected_rows cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property _link cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property info does not exist. Did you maybe forget to declare it?

In PHP it is possible to write to properties without declaring them. For example, the following is perfectly valid PHP code:

class MyClass { }

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;

Generally, it is a good practice to explictly declare properties to avoid accidental typos and provide IDE auto-completion:

class MyClass {
    public $foo;

$x = new MyClass();
$x->foo = true;
Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_Result has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L300-306) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Comprehensibility Best Practice introduced by
The type Min_DB has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L329-339) is considered.

This check looks for classes that have been defined more than once in the same file.

If you can, we would recommend to use standard object-oriented programming techniques. For example, to avoid multiple types, it might make sense to create a common interface, and then multiple, different implementations for that interface.

This also has the side-effect of providing you with better IDE auto-completion, static analysis and also better OPCode caching from PHP.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
connect($F,$Q,$T){$this->dsn("mysql:host=".str_replace(":",";unix_socket=",preg_replace('~:(\\d)~',';port=\\1',$F)),$Q,$T);$this->query("SET NAMES utf8");return
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method dsn() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
select_db($ea){return$this->query("USE ".idf_escape($ea));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The method setAttribute() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function idf_escape() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L339-340) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The call to Min_SQLite::query() has too many arguments starting with $cb.

This check compares calls to functions or methods with their respective definitions. If the call has more arguments than are defined, it raises an issue.

If a function is defined several times with a different number of parameters, the check may pick up the wrong definition and report false positives. One codebase where this has been known to happen is Wordpress.

In this case you can add the @ignore PhpDoc annotation to the duplicate definition and it will be ignored.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function table() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L340-342) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function connect() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L342-345) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Min_DB;$Da=$o->credentials();if($g->connect($Da[0],$Da[1],$Da[2])){$g->query("SET sql_quote_show_create = 1");return$g;}return$g->error;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function get_databases() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L345-347) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The method connect() does not seem to exist on object<Min_DB>.

This check looks for calls to methods that do not seem to exist on a given type. It looks for the method on the type itself as well as in inherited classes or implemented interfaces.

This is most likely a typographical error or the method has been renamed.

Loading history...
get_databases($Bf=true){global$g;$c=&get_session("dbs");if(!isset($c)){if($Bf){restart_session();ob_flush();flush();}$c=get_vals($g->server_info>=5?"SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA":"SHOW DATABASES");}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function limit() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L347-348) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
limit($i,$t,$L,$N=0,$fb=" "){return" $i$t".(isset($L)?$fb."LIMIT $L".($N?" OFFSET $N":""):"");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function limit1() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L348-349) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function db_collation() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L349-350) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
db_collation($s,$Z){global$g;$c=null;$ma=$g->result("SHOW CREATE DATABASE ".idf_escape($s),1);if(preg_match('~ COLLATE ([^ ]+)~',$ma,$k)){$c=$k[1];}elseif(preg_match('~ CHARACTER SET ([^ ]+)~',$ma,$k)){$c=$Z[$k[1]][-1];}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function engines() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L350-352) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
engines(){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SHOW ENGINES")as$a){if(ereg("YES|DEFAULT",$a["Support"])){$c[]=$a["Engine"];}}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function logged_user() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L352-354) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
logged_user(){global$g;return$g->result("SELECT USER()");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function tables_list() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L354-356) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_key_vals("SHOW".($g->server_info>=5?" FULL":"")." TABLES");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function count_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L356-358) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
as$s){$c[$s]=count(get_vals("SHOW TABLES IN ".idf_escape($s)));}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function table_status() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L358-359) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
table_status($f=""){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SHOW TABLE STATUS".($f!=""?" LIKE ".q(addcslashes($f,"%_")):""))as$a){if($a["Engine"]=="InnoDB"){$a["Comment"]=preg_replace('~(?:(.+); )?InnoDB free: .*~','\\1',$a["Comment"]);}if(!isset($a["Rows"])){$a["Comment"]="";}if($f!=""){return$a;}$c[$a["Name"]]=$a;}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function is_view() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L359-360) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function fk_support() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L360-361) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function fields() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L361-362) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
fields($h){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ".table($h))as$a){preg_match('~^([^( ]+)(?:\\((.+)\\))?( unsigned)?( zerofill)?$~',$a["Type"],$k);$c[$a["Field"]]=array("field"=>$a["Field"],"full_type"=>$a["Type"],"type"=>$k[1],"length"=>$k[2],"unsigned"=>ltrim($k[3].$k[4]),"default"=>($a["Default"]!=""||ereg("char",$k[1])?$a["Default"]:null),"null"=>($a["Null"]=="YES"),"auto_increment"=>($a["Extra"]=="auto_increment"),"on_update"=>(eregi('^on update (.+)',$a["Extra"],$k)?$k[1]:""),"collation"=>$a["Collation"],"privileges"=>array_flip(explode(",",$a["Privileges"])),"comment"=>$a["Comment"],"primary"=>($a["Key"]=="PRI"),);}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function indexes() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L362-363) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
indexes($h,$G=null){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SHOW INDEX FROM ".table($h),$G)as$a){$c[$a["Key_name"]]["type"]=($a["Key_name"]=="PRIMARY"?"PRIMARY":($a["Index_type"]=="FULLTEXT"?"FULLTEXT":($a["Non_unique"]?"INDEX":"UNIQUE")));$c[$a["Key_name"]]["columns"][]=$a["Column_name"];$c[$a["Key_name"]]["lengths"][]=$a["Sub_part"];}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function foreign_keys() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L363-364) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
foreign_keys($h){global$g,$eb;static$da='`(?:[^`]|``)+`';$c=array();$Ne=$g->result("SHOW CREATE TABLE ".table($h),1);if($Ne){preg_match_all("~CONSTRAINT ($da) FOREIGN KEY \\(((?:$da,? ?)+)\\) REFERENCES ($da)(?:\\.($da))? \\(((?:$da,? ?)+)\\)(?: ON DELETE (".implode("|",$eb)."))?(?: ON UPDATE (".implode("|",$eb)."))?~",$Ne,$ta,PREG_SET_ORDER);foreach($ta
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The expression $ta of type null|array<integer,array<integer,string>> is not guaranteed to be traversable. How about adding an additional type check?

There are different options of fixing this problem.

  1. If you want to be on the safe side, you can add an additional type-check:

    $collection = json_decode($data, true);
    if ( ! is_array($collection)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('$collection must be an array.');
    foreach ($collection as $item) { /** ... */ }
  2. If you are sure that the expression is traversable, you might want to add a doc comment cast to improve IDE auto-completion and static analysis:

    /** @var array $collection */
    $collection = json_decode($data, true);
    foreach ($collection as $item) { /** .. */ }
  3. Mark the issue as a false-positive: Just hover the remove button, in the top-right corner of this issue for more options.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function view() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L364-366) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
array("select"=>preg_replace('~^(?:[^`]|`[^`]*`)*\\s+AS\\s+~isU','',$g->result("SHOW CREATE VIEW ".table($f),1)));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function collations() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L366-367) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
collations(){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SHOW COLLATION")as$a){if($a["Default"]){$c[$a["Charset"]][-1]=$a["Collation"];}else{$c[$a["Charset"]][]=$a["Collation"];}}ksort($c);foreach($c
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function information_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L367-369) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function error() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L369-371) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
h(preg_replace('~^You have an error.*syntax to use~U',"Syntax error",$g->error));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function exact_value() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L371-373) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
q($b)." COLLATE utf8_bin";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function create_database() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L376-381) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("CREATE DATABASE ".idf_escape($s).($U?" COLLATE ".q($U):""));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function drop_databases() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L381-385) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
apply_queries("DROP DATABASE",$_,'idf_escape');}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function rename_database() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L385-387) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
rename_database($f,$U){if(create_database($f,$U)){$Zb=array();foreach(tables_list()as$h=>$z){$Zb[]=table($h)." TO ".idf_escape($f).".".table($h);}if(!$Zb||queries("RENAME TABLE ".implode(", ",$Zb))){queries("DROP DATABASE ".idf_escape(DB));return
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Zb of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function auto_increment() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L387-388) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
auto_increment(){$Hd=" PRIMARY KEY";if($_GET["create"]!=""&&$_POST["auto_increment_col"]){foreach(indexes($_GET["create"])as$w){if(in_array($_POST["fields"][$_POST["auto_increment_col"]]["orig"],$w["columns"],true)){$Hd="";break;}if($w["type"]=="PRIMARY"){$Hd=" UNIQUE";}}}return" AUTO_INCREMENT$Hd";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function alter_table() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L388-395) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
936 View Code Duplication
as$e){$v[]=($e[1]?($h!=""?($e[0]!=""?"CHANGE ".idf_escape($e[0]):"ADD"):" ")." ".implode($e[1]).($h!=""?" $e[2]":""):"DROP ".idf_escape($e[0]));}$v=array_merge($v,$Oa);$Yb="COMMENT=".q($Ca).($wb?" ENGINE=".q($wb):"").($U?" COLLATE ".q($U):"").($Va!=""?" AUTO_INCREMENT=$Va":"").$zb;if($h==""){return
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
queries("CREATE TABLE ".table($f)." (\n".implode(",\n",$v)."\n) $Yb");}if($h!=$f){$v[]="RENAME TO ".table($f);}$v[]=$Yb;return
queries("ALTER TABLE ".table($h)."\n".implode(",\n",$v));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function alter_indexes() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L395-399) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){$v[$d]=($b[2]=="DROP"?"\nDROP INDEX ".idf_escape($b[1]):"\nADD $b[0] ".($b[0]=="PRIMARY"?"KEY ":"").($b[1]!=""?idf_escape($b[1])." ":"").$b[2]);}return
queries("ALTER TABLE ".table($h).implode(",",$v));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function truncate_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L399-401) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
apply_queries("TRUNCATE TABLE",$D);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function drop_views() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L401-403) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("DROP VIEW ".implode(", ",array_map('table',$Y)));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function drop_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L403-405) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("DROP TABLE ".implode(", ",array_map('table',$D)));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function move_tables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L405-407) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
move_tables($D,$Y,$ia){$Zb=array();foreach(array_merge($D,$Y)as$h){$Zb[]=table($h)." TO ".idf_escape($ia).".".table($h);}return
queries("RENAME TABLE ".implode(", ",$Zb));}function
copy_tables($D,$Y,$ia){queries("SET sql_mode = 'NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'");foreach($D
as$h){$f=($ia==DB?table("copy_$h"):idf_escape($ia).".".table($h));if(!queries("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $f")||!queries("CREATE TABLE $f LIKE ".table($h))||!queries("INSERT INTO $f SELECT * FROM ".table($h))){return
as$h){$f=($ia==DB?table("copy_$h"):idf_escape($ia).".".table($h));$fc=view($h);if(!queries("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS $f")||!queries("CREATE VIEW $f AS $fc[select]")){return
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function trigger() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L407-409) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
trigger($f){$H=get_rows("SHOW TRIGGERS WHERE `Trigger` = ".q($f));return
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function triggers() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L409-410) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
triggers($h){$c=array();foreach(get_rows("SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE ".q(addcslashes($h,"%_")))as$a){$c[$a["Trigger"]]=array($a["Timing"],$a["Event"]);}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function trigger_options() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L410-412) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
array("Timing"=>array("BEFORE","AFTER"),"Type"=>array("FOR EACH ROW"),);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function routine() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L412-413) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
routine($f,$z){global$g,$Fb,$hc,$S;$xf=array("bool","boolean","integer","double precision","real","dec","numeric","fixed","national char","national varchar");$Me="((".implode("|",array_merge(array_keys($S),$xf)).")(?:\\s*\\(((?:[^'\")]*|$Fb)+)\\))?\\s*(zerofill\\s*)?(unsigned(?:\\s+zerofill)?)?)(?:\\s*(?:CHARSET|CHARACTER\\s+SET)\\s*['\"]?([^'\"\\s]+)['\"]?)?";$da="\\s*(".($z=="FUNCTION"?"":$hc).")?\\s*(?:`((?:[^`]|``)*)`\\s*|\\b(\\S+)\\s+)$Me";$ma=$g->result("SHOW CREATE $z ".idf_escape($f),2);preg_match("~\\(((?:$da\\s*,?)*)\\)".($z=="FUNCTION"?"\\s*RETURNS\\s+$Me":"")."\\s*(.*)~is",$ma,$k);$p=array();preg_match_all("~$da\\s*,?~is",$k[1],$ta,PREG_SET_ORDER);foreach($ta
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The expression $ta of type null|array<integer,array<integer,string>> is not guaranteed to be traversable. How about adding an additional type check?

There are different options of fixing this problem.

  1. If you want to be on the safe side, you can add an additional type-check:

    $collection = json_decode($data, true);
    if ( ! is_array($collection)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('$collection must be an array.');
    foreach ($collection as $item) { /** ... */ }
  2. If you are sure that the expression is traversable, you might want to add a doc comment cast to improve IDE auto-completion and static analysis:

    /** @var array $collection */
    $collection = json_decode($data, true);
    foreach ($collection as $item) { /** .. */ }
  3. Mark the issue as a false-positive: Just hover the remove button, in the top-right corner of this issue for more options.

Loading history...
as$hb){$f=str_replace("``","`",$hb[2]).$hb[3];$p[]=array("field"=>$f,"type"=>strtolower($hb[5]),"length"=>preg_replace_callback("~$Fb~s",'normalize_enum',$hb[6]),"unsigned"=>strtolower(preg_replace('~\\s+~',' ',trim("$hb[8] $hb[7]"))),"full_type"=>$hb[4],"inout"=>strtoupper($hb[1]),"collation"=>strtolower($hb[9]),);}if($z!="FUNCTION"){return
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function routines() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L413-414) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_rows("SELECT * FROM information_schema.ROUTINES WHERE ROUTINE_SCHEMA = ".q(DB));}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function routine_languages() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L414-415) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function begin() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L415-417) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function insert_into() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L417-419) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
queries("INSERT INTO ".table($h)." (".implode(", ",array_keys($r)).")\nVALUES (".implode(", ",$r).")");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function insert_update() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L419-421) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Ma is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){$r[$d]="$d = $b";}$ra=implode(", ",$r);return
queries("INSERT INTO ".table($h)." SET $ra ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $ra");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function last_id() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L421-422) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
last_id(){global$g;return$g->result("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function explain() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L422-423) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
explain($g,$i){return$g->query("EXPLAIN $i");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function types() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L423-425) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function schemas() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L425-427) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function get_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L427-428) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function set_schema() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L428-430) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $La is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function create_sql() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L430-431) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
create_sql($h,$Va){global$g;$c=$g->result("SHOW CREATE TABLE ".table($h),1);if(!$Va){$c=preg_replace('~ AUTO_INCREMENT=\\d+~','',$c);}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function truncate_sql() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L431-432) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
truncate_sql($h){return"TRUNCATE ".table($h);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function use_sql() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L432-433) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
use_sql($ea){return"USE ".idf_escape($ea);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function trigger_sql() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L433-435) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
trigger_sql($h,$V){$c="";foreach(get_rows("SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE ".q(addcslashes($h,"%_")),null,"-- ")as$a){$c.="\n".($V=='CREATE+ALTER'?"DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS ".idf_escape($a["Trigger"]).";;\n":"")."CREATE TRIGGER ".idf_escape($a["Trigger"])." $a[Timing] $a[Event] ON ".table($a["Table"])." FOR EACH ROW\n$a[Statement];;\n";}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function show_variables() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L435-436) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_key_vals("SHOW VARIABLES");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function process_list() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L586-588) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_rows("SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function show_status() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L436-437) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
get_key_vals("SHOW STATUS");}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
The function support() has been defined more than once; this definition is ignored, only the first definition in this file (L437-439) is considered.

This check looks for functions that have already been defined in the same file.

Some Codebases, like WordPress, make a practice of defining functions multiple times. This may lead to problems with the detection of function parameters and types. If you really need to do this, you can mark the duplicate definition with the @ignore annotation.

 * @ignore
function getUser() {


function getUser($id, $realm) {


See also the PhpDoc documentation for @ignore.

Loading history...
support($_b){global$g;return!ereg("scheme|sequence|type".($g->server_info<5.1?"|event|partitioning".($g->server_info<5?"|view|routine|trigger":""):""),$_b);}$u="sql";$S=array();$Pa=array();foreach(array(lang(12)=>array("tinyint"=>3,"smallint"=>5,"mediumint"=>8,"int"=>10,"bigint"=>20,"decimal"=>66,"float"=>12,"double"=>21),lang(13)=>array("date"=>10,"datetime"=>19,"timestamp"=>19,"time"=>10,"year"=>4),lang(14)=>array("char"=>255,"varchar"=>65535,"tinytext"=>255,"text"=>65535,"mediumtext"=>16777215,"longtext"=>4294967295),lang(15)=>array("bit"=>20,"binary"=>255,"varbinary"=>65535,"tinyblob"=>255,"blob"=>65535,"mediumblob"=>16777215,"longblob"=>4294967295),lang(18)=>array("enum"=>65535,"set"=>64),)as$d=>$b){$S+=$b;$Pa[$d]=array_keys($b);}$mb=array("unsigned","zerofill","unsigned zerofill");$ic=array("=","<",">","<=",">=","!=","LIKE","LIKE %%","REGEXP","IN","IS NULL","NOT LIKE","NOT REGEXP","NOT IN","IS NOT NULL","");$ca=array("char_length","date","from_unixtime","hex","lower","round","sec_to_time","time_to_sec","upper");$qb=array("avg","count","count distinct","group_concat","max","min","sum");$Mb=array(array("char"=>"md5/sha1/password/encrypt/uuid","binary"=>"md5/sha1/hex","date|time"=>"now",),array("int|float|double|decimal"=>"+/-","date"=>"+ interval/- interval","time"=>"addtime/subtime","char|text"=>"concat",));}define("SERVER",$_GET[DRIVER]);define("DB",$_GET["db"]);define("ME",preg_replace('~^[^?]*/([^?]*).*~','\\1',$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]).'?'.(sid()?SID.'&':'').(SERVER!==null?DRIVER."=".urlencode(SERVER).'&':'').(isset($_GET["username"])?"username=".urlencode($_GET["username"]).'&':'').(DB!=""?'db='.urlencode(DB).'&'.(isset($_GET["ns"])?"ns=".urlencode($_GET["ns"])."&":""):''));$nc="3.3.1";class
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
name(){return"<a href='' id='h1'>Adminer</a>";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
loginForm(){global$pa;echo'<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><th>',lang(19),'<td>',html_select("driver",$pa,DRIVER,"loginDriver(this);"),'<tr><th>',lang(20),'<td><input name="server" value="',h(SERVER),'" title="hostname[:port]">
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
'loginDriver(this);' is of type string, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
<tr><th>',lang(21),'<td><input id="username" name="username" value="',h($_GET["username"]),'">
<tr><th>',lang(22);?><td><input type="password" name="password">
<script type="text/javascript">
var username = document.getElementById('username');
echo"<p><input type='submit' value='".lang(23)."'>\n",checkbox("permanent",1,$_COOKIE["adminer_permanent"],lang(24))."\n";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $Yf is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $T is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
fieldName($e,$gb=0){return'<span title="'.h($e["full_type"]).'">'.h($e["field"]).'</span>';}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $gb is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
selectLinks($fd,$r=""){echo'<p class="tabs">';$wa=array("select"=>lang(25),"table"=>lang(26));if(is_view($fd)){$wa["view"]=lang(27);}else{$wa["create"]=lang(28);}if(isset($r)){$wa["edit"]=lang(29);}foreach($wa
as$d=>$b){echo" <a href='".h(ME)."$d=".urlencode($fd["Name"]).($d=="edit"?$r:"")."'".bold(isset($_GET[$d])).">$b</a>";}echo"\n";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $h is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $cg is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $dg is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $a is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
selectQuery($i){global$u;return"<p><a href='".h(remove_from_uri("page"))."&amp;page=last' title='".lang(30)."'>&gt;&gt;</a> <code class='jush-$u'>".h(str_replace("\n"," ",$i))."</code> <a href='".h(ME)."sql=".urlencode($i)."'>".lang(31)."</a></p>\n";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $h is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $of is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
selectVal($b,$x,$e){$c=($b!="<i>NULL</i>"&&ereg("char|binary",$e["type"])&&!ereg("var",$e["type"])?"<code>$b</code>":$b);if(ereg('blob|bytea|raw|file',$e["type"])&&!is_utf8($b)){$c=lang(32,strlen(html_entity_decode($b,ENT_QUOTES)));}return($x?"<a href='$x'>$c</a>":$c);}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
unpack('H*', $b) cannot be passed to reset() as the parameter $array expects a reference.
Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){$b=$_GET["columns"][$d];echo"<div>".html_select("columns[$l][fun]",array(-1=>"")+$Re,$b["fun"]),"(<select name='columns[$l][col]'><option>".optionlist($B,$b["col"],true)."</select>)</div>\n";$l++;}echo"<div>".html_select("columns[$l][fun]",array(-1=>"")+$Re,"","this.nextSibling.nextSibling.onchange();"),"(<select name='columns[$l][col]' onchange='selectAddRow(this);'><option>".optionlist($B,null,true)."</select>)</div>\n","</div></fieldset>\n";}function
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
'this.nextSibling.nextSibling.onchange();' is of type string, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
as$l=>$w){if($w["type"]=="FULLTEXT"){echo"(<i>".implode("</i>, <i>",array_map('h',$w["columns"]))."</i>) AGAINST"," <input name='fulltext[$l]' value='".h($_GET["fulltext"][$l])."'>",checkbox("boolean[$l]",1,isset($_GET["boolean"][$l]),"BOOL"),"<br>\n";}}$l=0;foreach((array)$_GET["where"]as$b){if("$b[col]$b[val]"!=""&&in_array($b["op"],$this->operators)){echo"<div><select name='where[$l][col]'><option value=''>(".lang(37).")".optionlist($B,$b["col"],true)."</select>",html_select("where[$l][op]",$this->operators,$b["op"]),"<input name='where[$l][val]' value='".h($b["val"])."'></div>\n";$l++;}}echo"<div><select name='where[$l][col]' onchange='selectAddRow(this);'><option value=''>(".lang(37).")".optionlist($B,null,true)."</select>",html_select("where[$l][op]",$this->operators,"="),"<input name='where[$l][val]'></div>\n","</div></fieldset>\n";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
selectOrderPrint($gb,$B,$K){print_fieldset("sort",lang(38),$gb);$l=0;foreach((array)$_GET["order"]as$d=>$b){if(isset($B[$b])){echo"<div><select name='order[$l]'><option>".optionlist($B,$b,true)."</select>",checkbox("desc[$l]",1,isset($_GET["desc"][$d]),lang(39))."</div>\n";$l++;}}echo"<div><select name='order[$l]' onchange='selectAddRow(this);'><option>".optionlist($B,null,true)."</select>","<label><input type='checkbox' name='desc[$l]' value='1'>".lang(39)."</label></div>\n";echo"</div></fieldset>\n";}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $K is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
selectLimitPrint($L){echo"<fieldset><legend>".lang(40)."</legend><div>";echo"<input name='limit' size='3' value='".h($L)."'>","</div></fieldset>\n";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
selectLengthPrint($Vb){if(isset($Vb)){echo"<fieldset><legend>".lang(41)."</legend><div>",'<input name="text_length" size="3" value="'.h($Vb).'">',"</div></fieldset>\n";}}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
selectActionPrint(){echo"<fieldset><legend>".lang(42)."</legend><div>","<input type='submit' value='".lang(33)."'>","</div></fieldset>\n";}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $eg is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $B is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $K is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
as$l=>$w){if($w["type"]=="FULLTEXT"&&$_GET["fulltext"][$l]!=""){$c[]="MATCH (".implode(", ",array_map('idf_escape',$w["columns"])).") AGAINST (".q($_GET["fulltext"][$l]).(isset($_GET["boolean"][$l])?" IN BOOLEAN MODE":"").")";}}foreach((array)$_GET["where"]as$b){if("$b[col]$b[val]"!=""&&in_array($b["op"],$this->operators)){$Qb=" $b[op]";if(ereg('IN$',$b["op"])){$Kb=process_length($b["val"]);$Qb.=" (".($Kb!=""?$Kb:"NULL").")";}elseif(!$b["op"]){$Qb.=$b["val"];}elseif($b["op"]=="LIKE %%"){$Qb=" LIKE ".$this->processInput($p[$b["col"]],"%$b[val]%");}elseif(!ereg('NULL$',$b["op"])){$Qb.=" ".$this->processInput($p[$b["col"]],$b["val"]);}if($b["col"]!=""){$c[]=idf_escape($b["col"]).$Qb;}else{$ob=array();foreach($p
as$f=>$e){if(is_numeric($b["val"])||!ereg('int|float|double|decimal',$e["type"])){$f=idf_escape($f);$ob[]=($u=="sql"&&ereg('char|text|enum|set',$e["type"])&&!ereg('^utf8',$e["collation"])?"CONVERT($f USING utf8)":$f);}}$c[]=($ob?"(".implode("$Qb OR ",$ob)."$Qb)":"0");}}}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
selectOrderProcess($p,$K){$c=array();foreach((array)$_GET["order"]as$d=>$b){if(isset($p[$b])||preg_match('~^((COUNT\\(DISTINCT |[A-Z0-9_]+\\()(`(?:[^`]|``)+`|"(?:[^"]|"")+")\\)|COUNT\\(\\*\\))$~',$b)){$c[]=(isset($p[$b])?idf_escape($b):$b).(isset($_GET["desc"][$d])?" DESC":"");}}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $K is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $t is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $of is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
messageQuery($i){global$u;static$Wc=0;restart_session();$R="sql-".($Wc++);$Za=&get_session("queries");if(strlen($i)>1e6){$i=ereg_replace('[\x80-\xFF]+$','',substr($i,0,1e6))."\n...";}$Za[$_GET["db"]][]=$i;return" <a href='#$R' onclick=\"return !toggle('$R');\">".lang(43)."</a><div id='$R' class='hidden'><pre><code class='jush-$u'>".shorten_utf8($i,1000).'</code></pre><p><a href="'.h(str_replace("db=".urlencode(DB),"db=".urlencode($_GET["db"]),ME).'sql=&history='.(count($Za[$_GET["db"]])-1)).'">'.lang(31).'</a></div>';}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
editInput($h,$e,$Ua,$q){if($e["type"]=="enum"){return(isset($_GET["select"])?"<label><input type='radio'$Ua value='-1' checked><i>".lang(5)."</i></label> ":"").($e["null"]?"<label><input type='radio'$Ua value=''".(isset($q)||isset($_GET["select"])?"":" checked")."><i>NULL</i></label> ":"").enum_input("radio",$Ua,$e,$q,0);}return"";}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $h is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
processInput($e,$q,$M=""){if($M=="="){return$q;}$f=$e["field"];$c=($e["type"]=="bit"&&ereg("^([0-9]+|b'[0-1]+')\$",$q)?$q:q($q));if(ereg('^(now|getdate|uuid)$',$M)){$c="$M()";}elseif(ereg('^current_(date|timestamp)$',$M)){$c=$M;}elseif(ereg('^([+-]|\\|\\|)$',$M)){$c=idf_escape($f)." $M $c";}elseif(ereg('^[+-] interval$',$M)){$c=idf_escape($f)." $M ".(preg_match("~^(\\d+|'[0-9.: -]') [A-Z_]+$~i",$q)?$q:$c);}elseif(ereg('^(addtime|subtime|concat)$',$M)){$c="$M(".idf_escape($f).", $c)";}elseif(ereg('^(md5|sha1|password|encrypt|hex)$',$M)){$c="$M($c)";}if(ereg("binary",$e["type"])){$c="unhex($c)";}return$c;}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
dumpTable($h,$V,$md=false){if($_POST["format"]!="sql"){echo"\xef\xbb\xbf";if($V){dump_csv(array_keys(fields($h)));}}elseif($V){$ma=create_sql($h,$_POST["auto_increment"]);if($ma){if($V=="DROP+CREATE"){echo"DROP ".($md?"VIEW":"TABLE")." IF EXISTS ".table($h).";\n";}if($md){$ma=preg_replace('~^([A-Z =]+) DEFINER=`'.preg_replace('~@(.*)~','`@`(%|\\1)',logged_user()).'`~','\\1',$ma);}echo($V!="CREATE+ALTER"?$ma:($md?substr_replace($ma," OR REPLACE",6,0):substr_replace($ma," IF NOT EXISTS",12,0))).";\n\n";}if($V=="CREATE+ALTER"&&!$md){$i="SELECT COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_DEFAULT, IS_NULLABLE, COLLATION_NAME, COLUMN_TYPE, EXTRA, COLUMN_COMMENT FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = ".q($h)." ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION";echo"DELIMITER ;;
CREATE PROCEDURE adminer_alter (INOUT alter_command text) BEGIN
	DECLARE _column_name, _collation_name, after varchar(64) DEFAULT '';
	DECLARE _column_type, _column_default text;
	DECLARE _is_nullable char(3);
	DECLARE _extra varchar(30);
	DECLARE _column_comment varchar(255);
	DECLARE done, set_after bool DEFAULT 0;
	DECLARE add_columns text DEFAULT '";$p=array();$Jb="";foreach(get_rows($i)as$a){$Ea=$a["COLUMN_DEFAULT"];$a["default"]=(isset($Ea)?q($Ea):"NULL");$a["after"]=q($Jb);$a["alter"]=escape_string(idf_escape($a["COLUMN_NAME"])." $a[COLUMN_TYPE]".($a["COLLATION_NAME"]?" COLLATE $a[COLLATION_NAME]":"").(isset($Ea)?" DEFAULT ".($Ea=="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"?$Ea:$a["default"]):"").($a["IS_NULLABLE"]=="YES"?"":" NOT NULL").($a["EXTRA"]?" $a[EXTRA]":"").($a["COLUMN_COMMENT"]?" COMMENT ".q($a["COLUMN_COMMENT"]):"").($Jb?" AFTER ".idf_escape($Jb):" FIRST"));echo", ADD $a[alter]";$p[]=$a;$Jb=$a["COLUMN_NAME"];}echo"';
	SET @alter_table = '';
	OPEN columns;
		FETCH columns INTO _column_name, _column_default, _is_nullable, _collation_name, _column_type, _extra, _column_comment;
		IF NOT done THEN
			SET set_after = 1;
			CASE _column_name";foreach($p
				WHEN ".q($a["COLUMN_NAME"])." THEN
					SET add_columns = REPLACE(add_columns, ', ADD $a[alter]', IF(
						_column_default <=> $a[default] AND _is_nullable = '$a[IS_NULLABLE]' AND _collation_name <=> ".(isset($a["COLLATION_NAME"])?"'$a[COLLATION_NAME]'":"NULL")." AND _column_type = ".q($a["COLUMN_TYPE"])." AND _extra = '$a[EXTRA]' AND _column_comment = ".q($a["COLUMN_COMMENT"])." AND after = $a[after]
					, '', ', MODIFY $a[alter]'));";}echo"
					SET @alter_table = CONCAT(@alter_table, ', DROP ', _column_name);
					SET set_after = 0;
			IF set_after THEN
				SET after = _column_name;
			END IF;
	CLOSE columns;
	IF @alter_table != '' OR add_columns != '' THEN
		SET alter_command = CONCAT(alter_command, 'ALTER TABLE ".table($h)."', SUBSTR(CONCAT(add_columns, @alter_table), 2), ';\\n');
CALL adminer_alter(@adminer_alter);
DROP PROCEDURE adminer_alter;
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
truncate_sql($h).";\n";}if($_POST["format"]=="sql"){$p=fields($h);}$j=$g->query($i,1);if($j){$qc="";$yb="";while($a=$j->fetch_assoc()){if($_POST["format"]!="sql"){if($V=="table"){dump_csv(array_keys($a));$V="INSERT";}dump_csv($a);}else{if(!$qc){$qc="INSERT INTO ".table($h)." (".implode(", ",array_map('idf_escape',array_keys($a))).") VALUES";}foreach($a
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The variable $p does not seem to be defined for all execution paths leading up to this point.

If you define a variable conditionally, it can happen that it is not defined for all execution paths.

Let’s take a look at an example:

function myFunction($a) {
    switch ($a) {
        case 'foo':
            $x = 1;

        case 'bar':
            $x = 2;

    // $x is potentially undefined here.
    echo $x;

In the above example, the variable $x is defined if you pass “foo” or “bar” as argument for $a. However, since the switch statement has no default case statement, if you pass any other value, the variable $x would be undefined.

Available Fixes

  1. Check for existence of the variable explicitly:

    function myFunction($a) {
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
        if (isset($x)) { // Make sure it's always set.
            echo $x;
  2. Define a default value for the variable:

    function myFunction($a) {
        $x = ''; // Set a default which gets overridden for certain paths.
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
        echo $x;
  3. Add a value for the missing path:

    function myFunction($a) {
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
            // We add support for the missing case.
                $x = '';
        echo $x;
Loading history...
as$d=>$b){$r[]=idf_escape($d)." = $b";}echo"$qc ($qa) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ".implode(", ",$r).";\n";}else{$qa=($Te?"\n":" ")."($qa)";if(!$yb){$yb=$qc.$qa;}elseif(strlen($yb)+4+strlen($qa)<$Te){$yb.=",$qa";}else{echo"$yb;\n";$yb=$qc.$qa;}}}}if($_POST["format"]=="sql"&&$V!="INSERT+UPDATE"&&$yb){$yb.=";\n";echo$yb;}}elseif($_POST["format"]=="sql"){echo"-- ".str_replace("\n"," ",$g->error)."\n";}}}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
dumpHeaders($cd,$Jd=false){$Ra=$_POST["output"];$Lb=($_POST["format"]=="sql"?"sql":($Jd?"tar":"csv"));header("Content-Type: ".($Ra=="bz2"?"application/x-bzip":($Ra=="gz"?"application/x-gzip":($Lb=="tar"?"application/x-tar":($Lb=="sql"||$Ra!="file"?"text/plain":"text/csv")."; charset=utf-8"))));if($Ra=="bz2"){ob_start('bzcompress',1e6);}if($Ra=="gz"){ob_start('gzencode',1e6);}return$Lb;}function
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The parameter $cd is not used and could be removed.

This check looks from parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.

Loading history...
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
homepage(){echo'<p>'.($_GET["ns"]==""?'<a href="'.h(ME).'database=">'.lang(46)."</a>\n":""),(support("scheme")?"<a href='".h(ME)."scheme='>".($_GET["ns"]!=""?lang(47):lang(48))."</a>\n":""),($_GET["ns"]!==""?'<a href="'.h(ME).'schema=">'.lang(49)."</a>\n":""),(support("privileges")?"<a href='".h(ME)."privileges='>".lang(50)."</a>\n":"");return
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
',$this->name(),' <span class="version">',$nc,'</span>
<a href="" id="version">',(version_compare($nc,$_COOKIE["adminer_version"])<0?h($_COOKIE["adminer_version"]):""),'</a>
as$Q=>$T){if(isset($T)){if($za){echo"<p onclick='eventStop(event);'>\n";$za=false;}echo"<a href='".h(auth_url($Pb,$F,$Q))."'>($pa[$Pb]) ".h($Q.($F!=""?"@$F":""))."</a><br>\n";}}}}}else{$_=get_databases();echo'<form action="" method="post">
<p class="logout">
';if(DB==""||!$ac){echo"<a href='".h(ME)."sql='".bold(isset($_GET["sql"])).">".lang(43)."</a>\n";if(support("dump")){echo"<a href='".h(ME)."dump=".urlencode(isset($_GET["table"])?$_GET["table"]:$_GET["select"])."' id='dump'".bold(isset($_GET["dump"])).">".lang(51)."</a>\n";}}echo'<input type="submit" name="logout" value="',lang(52),'" onclick="eventStop(event);">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
<form action="">
';hidden_fields_get();echo($_?html_select("db",array(""=>"(".lang(53).")")+$_,DB,"this.form.submit();"):'<input name="db" value="'.h(DB).'">'),'<input type="submit" value="',lang(8),'"',($_?" class='hidden'":""),' onclick="eventStop(event);">
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
'this.form.submit();' is of type string, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
';if($ac!="db"&&DB!=""&&$g->select_db(DB)){if(support("scheme")){echo"<br>".html_select("ns",array(""=>"(".lang(54).")")+schemas(),$_GET["ns"],"this.form.submit();");if($_GET["ns"]!=""){set_schema($_GET["ns"]);}}if($_GET["ns"]!==""&&!$ac){echo'<p><a href="'.h(ME).'create="'.bold($_GET["create"]==="").">".lang(55)."</a>\n";$D=tables_list();if(!$D){echo"<p class='message'>".lang(6)."\n";}else{$this->tablesPrint($D);$wa=array();foreach($D
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
'this.form.submit();' is of type string, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $D of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The call to the function set_schema() seems unnecessary as the function has no side-effects.
Loading history...
as$h=>$z){$wa[]=preg_quote($h,'/');}echo"<script type='text/javascript'>\n","var jushLinks = { $u: [ '".js_escape(ME)."table=\$&', /\\b(".implode("|",$wa).")\\b/g ] };\n";foreach(array("bac","bra","sqlite_quo","mssql_bra")as$b){echo"jushLinks.$b = jushLinks.$u;\n";}echo"</script>\n";}}}echo(isset($_GET["sql"])?'<input type="hidden" name="sql" value="">':(isset($_GET["schema"])?'<input type="hidden" name="schema" value="">':(isset($_GET["dump"])?'<input type="hidden" name="dump" value="">':""))),"</p></form>\n";}}function
0 ignored issues
Best Practice introduced by
It is generally recommended to explicitly declare the visibility for methods.

Adding explicit visibility (private, protected, or public) is generally recommend to communicate to other developers how, and from where this method is intended to be used.

Loading history...
tablesPrint($D){echo"<p id='tables'>\n";foreach($D
as$h=>$z){echo'<a href="'.h(ME).'select='.urlencode($h).'"'.bold($_GET["select"]==$h).">".lang(56)."</a> ",'<a href="'.h(ME).'table='.urlencode($h).'"'.bold($_GET["table"]==$h).">".$this->tableName(array("Name"=>$h))."</a><br>\n";}}}$o=(function_exists('adminer_object')?adminer_object():new
page_header($Se,$n="",$rc=array(),$Ke=""){global$ka,$o,$g,$pa;header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");if($o->headers()){header("X-Frame-Options: deny");header("X-XSS-Protection: 0");}$Je=$Se.($Ke!=""?": ".h($Ke):"");$Be=strip_tags($Je.(SERVER!=""&&SERVER!="localhost"?h(" - ".SERVER):"")." - ".$o->name());if(is_ajax()){header("X-AJAX-Title: ".rawurlencode($Be));}else{echo'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
<html lang="',$ka,'" dir="',lang(57),'">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="',h(preg_replace("~\\?.*~","",ME))."?file=default.css&amp;version=3.3.1",'">
<script type="text/javascript">
var areYouSure = \'',lang(58),'\';
<script type="text/javascript" src="',h(preg_replace("~\\?.*~","",ME))."?file=functions.js&amp;version=3.3.1",'"></script>
';if($o->head()){echo'<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="',h(preg_replace("~\\?.*~","",ME))."?file=favicon.ico&amp;version=3.3.1",'" id="favicon">
';if(file_exists("adminer.css")){echo'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="adminer.css">
<body class="',lang(57),' nojs"',($_POST?"":" onclick=\"return bodyClick(event, '".h(js_escape(DB)."', '".js_escape($_GET["ns"]))."');\"");echo' onkeydown="bodyKeydown(event);" onload="bodyLoad(\'',(is_object($g)?substr($g->server_info,0,3):""),'\');',(isset($_COOKIE["adminer_version"])?"":" verifyVersion();");?>">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.body.className = document.body.className.replace(/(^|\s)nojs(\s|$)/, '$1js$2');
<div id="content">
}if(isset($rc)){$x=substr(preg_replace('~(username|db|ns)=[^&]*&~','',ME),0,-1);echo'<p id="breadcrumb"><a href="'.h($x?$x:".").'">'.$pa[DRIVER].'</a> &raquo; ';$x=substr(preg_replace('~(db|ns)=[^&]*&~','',ME),0,-1);$F=(SERVER!=""?h(SERVER):lang(20));if($rc===false){echo"$F\n";}else{echo"<a href='".($x?h($x):".")."' accesskey='1' title='Alt+Shift+1'>$F</a> &raquo; ";if($_GET["ns"]!=""||(DB!=""&&is_array($rc))){echo'<a href="'.h($x."&db=".urlencode(DB).(support("scheme")?"&ns=":"")).'">'.h(DB).'</a> &raquo; ';}if(is_array($rc)){if($_GET["ns"]!=""){echo'<a href="'.h(substr(ME,0,-1)).'">'.h($_GET["ns"]).'</a> &raquo; ';}foreach($rc
1161 View Code Duplication
as$d=>$b){$Dc=(is_array($b)?$b[1]:$b);if($Dc!=""){echo'<a href="'.h(ME."$d=").urlencode(is_array($b)?$b[0]:$b).'">'.h($Dc).'</a> &raquo; ';}}}echo"$Se\n";}}echo"<span id='loader'></span>\n","<h2>$Je</h2>\n";restart_session();$Ae=preg_replace('~^[^?]*~','',$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);$_e=$_SESSION["messages"][$Ae];if($_e){echo"<div class='message'>".implode("</div>\n<div class='message'>",$_e)."</div>\n";unset($_SESSION["messages"][$Ae]);}$_=&get_session("dbs");if(DB!=""&&$_&&!in_array(DB,$_,true)){$_=null;}if($n){echo"<div class='error'>$n</div>\n";}define("PAGE_HEADER",1);}function
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
';switch_lang();echo'<div id="menu">
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
$Aa is not used, you could remove the assignment.

This check looks for variable assignements that are either overwritten by other assignments or where the variable is not used subsequently.

$myVar = 'Value';
$higher = false;

if (rand(1, 6) > 3) {
    $higher = true;
} else {
    $higher = false;

Both the $myVar assignment in line 1 and the $higher assignment in line 2 are dead. The first because $myVar is never used and the second because $higher is always overwritten for every possible time line.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
$Ba is not used, you could remove the assignment.

This check looks for variable assignements that are either overwritten by other assignments or where the variable is not used subsequently.

$myVar = 'Value';
$higher = false;

if (rand(1, 6) > 3) {
    $higher = true;
} else {
    $higher = false;

Both the $myVar assignment in line 1 and the $higher assignment in line 2 are dead. The first because $myVar is never used and the second because $higher is always overwritten for every possible time line.

Loading history...
long2str($y,true);}$g='';$P=$_SESSION["token"];if(!$_SESSION["token"]){$_SESSION["token"]=rand(1,1e6);}$Db=array();if($_COOKIE["adminer_permanent"]){foreach(explode(" ",$_COOKIE["adminer_permanent"])as$b){list($d)=explode(":",$b);$Db[$d]=$b;}}if(isset($_POST["server"])){session_regenerate_id();$_SESSION["pwds"][$_POST["driver"]][$_POST["server"]][$_POST["username"]]=$_POST["password"];if($_POST["permanent"]){$d=base64_encode($_POST["driver"])."-".base64_encode($_POST["server"])."-".base64_encode($_POST["username"]);$Jc=$o->permanentLogin();$Db[$d]="$d:".base64_encode($Jc?encrypt_string($_POST["password"],$Jc):"");cookie("adminer_permanent",implode(" ",$Db));}if(count($_POST)==($_POST["permanent"]?5:4)||DRIVER!=$_POST["driver"]||SERVER!=$_POST["server"]||$_GET["username"]!==$_POST["username"]){redirect(auth_url($_POST["driver"],$_POST["server"],$_POST["username"]));}}elseif($_POST["logout"]){if($P&&$_POST["token"]!=$P){page_header(lang(52),lang(59));page_footer("db");exit;}else{foreach(array("pwds","dbs","queries")as$d){set_session($d,null);}$d=base64_encode(DRIVER)."-".base64_encode(SERVER)."-".base64_encode($_GET["username"]);if($Db[$d]){unset($Db[$d]);cookie("adminer_permanent",implode(" ",$Db));}redirect(substr(preg_replace('~(username|db|ns)=[^&]*&~','',ME),0,-1),lang(60));}}elseif($Db&&!$_SESSION["pwds"]){session_regenerate_id();$Jc=$o->permanentLogin();foreach($Db
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Db of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
auth_error($Ce=null){global$g,$o,$P;$Hc=session_name();$n="";if(!$_COOKIE[$Hc]&&$_GET[$Hc]&&ini_bool("session.use_only_cookies")){$n=lang(61);}elseif(isset($_GET["username"])){if(($_COOKIE[$Hc]||$_GET[$Hc])&&!$P){$n=lang(62);}else{$T=&get_session("pwds");if(isset($T)){$n=h($Ce?$Ce->getMessage():(is_string($g)?$g:lang(63)));$T=null;}}}page_header(lang(23),$n,null);echo"<form action='' method='post' onclick='eventStop(event);'>\n";$o->loginForm();echo"<div>";hidden_fields($_POST,array("driver","server","username","password","permanent"));echo"</div>\n","</form>\n";page_footer("auth");}if(isset($_GET["username"])){if(!class_exists("Min_DB")){unset($_SESSION["pwds"][DRIVER]);page_header(lang(64),lang(65,implode(", ",$kc)),false);page_footer("auth");exit;}$g=connect();}if(is_string($g)||!$o->login($_GET["username"],get_session("pwds"))){auth_error();exit;}$P=$_SESSION["token"];if(isset($_POST["server"])&&$_POST["token"]){$_POST["token"]=$P;}$n=($_POST?($_POST["token"]==$P?"":lang(59)):($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]!="POST"?"":lang(66,'"post_max_size"')));function
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
null is of type null, but the function expects a array.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Documentation introduced by
false is of type boolean, but the function expects a array.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
connect_error(){global$g,$P,$n,$pa;$_=array();if(DB!=""){page_header(lang(67).": ".h(DB),lang(68),true);}else{if($_POST["db"]&&!$n){queries_redirect(substr(ME,0,-1),lang(69),drop_databases($_POST["db"]));}page_header(lang(70),$n,false);echo"<p><a href='".h(ME)."database='>".lang(71)."</a>\n";foreach(array('privileges'=>lang(50),'processlist'=>lang(72),'variables'=>lang(73),'status'=>lang(74),)as$d=>$b){if(support($d)){echo"<a href='".h(ME)."$d='>$b</a>\n";}}echo"<p>".lang(75,$pa[DRIVER],"<b>$g->server_info</b>","<b>$g->extension</b>")."\n","<p>".lang(76,"<b>".h(logged_user())."</b>")."\n";if($_GET["refresh"]){set_session("dbs",null);}$_=get_databases();if($_){$Rd=support("scheme");$Z=collations();echo"<form action='' method='post'>\n","<table cellspacing='0' onclick='tableClick(event);'>\n","<thead><tr><td>&nbsp;<th>".lang(67)."<td>".lang(77)."<td>".lang(78)."</thead>\n";foreach($_
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
true is of type boolean, but the function expects a array.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Documentation introduced by
false is of type boolean, but the function expects a array.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
as$s){$Qd=h(ME)."db=".urlencode($s);echo"<tr".odd()."><td>".checkbox("db[]",$s,in_array($s,(array)$_POST["db"])),"<th><a href='$Qd'>".h($s)."</a>","<td><a href='$Qd".($Rd?"&amp;ns=":"")."&amp;database='>".nbsp(db_collation($s,$Z))."</a>","<td align='right'><a href='$Qd&amp;schema=' id='tables-".h($s)."'>?</a>","\n";}echo"</table>\n","<p><input type='submit' name='drop' value='".lang(79)."'".confirm("formChecked(this, /db/)",1).">\n";echo"<input type='hidden' name='token' value='$P'>\n","<a href='".h(ME)."refresh=1' onclick='eventStop(event);'>".lang(80)."</a>\n","</form>\n";}}page_footer("db");if($_){echo"<script type='text/javascript'>ajaxSetHtml('".js_escape(ME)."script=connect');</script>\n";}}if(isset($_GET["status"])){$_GET["variables"]=$_GET["status"];}if(!(DB!=""?$g->select_db(DB):isset($_GET["sql"])||isset($_GET["dump"])||isset($_GET["database"])||isset($_GET["processlist"])||isset($_GET["privileges"])||isset($_GET["user"])||isset($_GET["variables"])||$_GET["script"]=="connect")){if(DB!=""){set_session("dbs",null);}connect_error();exit;}if(support("scheme")&&DB!=""&&$_GET["ns"]!==""){if(!isset($_GET["ns"])){redirect(preg_replace('~ns=[^&]*&~','',ME)."ns=".get_schema());}if(!set_schema($_GET["ns"])){page_header(lang(81).": ".h($_GET["ns"]),lang(82),true);page_footer("ns");exit;}}function
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
1 is of type integer, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Documentation introduced by
true is of type boolean, but the function expects a array.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
1182 View Code Duplication
select($j,$G=null,$Ic=""){$wa=array();$K=array();$B=array();$Xe=array();$S=array();odd('');for($l=0;$a=$j->fetch_row();$l++){if(!$l){echo"<table cellspacing='0' class='nowrap'>\n","<thead><tr>";for($oa=0;$oa<count($a);$oa++){$e=$j->fetch_field();$f=$e->name;$Ka=$e->orgtable;$Bc=$e->orgname;if($Ic){$wa[$oa]=($f=="table"?"table=":($f=="possible_keys"?"indexes=":null));}elseif($Ka!=""){if(!isset($K[$Ka])){$K[$Ka]=array();foreach(indexes($Ka,$G)as$w){if($w["type"]=="PRIMARY"){$K[$Ka]=array_flip($w["columns"]);break;}}$B[$Ka]=$K[$Ka];}if(isset($B[$Ka][$Bc])){unset($B[$Ka][$Bc]);$K[$Ka][$Bc]=$oa;$wa[$oa]=$Ka;}}if($e->charsetnr==63){$Xe[$oa]=true;}$S[$oa]=$e->type;$f=h($f);echo"<th".($Ka!=""||$e->name!=$Bc?" title='".h(($Ka!=""?"$Ka.":"").$Bc)."'":"").">".($Ic?"<a href='$Ic".strtolower($f)."' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>$f</a>":$f);}echo"</thead>\n";}echo"<tr".odd().">";foreach($a
0 ignored issues
Unused Code introduced by
The call to the function odd() seems unnecessary as the function has no side-effects.
Loading history...
Performance Best Practice introduced by
It seems like you are calling the size function count() as part of the test condition. You might want to compute the size beforehand, and not on each iteration.

If the size of the collection does not change during the iteration, it is generally a good practice to compute it beforehand, and not on each iteration:

for ($i=0; $i<count($array); $i++) { // calls count() on each iteration

// Better
for ($i=0, $c=count($array); $i<$c; $i++) { // calls count() just once
Loading history...
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){if(!isset($b)){$b="<i>NULL</i>";}elseif($Xe[$d]&&!is_utf8($b)){$b="<i>".lang(32,strlen($b))."</i>";}elseif(!strlen($b)){$b="&nbsp;";}else{$b=h($b);if($S[$d]==254){$b="<code>$b</code>";}}if(isset($wa[$d])&&!$B[$wa[$d]]){if($Ic){$x=$wa[$d].urlencode($a[array_search("table=",$wa)]);}else{$x="edit=".urlencode($wa[$d]);foreach($K[$wa[$d]]as$Qc=>$oa){$x.="&where".urlencode("[".bracket_escape($Qc)."]")."=".urlencode($a[$oa]);}}$b="<a href='".h(ME.$x)."'>$b</a>";}echo"<td>$b";}}echo($l?"</table>":"<p class='message'>".lang(83))."\n";}function
textarea($f,$q,$H=10,$ob=80){echo"<textarea name='$f' rows='$H' cols='$ob' class='sqlarea' spellcheck='false' wrap='off' onkeydown='return textareaKeydown(this, event);'>";if(is_array($q)){foreach($q
format_time($Nb,$Xc){return" <span class='time'>(".lang(84,max(0,array_sum(explode(" ",$Xc))-array_sum(explode(" ",$Nb)))).")</span>";}function
edit_type($d,$e,$Z,$ga=array()){global$Pa,$S,$mb,$eb;echo'<td><select name="',$d,'[type]" class="type" onfocus="lastType = selectValue(this);" onchange="editingTypeChange(this);">',optionlist((!$e["type"]||isset($S[$e["type"]])?array():array($e["type"]))+$Pa+($ga?array(lang(85)=>$ga):array()),$e["type"]),'</select>
<td><input name="',$d,'[length]" value="',h($e["length"]),'" size="3" onfocus="editingLengthFocus(this);"><td class="options">',"<select name='$d"."[collation]'".(ereg('(char|text|enum|set)$',$e["type"])?"":" class='hidden'").'><option value="">('.lang(86).')'.optionlist($Z,$e["collation"]).'</select>',($mb?"<select name='$d"."[unsigned]'".(!$e["type"]||ereg('(int|float|double|decimal)$',$e["type"])?"":" class='hidden'").'><option>'.optionlist($mb,$e["unsigned"]).'</select>':''),($ga?"<select name='$d"."[on_delete]'".(ereg("`",$e["type"])?"":" class='hidden'")."><option value=''>(".lang(87).")".optionlist($eb,$e["on_delete"])."</select> ":" ");}function
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The variable $ta does not seem to be defined for all execution paths leading up to this point.

If you define a variable conditionally, it can happen that it is not defined for all execution paths.

Let’s take a look at an example:

function myFunction($a) {
    switch ($a) {
        case 'foo':
            $x = 1;

        case 'bar':
            $x = 2;

    // $x is potentially undefined here.
    echo $x;

In the above example, the variable $x is defined if you pass “foo” or “bar” as argument for $a. However, since the switch statement has no default case statement, if you pass any other value, the variable $x would be undefined.

Available Fixes

  1. Check for existence of the variable explicitly:

    function myFunction($a) {
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
        if (isset($x)) { // Make sure it's always set.
            echo $x;
  2. Define a default value for the variable:

    function myFunction($a) {
        $x = ''; // Set a default which gets overridden for certain paths.
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
        echo $x;
  3. Add a value for the missing path:

    function myFunction($a) {
        switch ($a) {
            case 'foo':
                $x = 1;
            case 'bar':
                $x = 2;
            // We add support for the missing case.
                $x = '';
        echo $x;
Loading history...
process_type($e,$Cc="COLLATE"){global$mb;return" $e[type]".($e["length"]!=""?"(".process_length($e["length"]).")":"").(ereg('int|float|double|decimal',$e["type"])&&in_array($e["unsigned"],$mb)?" $e[unsigned]":"").(ereg('char|text|enum|set',$e["type"])&&$e["collation"]?" $Cc ".q($e["collation"]):"");}function
array(idf_escape($e["field"]),process_type($ad),($e["null"]?" NULL":" NOT NULL"),(isset($e["default"])?" DEFAULT ".(($e["type"]=="timestamp"&&eregi('^CURRENT_TIMESTAMP$',$e["default"]))||($e["type"]=="bit"&&ereg("^([0-9]+|b'[0-1]+')\$",$e["default"]))?$e["default"]:q($e["default"])):""),($e["on_update"]?" ON UPDATE $e[on_update]":""),(support("comment")&&$e["comment"]!=""?" COMMENT ".q($e["comment"]):""),($e["auto_increment"]?auto_increment():null),);}function
type_class($z){foreach(array('char'=>'text','date'=>'time|year','binary'=>'blob','enum'=>'set',)as$d=>$b){if(ereg("$d|$b",$z)){return" class='$d'";}}}function
edit_fields($p,$Z,$z="TABLE",$He=0,$ga=array(),$Gb=false){global$hc;echo'<thead><tr class="wrap">
';if($z=="PROCEDURE"){echo'<td>&nbsp;';}echo'<th>',($z=="TABLE"?lang(88):lang(89)),'<td>',lang(90),'<textarea id="enum-edit" rows="4" cols="12" wrap="off" style="display: none;" onblur="editingLengthBlur(this);"></textarea>
<td><input type="radio" name="auto_increment_col" value=""><acronym title="',lang(93),'">AI</acronym>
<td',($_POST["defaults"]?"":" class='hidden'"),'>',lang(94),(support("comment")?"<td".($Gb?"":" class='hidden'").">".lang(95):"");}echo'<td>',"<input type='image' name='add[".(support("move_col")?0:count($p))."]' src='".h(preg_replace("~\\?.*~","",ME))."?file=plus.gif&amp;version=3.3.1' alt='+' title='".lang(96)."'>",'<script type="text/javascript">row_count = ',count($p),';</script>
<tbody onkeydown="return editingKeydown(event);">
as$l=>$e){$l++;$rd=$e[($_POST?"orig":"field")];$Ee=(isset($_POST["add"][$l-1])||(isset($e["field"])&&!$_POST["drop_col"][$l]))&&(support("drop_col")||$rd=="");echo'<tr',($Ee?"":" style='display: none;'"),'>
',($z=="PROCEDURE"?"<td>".html_select("fields[$l][inout]",explode("|",$hc),$e["inout"]):""),'<th>';if($Ee){echo'<input name="fields[',$l,'][field]" value="',h($e["field"]),'" onchange="',($e["field"]!=""||count($p)>1?"":"editingAddRow(this, $He); "),'editingNameChange(this);" maxlength="64">';}echo'<input type="hidden" name="fields[',$l,'][orig]" value="',h($rd),'">
';edit_type("fields[$l]",$e,$Z,$ga);if($z=="TABLE"){echo'<td>',checkbox("fields[$l][null]",1,$e["null"]),'<td><input type="radio" name="auto_increment_col" value="',$l,'"';if($e["auto_increment"]){echo' checked';}?> onclick="var field = this.form['fields[' + this.value + '][field]']; if (!field.value) { field.value = 'id'; field.onchange(); }">
<td<?php echo($_POST["defaults"]?"":" class='hidden'"),'>',checkbox("fields[$l][has_default]",1,$e["has_default"]),'<input name="fields[',$l,'][default]" value="',h($e["default"]),'" onchange="this.previousSibling.checked = true;">
',(support("comment")?"<td".($Gb?"":" class='hidden'")."><input name='fields[$l][comment]' value='".h($e["comment"])."' maxlength='255'>":"");}echo"<td>",(support("move_col")?"<input type='image' name='add[$l]' src='".h(preg_replace("~\\?.*~","",ME))."?file=plus.gif&amp;version=3.3.1' alt='+' title='".lang(96)."' onclick='return !editingAddRow(this, $He, 1);'>&nbsp;"."<input type='image' name='up[$l]' src='".h(preg_replace("~\\?.*~","",ME))."?file=up.gif&amp;version=3.3.1' alt='^' title='".lang(97)."'>&nbsp;"."<input type='image' name='down[$l]' src='".h(preg_replace("~\\?.*~","",ME))."?file=down.gif&amp;version=3.3.1' alt='v' title='".lang(98)."'>&nbsp;":""),($rd==""||support("drop_col")?"<input type='image' name='drop_col[$l]' src='".h(preg_replace("~\\?.*~","",ME))."?file=cross.gif&amp;version=3.3.1' alt='x' title='".lang(99)."' onclick='return !editingRemoveRow(this);'>":""),"\n";}}function
true;}if($va==array("ALL PRIVILEGES","GRANT OPTION")){return($ja=="GRANT"?queries("$ja ALL PRIVILEGES$Ab WITH GRANT OPTION"):queries("$ja ALL PRIVILEGES$Ab")&&queries("$ja GRANT OPTION$Ab"));}return
queries("$ja ".preg_replace('~(GRANT OPTION)\\([^)]*\\)~','\\1',implode("$B, ",$va).$B).$Ab);}function
tar_file($la,$yd){$c=pack("a100a8a8a8a12a12",$la,644,0,0,decoct(strlen($yd)),decoct(time()));$if=8*32;for($l=0;$l<strlen($c);$l++){$if+=ord($c{$l});}$c.=sprintf("%06o",$if)."\0 ";return$c.str_repeat("\0",512-strlen($c)).$yd.str_repeat("\0",511-(strlen($yd)+511)%
512);}session_cache_limiter("");if(!ini_bool("session.use_cookies")||@ini_set("session.use_cookies",false)!==false){session_write_close();}$eb=array("RESTRICT","CASCADE","SET NULL","NO ACTION");$Fb="'(?:''|[^'\\\\]|\\\\.)*+'";$hc="IN|OUT|INOUT";if(isset($_GET["select"])&&($_POST["edit"]||$_POST["clone"])&&!$_POST["save"]){$_GET["edit"]=$_GET["select"];}if(isset($_GET["callf"])){$_GET["call"]=$_GET["callf"];}if(isset($_GET["function"])){$_GET["procedure"]=$_GET["function"];}if(isset($_GET["download"])){$m=$_GET["download"];header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".friendly_url("$m-".implode("_",$_GET["where"])).".".friendly_url($_GET["field"]));echo$g->result("SELECT".limit(idf_escape($_GET["field"])." FROM ".table($m)," WHERE ".where($_GET),1));exit;}elseif(isset($_GET["table"])){$m=$_GET["table"];$p=fields($m);if(!$p){$n=error();}$E=($p?table_status($m):array());page_header(($p&&is_view($E)?lang(100):lang(101)).": ".h($m),$n);$o->selectLinks($E);$Ca=$E["Comment"];if($Ca!=""){echo"<p>".lang(95).": ".h($Ca)."\n";}if($p){echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n","<thead><tr><th>".lang(102)."<td>".lang(90).(support("comment")?"<td>".lang(95):"")."</thead>\n";foreach($p
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $p of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $p of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$e){echo"<tr".odd()."><th>".h($e["field"]),"<td title='".h($e["collation"])."'>".h($e["full_type"]).($e["null"]?" <i>NULL</i>":"").($e["auto_increment"]?" <i>".lang(93)."</i>":""),(isset($e["default"])?" [<b>".h($e["default"])."</b>]":""),(support("comment")?"<td>".nbsp($e["comment"]):""),"\n";}echo"</table>\n";if(!is_view($E)){echo"<h3>".lang(103)."</h3>\n";$K=indexes($m);if($K){echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n";foreach($K
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $K of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$f=>$w){ksort($w["columns"]);$Eb=array();foreach($w["columns"]as$d=>$b){$Eb[]="<i>".h($b)."</i>".($w["lengths"][$d]?"(".$w["lengths"][$d].")":"");}echo"<tr title='".h($f)."'><th>$w[type]<td>".implode(", ",$Eb)."\n";}echo"</table>\n";}echo'<p><a href="'.h(ME).'indexes='.urlencode($m).'">'.lang(104)."</a>\n";if(fk_support($E)){echo"<h3>".lang(85)."</h3>\n";$ga=foreign_keys($m);if($ga){echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n","<thead><tr><th>".lang(105)."<td>".lang(106)."<td>".lang(87)."<td>".lang(107).($u!="sqlite"?"<td>&nbsp;":"")."</thead>\n";foreach($ga
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $ga of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$f=>$A){echo"<tr title='".h($f)."'>","<th><i>".implode("</i>, <i>",array_map('h',$A["source"]))."</i>","<td><a href='".h($A["db"]!=""?preg_replace('~db=[^&]*~',"db=".urlencode($A["db"]),ME):($A["ns"]!=""?preg_replace('~ns=[^&]*~',"ns=".urlencode($A["ns"]),ME):ME))."table=".urlencode($A["table"])."'>".($A["db"]!=""?"<b>".h($A["db"])."</b>.":"").($A["ns"]!=""?"<b>".h($A["ns"])."</b>.":"").h($A["table"])."</a>","(<i>".implode("</i>, <i>",array_map('h',$A["target"]))."</i>)","<td>".nbsp($A["on_delete"])."\n","<td>".nbsp($A["on_update"])."\n";if($u!="sqlite"){echo'<td><a href="'.h(ME.'foreign='.urlencode($m).'&name='.urlencode($f)).'">'.lang(108).'</a>';}}echo"</table>\n";}if($u!="sqlite"){echo'<p><a href="'.h(ME).'foreign='.urlencode($m).'">'.lang(109)."</a>\n";}}if(support("trigger")){echo"<h3>".lang(110)."</h3>\n";$Sc=triggers($m);if($Sc){echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n";foreach($Sc
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Sc of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){echo"<tr valign='top'><td>$b[0]<td>$b[1]<th>".h($d)."<td><a href='".h(ME.'trigger='.urlencode($m).'&name='.urlencode($d))."'>".lang(108)."</a>\n";}echo"</table>\n";}echo'<p><a href="'.h(ME).'trigger='.urlencode($m).'">'.lang(111)."</a>\n";}}}}elseif(isset($_GET["schema"])){page_header(lang(49),"",array(),DB);$xb=array();$xe=array();$f="adminer_schema";$Ze=($_GET["schema"]?$_GET["schema"]:$_COOKIE[($_COOKIE["$f-".DB]?"$f-".DB:$f)]);preg_match_all('~([^:]+):([-0-9.]+)x([-0-9.]+)(_|$)~',$Ze,$ta,PREG_SET_ORDER);foreach($ta
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The expression $ta of type null|array<integer,array<integer,string>> is not guaranteed to be traversable. How about adding an additional type check?

There are different options of fixing this problem.

  1. If you want to be on the safe side, you can add an additional type-check:

    $collection = json_decode($data, true);
    if ( ! is_array($collection)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException('$collection must be an array.');
    foreach ($collection as $item) { /** ... */ }
  2. If you are sure that the expression is traversable, you might want to add a doc comment cast to improve IDE auto-completion and static analysis:

    /** @var array $collection */
    $collection = json_decode($data, true);
    foreach ($collection as $item) { /** .. */ }
  3. Mark the issue as a false-positive: Just hover the remove button, in the top-right corner of this issue for more options.

Loading history...
as$l=>$k){$xb[$k[1]]=array($k[2],$k[3]);$xe[]="\n\t'".js_escape($k[1])."': [ $k[2], $k[3] ]";}$Wb=0;$Ye=-1;$La=array();$cf=array();$df=array();foreach(table_status()as$a){if(!isset($a["Engine"])){continue;}$sc=0;$La[$a["Name"]]["fields"]=array();foreach(fields($a["Name"])as$f=>$e){$sc+=1.25;$e["pos"]=$sc;$La[$a["Name"]]["fields"][$f]=$e;}$La[$a["Name"]]["pos"]=($xb[$a["Name"]]?$xb[$a["Name"]]:array($Wb,0));foreach($o->foreignKeys($a["Name"])as$b){if(!$b["db"]){$_a=$Ye;if($xb[$a["Name"]][1]||$xb[$b["table"]][1]){$_a=min(floatval($xb[$a["Name"]][1]),floatval($xb[$b["table"]][1]))-1;}else{$Ye-=.1;}while($df[(string)$_a]){$_a-=.0001;}$La[$a["Name"]]["references"][$b["table"]][(string)$_a]=array($b["source"],$b["target"]);$cf[$b["table"]][$a["Name"]][(string)$_a]=$b["target"];$df[(string)$_a]=true;}}$Wb=max($Wb,$La[$a["Name"]]["pos"][0]+2.5+$sc);}echo'<div id="schema" style="height: ',$Wb,'em;">
<script type="text/javascript">
tablePos = {',implode(",",$xe)."\n",'};
em = document.getElementById(\'schema\').offsetHeight / ',$Wb,';
document.onmousemove = schemaMousemove;
document.onmouseup = function (ev) {
	schemaMouseup(ev, \'',js_escape(DB),'\');
as$f=>$h){echo"<div class='table' style='top: ".$h["pos"][0]."em; left: ".$h["pos"][1]."em;' onmousedown='schemaMousedown(this, event);'>",'<a href="'.h(ME).'table='.urlencode($f).'"><b>'.h($f)."</b></a><br>\n";foreach($h["fields"]as$e){$b='<span'.type_class($e["type"]).' title="'.h($e["full_type"].($e["null"]?" NULL":'')).'">'.h($e["field"]).'</span>';echo($e["primary"]?"<i>$b</i>":$b)."<br>\n";}foreach((array)$h["references"]as$ec=>$uc){foreach($uc
as$_a=>$Yc){$vc=$_a-$xb[$f][1];$l=0;foreach($Yc[0]as$Ja){echo"<div class='references' title='".h($ec)."' id='refs$_a-".($l++)."' style='left: $vc"."em; top: ".$h["fields"][$Ja]["pos"]."em; padding-top: .5em;'><div style='border-top: 1px solid Gray; width: ".(-$vc)."em;'></div></div>\n";}}}foreach((array)$cf[$f]as$ec=>$uc){foreach($uc
as$ia){echo"<div class='references' title='".h($ec)."' id='refd$_a-".($l++)."' style='left: $vc"."em; top: ".$h["fields"][$ia]["pos"]."em; height: 1.25em; background: url(".h(preg_replace("~\\?.*~","",ME))."?file=arrow.gif) no-repeat right center;&amp;version=3.3.1'><div style='height: .5em; border-bottom: 1px solid Gray; width: ".(-$vc)."em;'></div></div>\n";}}}echo"</div>\n";}foreach($La
as$_a=>$Yc){$Pc=$Wb;$Pd=-10;foreach($Yc[0]as$d=>$Ja){$hf=$h["pos"][0]+$h["fields"][$Ja]["pos"];$gf=$La[$ec]["pos"][0]+$La[$ec]["fields"][$Yc[1][$d]]["pos"];$Pc=min($Pc,$hf,$gf);$Pd=max($Pd,$hf,$gf);}echo"<div class='references' id='refl$_a' style='left: $_a"."em; top: $Pc"."em; padding: .5em 0;'><div style='border-right: 1px solid Gray; margin-top: 1px; height: ".($Pd-$Pc)."em;'></div></div>\n";}}}echo'</div>
<p><a href="',h(ME."schema=".urlencode($Ze)),'" id="schema-link">',lang(112),'</a>
';}elseif(isset($_GET["dump"])){$m=$_GET["dump"];if($_POST){$ef="";foreach(array("output","format","db_style","routines","events","table_style","auto_increment","triggers","data_style")as$d){$ef.="&$d=".urlencode($_POST[$d]);}cookie("adminer_export",substr($ef,1));$Lb=dump_headers(($m!=""?$m:DB),(DB==""||count((array)$_POST["tables"]+(array)$_POST["data"])>1));$rb=($_POST["format"]=="sql");if($rb){echo"-- Adminer $nc ".$pa[DRIVER]." dump
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
".($u!="sql"?"":"SET NAMES utf8;
SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
SET time_zone = ".q($g->result("SELECT @@time_zone")).";
as$s){if($g->select_db($s)){if($rb&&ereg('CREATE',$V)&&($ma=$g->result("SHOW CREATE DATABASE ".idf_escape($s),1))){if($V=="DROP+CREATE"){echo"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ".idf_escape($s).";\n";}echo($V=="CREATE+ALTER"?preg_replace('~^CREATE DATABASE ~','\\0IF NOT EXISTS ',$ma):$ma).";\n";}if($rb){if($V){echo
use_sql($s).";\n\n";}if(in_array("CREATE+ALTER",array($V,$_POST["table_style"]))){echo"SET @adminer_alter = '';\n\n";}$pb="";if($_POST["routines"]){foreach(array("FUNCTION","PROCEDURE")as$Sa){foreach(get_rows("SHOW $Sa STATUS WHERE Db = ".q($s),null,"-- ")as$a){$pb.=($V!='DROP+CREATE'?"DROP $Sa IF EXISTS ".idf_escape($a["Name"]).";;\n":"").$g->result("SHOW CREATE $Sa ".idf_escape($a["Name"]),2).";;\n\n";}}}if($_POST["events"]){foreach(get_rows("SHOW EVENTS",null,"-- ")as$a){$pb.=($V!='DROP+CREATE'?"DROP EVENT IF EXISTS ".idf_escape($a["Name"]).";;\n":"").$g->result("SHOW CREATE EVENT ".idf_escape($a["Name"]),3).";;\n\n";}}if($pb){echo"DELIMITER ;;\n\n$pb"."DELIMITER ;\n\n";}}if($_POST["table_style"]||$_POST["data_style"]){$Y=array();foreach(table_status()as$a){$h=(DB==""||in_array($a["Name"],(array)$_POST["tables"]));$af=(DB==""||in_array($a["Name"],(array)$_POST["data"]));if($h||$af){if(!is_view($a)){if($Lb=="tar"){ob_start();}$o->dumpTable($a["Name"],($h?$_POST["table_style"]:""));if($af){$o->dumpData($a["Name"],$_POST["data_style"],"SELECT * FROM ".table($a["Name"]));}if($rb&&$_POST["triggers"]&&$h&&($Sc=trigger_sql($a["Name"],$_POST["table_style"]))){echo"\nDELIMITER ;;\n$Sc\nDELIMITER ;\n";}if($Lb=="tar"){echo
CREATE PROCEDURE adminer_alter (INOUT alter_command text) BEGIN
	DECLARE _table_name, _engine, _table_collation varchar(64);
	DECLARE _table_comment varchar(64);
	DECLARE done bool DEFAULT 0;
	OPEN tables;
		FETCH tables INTO _table_name, _engine, _table_collation, _table_comment;
		IF NOT done THEN
			CASE _table_name";foreach(get_rows($i)as$a){$Ca=q($a["ENGINE"]=="InnoDB"?preg_replace('~(?:(.+); )?InnoDB free: .*~','\\1',$a["TABLE_COMMENT"]):$a["TABLE_COMMENT"]);echo"
				WHEN ".q($a["TABLE_NAME"])." THEN
					".(isset($a["ENGINE"])?"IF _engine != '$a[ENGINE]' OR _table_collation != '$a[TABLE_COLLATION]' OR _table_comment != $Ca THEN
					END IF":"BEGIN END").";";}echo"
					SET alter_command = CONCAT(alter_command, 'DROP TABLE `', REPLACE(_table_name, '`', '``'), '`;\\n');
	CLOSE tables;
CALL adminer_alter(@adminer_alter);
DROP PROCEDURE adminer_alter;
";}if(in_array("CREATE+ALTER",array($V,$_POST["table_style"]))&&$rb){echo"SELECT @adminer_alter;\n";}}}if($rb){echo"-- ".$g->result("SELECT NOW()")."\n";}exit;}page_header(lang(113),"",($_GET["export"]!=""?array("table"=>$_GET["export"]):array()),DB);echo'
<form action="" method="post">
<table cellspacing="0">
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
0 is of type integer, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
<p><input type="submit" value="',lang(113),'">
<table cellspacing="0">
';$vd=array();if(DB!=""){$bb=($m!=""?"":" checked");echo"<thead><tr>","<th style='text-align: left;'><label><input type='checkbox' id='check-tables'$bb onclick='formCheck(this, /^tables\\[/);'>".lang(78)."</label>","<th style='text-align: right;'><label>".lang(118)."<input type='checkbox' id='check-data'$bb onclick='formCheck(this, /^data\\[/);'></label>","</thead>\n";$Y="";foreach(table_status()as$a){$f=$a["Name"];$xc=ereg_replace("_.*","",$f);$bb=($m==""||$m==(substr($m,-1)=="%"?"$xc%":$f));$Eb="<tr><td>".checkbox("tables[]",$f,$bb,$f,"formUncheck('check-tables');");if(is_view($a)){$Y.="$Eb\n";}else{echo"$Eb<td align='right'><label>".($a["Engine"]=="InnoDB"&&$a["Rows"]?"~ ":"").$a["Rows"].checkbox("data[]",$f,$bb,"","formUncheck('check-data');")."</label>\n";}$vd[$xc]++;}echo$Y;}else{echo"<thead><tr><th style='text-align: left;'><label><input type='checkbox' id='check-databases'".($m==""?" checked":"")." onclick='formCheck(this, /^databases\\[/);'>".lang(67)."</label></thead>\n";$_=get_databases();if($_){foreach($_
as$s){if(!information_schema($s)){$xc=ereg_replace("_.*","",$s);echo"<tr><td>".checkbox("databases[]",$s,$m==""||$m=="$xc%",$s,"formUncheck('check-databases');")."</label>\n";$vd[$xc]++;}}}else{echo"<tr><td><textarea name='databases' rows='10' cols='20'></textarea>";}}echo'</table>
as$d=>$b){if($d!=""&&$b>1){echo($za?"<p>":" ")."<a href='".h(ME)."dump=".urlencode("$d%")."'>".h($d)."</a>";$za=false;}}}elseif(isset($_GET["privileges"])){page_header(lang(50));$j=$g->query("SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.".(DB==""?"user":"db WHERE ".q($_GET["db"])." LIKE Db")." ORDER BY Host, User");if(!$j){echo'<form action=""><p>
lang(21),': <input name="user">
',lang(20),': <input name="host" value="localhost">
<input type="hidden" name="grant" value="">
<input type="submit" value="',lang(31),'">
';$j=$g->query("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER, '@', 1) AS User, SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER, '@', -1) AS Host");}echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n","<thead><tr><th>&nbsp;<th>".lang(21)."<th>".lang(20)."</thead>\n";while($a=$j->fetch_assoc()){echo'<tr'.odd().'><td><a href="'.h(ME.'user='.urlencode($a["User"]).'&host='.urlencode($a["Host"])).'">'.lang(119).'</a><td>'.h($a["User"])."<td>".h($a["Host"])."\n";}echo"</table>\n",'<p><a href="'.h(ME).'user=">'.lang(120)."</a>";}elseif(isset($_GET["sql"])){if(!$n&&$_POST["export"]){dump_headers("sql");$o->dumpTable("","");$o->dumpData("","table",$_POST["query"]);exit;}restart_session();$_f=&get_session("queries");$Za=&$_f[DB];if(!$n&&$_POST["clear"]){$Za=array();redirect(remove_from_uri("history"));}page_header(lang(43),$n);if(!$n&&$_POST){$Qa=false;$i=$_POST["query"];if($_POST["webfile"]){$Qa=@fopen((file_exists("adminer.sql")?"adminer.sql":(file_exists("adminer.sql.gz")?"compress.zlib://adminer.sql.gz":"compress.bzip2://adminer.sql.bz2")),"rb");$i=($Qa?fread($Qa,1e6):false);}elseif($_FILES&&$_FILES["sql_file"]["error"]!=4){$i=get_file("sql_file",true);}if(is_string($i)){if(function_exists('memory_get_usage')){@ini_set("memory_limit",max(ini_get("memory_limit"),2*strlen($i)+memory_get_usage()+8e6));}if($i!=""&&strlen($i)<1e6){$ba=$i.(ereg(';$',$i)?"":";");if(!$Za||end($Za)!=$ba){$Za[]=$ba;}}$wc="(?:\\s|/\\*.*\\*/|(?:#|-- )[^\n]*\n|--\n)";if(!ini_bool("session.use_cookies")){session_write_close();}$od=";";$N=0;$gc=true;$G=connect();if(is_object($G)&&DB!=""){$G->select_db(DB);}$Cb=0;$id=array();$qf='[\'`"]'.($u=="pgsql"?'|\\$[^$]*\\$':($u=="mssql"||$u=="sqlite"?'|\\[':'')).'|/\\*|-- |#';$pf=microtime();parse_str($_COOKIE["adminer_export"],$Td);$Sd=$o->dumpFormat();unset($Sd["sql"]);while($i!=""){if(!$N&&$u=="sql"&&preg_match("~^$wc*DELIMITER\\s+(.+)~i",$i,$k)){$od=$k[1];$i=substr($i,strlen($k[0]));}else{preg_match('('.preg_quote($od)."|$qf|\$)",$i,$k,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE,$N);$ua=$k[0][0];$N=$k[0][1]+strlen($ua);if(!$ua&&$Qa&&!feof($Qa)){$i.=fread($Qa,1e5);}else{if(!$ua&&rtrim($i)==""){break;}if($ua&&$ua!=$od){while(preg_match('('.($ua=='/*'?'\\*/':($ua=='['?']':(ereg('^-- |^#',$ua)?"\n":preg_quote($ua)."|\\\\."))).'|$)s',$i,$k,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE,$N)){$qa=$k[0][0];$N=$k[0][1]+strlen($qa);if(!$qa&&$Qa&&!feof($Qa)){$i.=fread($Qa,1e6);}elseif($qa[0]!="\\"){break;}}}else{$gc=false;$ba=substr($i,0,$k[0][1]);$Cb++;$Eb="<pre id='sql-$Cb'><code class='jush-$u'>".shorten_utf8(trim($ba),1000)."</code></pre>\n";if(!$_POST["only_errors"]){echo$Eb;ob_flush();flush();}$Nb=microtime();if($g->multi_query($ba)&&is_object($G)&&preg_match("~^$wc*USE\\b~isU",$ba)){$G->query($ba);}do{$j=$g->store_result();$Xc=microtime();$be=format_time($Nb,$Xc).(strlen($ba)<1000?" <a href='".h(ME)."sql=".urlencode(trim($ba))."'>".lang(31)."</a>":"");if($g->error){echo($_POST["only_errors"]?$Eb:""),"<p class='error'>".lang(121).": ".error()."\n";$id[]=" <a href='#sql-$Cb'>$Cb</a>";if($_POST["error_stops"]){break;}}elseif(is_object($j)){select($j,$G);if(!$_POST["only_errors"]){echo"<form action='' method='post'>\n","<p>".($j->num_rows?lang(122,$j->num_rows):"").$be;$R="export-$Cb";$Xd=", <a href='#$R' onclick=\"return !toggle('$R');\">".lang(113)."</a><span id='$R' class='hidden'>: ".html_select("output",$o->dumpOutput(),$Td["output"])." ".html_select("format",$Sd,$Td["format"])."<input type='hidden' name='query' value='".h($ba)."'>"." <input type='submit' name='export' value='".lang(113)."' onclick='eventStop(event);'><input type='hidden' name='token' value='$P'></span>\n";if($G&&preg_match("~^($wc|\\()*SELECT\\b~isU",$ba)&&($Tf=explain($G,$ba))){$R="explain-$Cb";echo", <a href='#$R' onclick=\"return !toggle('$R');\">EXPLAIN</a>$Xd","<div id='$R' class='hidden'>\n";select($Tf,$G,($u=="sql"?"".substr($g->server_info,0,3)."/en/explain-output.html#explain_":""));echo"</div>\n";}else{echo$Xd;}echo"</form>\n";}}else{if(preg_match("~^$wc*(CREATE|DROP|ALTER)$wc+(DATABASE|SCHEMA)\\b~isU",$ba)){restart_session();set_session("dbs",null);session_write_close();}if(!$_POST["only_errors"]){echo"<p class='message' title='".h($g->info)."'>".lang(123,$g->affected_rows)."$be\n";}}$Nb=$Xc;}while($g->next_result());$i=substr($i,$N);$N=0;}}}}if($gc){echo"<p class='message'>".lang(124)."\n";}elseif($_POST["only_errors"]){echo"<p class='message'>".lang(125,$Cb-count($id)).format_time($pf,microtime())."\n";}elseif($id&&$Cb>1){echo"<p class='error'>".lang(121).": ".implode("",$id)."\n";}}else{echo"<p class='error'>".upload_error($i)."\n";}}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property server_info cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property affected_rows cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property error cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Security Best Practice introduced by
It seems like you do not handle an error condition here. This can introduce security issues, and is generally not recommended.

If you suppress an error, we recommend checking for the error condition explicitly:

// For example instead of

// Better use
if (@mkdir($dir) === false) {
    throw new \RuntimeException('The directory '.$dir.' could not be created.');
Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $id of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="form">
<p>';$ba=$_GET["sql"];if($_POST){$ba=$_POST["query"];}elseif($_GET["history"]=="all"){$ba=$Za;}elseif($_GET["history"]!=""){$ba=$Za[$_GET["history"]];}textarea("query",$ba,20);echo($_POST?"":"<script type='text/javascript'>document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].focus();</script>\n"),"<p>".(ini_bool("file_uploads")?lang(126).': <input type="file" name="sql_file"'.($_FILES&&$_FILES["sql_file"]["error"]!=4?'':' onchange="this.form[\'only_errors\'].checked = true;"').'> (&lt; '.ini_get("upload_max_filesize").'B)':lang(127)),'<p>
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<input type="submit" value="',lang(128),'" title="Ctrl+Enter">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
',checkbox("error_stops",1,$_POST["error_stops"],lang(129))."\n",checkbox("only_errors",1,$_POST["only_errors"],lang(130))."\n";print_fieldset("webfile",lang(131),$_POST["webfile"],"document.getElementById('form')['only_errors'].checked = true; ");$nd=array();foreach(array("gz"=>"zlib","bz2"=>"bz2")as$d=>$b){if(extension_loaded($b)){$nd[]=".$d";}}echo
lang(132,"<code>adminer.sql".($nd?"[".implode("|",$nd)."]":"")."</code>"),' <input type="submit" name="webfile" value="'.lang(133).'">',"</div></fieldset>\n";if($Za){print_fieldset("history",lang(134),$_GET["history"]!="");foreach($Za
as$d=>$b){echo'<a href="'.h(ME."sql=&history=$d").'">'.lang(31)."</a> <code class='jush-$u'>".shorten_utf8(ltrim(str_replace("\n"," ",str_replace("\r","",preg_replace('~^(#|-- ).*~m','',$b)))),80,"</code>")."<br>\n";}echo"<input type='submit' name='clear' value='".lang(135)."'>\n","<a href='".h(ME."sql=&history=all")."'>".lang(136)."</a>\n","</div></fieldset>\n";}echo'
as$f=>$e){if(!isset($e["privileges"][$ra?"update":"insert"])||$o->fieldName($e)==""){unset($p[$f]);}}if($_POST&&!$n&&!isset($_GET["select"])){$ha=$_POST["referer"];if($_POST["insert"]){$ha=($ra?null:$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);}elseif(!ereg('^.+&select=.+$',$ha)){$ha=ME."select=".urlencode($m);}if(isset($_POST["delete"])){query_redirect("DELETE".limit1("FROM ".table($m)," WHERE $t"),$ha,lang(137));}else{$r=array();foreach($p
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$f=>$e){$b=process_input($e);if($b!==false&&$b!==null){$r[idf_escape($f)]=($ra?"\n".idf_escape($f)." = $b":$b);}}if($ra){if(!$r){redirect($ha);}query_redirect("UPDATE".limit1(table($m)." SET".implode(",",$r),"\nWHERE $t"),$ha,lang(138));}else{$j=insert_into($m,$r);$Ud=($j?last_id():0);queries_redirect($ha,lang(139,($Ud?" $Ud":"")),$j);}}}$Ia=$o->tableName(table_status($m));page_header(($ra?lang(31):lang(140)),$n,array("select"=>array($m,$Ia)),$Ia);$a=null;if($_POST["save"]){$a=(array)$_POST["fields"];}elseif($t){$J=array();foreach($p
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $r of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$f=>$e){if(isset($e["privileges"]["select"])){$J[]=($_POST["clone"]&&$e["auto_increment"]?"'' AS ":(ereg("enum|set",$e["type"])?"1*".idf_escape($f)." AS ":"")).idf_escape($f);}}$a=array();if($J){$H=get_rows("SELECT".limit(implode(", ",$J)." FROM ".table($m)," WHERE $t",(isset($_GET["select"])?2:1)));$a=(isset($_GET["select"])&&count($H)!=1?null:reset($H));}}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $J of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="form">
';if($p){echo"<table cellspacing='0' onkeydown='return editingKeydown(event);'>\n";foreach($p
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $p of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
';if($p){echo"<input type='submit' value='".lang(141)."'>\n";if(!isset($_GET["select"])){echo"<input type='submit' name='insert' value='".($ra?lang(142):lang(143))."' title='Ctrl+Shift+Enter'>\n";}}echo($ra?"<input type='submit' name='delete' value='".lang(144)."' onclick=\"return confirm('".lang(0)."');\">\n":($_POST||!$p?"":"<script type='text/javascript'>document.getElementById('form').getElementsByTagName('td')[1].firstChild.focus();</script>\n"));if(isset($_GET["select"])){hidden_fields(array("check"=>(array)$_POST["check"],"clone"=>$_POST["clone"],"all"=>$_POST["all"]));}echo'<input type="hidden" name="referer" value="',h(isset($_POST["referer"])?$_POST["referer"]:$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]),'">
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $p of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $p of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<input type="hidden" name="save" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
';}elseif(isset($_GET["create"])){$m=$_GET["create"];$Zd=array('HASH','LINEAR HASH','KEY','LINEAR KEY','RANGE','LIST');$ae=referencable_primary($m);$ga=array();foreach($ae
as$Ia=>$e){$ga[str_replace("`","``",$Ia)."`".str_replace("`","``",$e["field"])]=$Ia;}$Uc=array();$Tc=array();if($m!=""){$Uc=fields($m);$Tc=table_status($m);}if($_POST&&!$_POST["fields"]){$_POST["fields"]=array();}if($_POST&&!$n&&!$_POST["add"]&&!$_POST["drop_col"]&&!$_POST["up"]&&!$_POST["down"]){if($_POST["drop"]){query_redirect("DROP TABLE ".table($m),substr(ME,0,-1),lang(145));}else{$p=array();$Oa=array();ksort($_POST["fields"]);$ud=reset($Uc);$Jb="FIRST";foreach($_POST["fields"]as$d=>$e){$A=$ga[$e["type"]];$ad=(isset($A)?$ae[$A]:$e);if($e["field"]!=""){if(!$e["has_default"]){$e["default"]=null;}$Ea=eregi_replace(" *on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP","",$e["default"]);if($Ea!=$e["default"]){$e["on_update"]="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";$e["default"]=$Ea;}if($d==$_POST["auto_increment_col"]){$e["auto_increment"]=true;}$we=process_field($e,$ad);if($we!=process_field($ud,$ud)){$p[]=array($e["orig"],$we,$Jb);}if(isset($A)){$Oa[idf_escape($e["field"])]=($m!=""?"ADD":" ")." FOREIGN KEY (".idf_escape($e["field"]).") REFERENCES ".table($ga[$e["type"]])." (".idf_escape($ad["field"]).")".(in_array($e["on_delete"],$eb)?" ON DELETE $e[on_delete]":"");}$Jb="AFTER ".idf_escape($e["field"]);}elseif($e["orig"]!=""){$p[]=array($e["orig"]);}if($e["orig"]!=""){$ud=next($Uc);}}$zb="";if(in_array($_POST["partition_by"],$Zd)){$Ad=array();if($_POST["partition_by"]=='RANGE'||$_POST["partition_by"]=='LIST'){foreach(array_filter($_POST["partition_names"])as$d=>$b){$q=$_POST["partition_values"][$d];$Ad[]="\nPARTITION ".idf_escape($b)." VALUES ".($_POST["partition_by"]=='RANGE'?"LESS THAN":"IN").($q!=""?" ($q)":" MAXVALUE");}}$zb.="\nPARTITION BY $_POST[partition_by]($_POST[partition])".($Ad?" (".implode(",",$Ad)."\n)":($_POST["partitions"]?" PARTITIONS ".(+$_POST["partitions"]):""));}elseif($m!=""&&support("partitioning")){$zb.="\nREMOVE PARTITIONING";}$xa=lang(146);if($m==""){cookie("adminer_engine",$_POST["Engine"]);$xa=lang(147);}queries_redirect(ME."table=".urlencode($_POST["name"]),$xa,alter_table($m,$_POST["name"],$p,$Oa,$_POST["Comment"],($_POST["Engine"]&&$_POST["Engine"]!=$Tc["Engine"]?$_POST["Engine"]:""),($_POST["Collation"]&&$_POST["Collation"]!=$Tc["Collation"]?$_POST["Collation"]:""),($_POST["Auto_increment"]!=""?+$_POST["Auto_increment"]:""),$zb));}}page_header(($m!=""?lang(28):lang(148)),$n,array("table"=>$m),$m);$a=array("Engine"=>$_COOKIE["adminer_engine"],"fields"=>array(array("field"=>"","type"=>(isset($S["int"])?"int":(isset($S["integer"])?"integer":"")))),"partition_names"=>array(""),);if($_POST){$a=$_POST;if($a["auto_increment_col"]){$a["fields"][$a["auto_increment_col"]]["auto_increment"]=true;}process_fields($a["fields"]);}elseif($m!=""){$a=$Tc;$a["name"]=$m;$a["fields"]=array();if(!$_GET["auto_increment"]){$a["Auto_increment"]="";}foreach($Uc
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$e){$e["has_default"]=isset($e["default"]);if($e["on_update"]){$e["default"].=" ON UPDATE $e[on_update]";}$a["fields"][]=$e;}if(support("partitioning")){$cc="FROM information_schema.PARTITIONS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ".q(DB)." AND TABLE_NAME = ".q($m);$j=$g->query("SELECT PARTITION_METHOD, PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION, PARTITION_EXPRESSION $cc ORDER BY PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION DESC LIMIT 1");list($a["partition_by"],$a["partitions"],$a["partition"])=$j->fetch_row();$a["partition_names"]=array();$a["partition_values"]=array();foreach(get_rows("SELECT PARTITION_NAME, PARTITION_DESCRIPTION $cc AND PARTITION_NAME != '' ORDER BY PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION")as$dd){$a["partition_names"][]=$dd["PARTITION_NAME"];$a["partition_values"][]=$dd["PARTITION_DESCRIPTION"];}$a["partition_names"][]="";}}$Z=collations();$_d=floor(extension_loaded("suhosin")?(min(ini_get("suhosin.request.max_vars"),ini_get(""))-13)/10:0);if($_d&&count($a["fields"])>$_d){echo"<p class='error'>".h(lang(149,'','suhosin.request.max_vars'))."\n";}$sd=engines();foreach($sd
<form action="" method="post" id="form">
',lang(150),': <input name="name" maxlength="64" value="',h($a["name"]),'">
';if($m==""&&!$_POST){?><script type='text/javascript'>document.getElementById('form')['name'].focus();</script><?php }echo($sd?html_select("Engine",array(""=>"(".lang(151).")")+$sd,$a["Engine"]):""),' ',($Z&&!ereg("sqlite|mssql",$u)?html_select("Collation",array(""=>"(".lang(86).")")+$Z,$a["Collation"]):""),' <input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'">
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Z of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<table cellspacing="0" id="edit-fields" class="nowrap">
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
',lang(93),': <input name="Auto_increment" size="6" value="',h($a["Auto_increment"]),'">
<label class="jsonly"><input type="checkbox" name="defaults" value="1"',($_POST["defaults"]?" checked":""),' onclick="columnShow(this.checked, 5);">',lang(94),'</label>
',(support("comment")?checkbox("comments",1,$Gb,lang(95),"columnShow(this.checked, 6); toggle('Comment'); if (this.checked) this.form['Comment'].focus();",true).' <input id="Comment" name="Comment" value="'.h($a["Comment"]).'" maxlength="60"'.($Gb?'':' class="hidden"').'>':''),'<p>
<input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'">
';if($_GET["create"]!=""){echo'<input type="submit" name="drop" value="',lang(79),'"',confirm(),'>';}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
',html_select("partition_by",array(-1=>"")+$Zd,$a["partition_by"],"partitionByChange(this);"),'(<input name="partition" value="',h($a["partition"]),'">)
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
'partitionByChange(this);' is of type string, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
',lang(153),': <input name="partitions" size="2" value="',h($a["partitions"]),'"',($qe||!$a["partition_by"]?" class='hidden'":""),'>
<table cellspacing="0" id="partition-table"',($qe?"":" class='hidden'"),'>
';foreach($a["partition_names"]as$d=>$b){echo'<tr>','<td><input name="partition_names[]" value="'.h($b).'"'.($d==count($a["partition_names"])-1?' onchange="partitionNameChange(this);"':'').'>','<td><input name="partition_values[]" value="'.h($a["partition_values"][$d]).'">';}echo'</table>
';}elseif(isset($_GET["indexes"])){$m=$_GET["indexes"];$Vc=array("PRIMARY","UNIQUE","INDEX");$E=table_status($m);if(eregi("MyISAM|M?aria",$E["Engine"])){$Vc[]="FULLTEXT";}$K=indexes($m);if($u=="sqlite"){unset($Vc[0]);unset($K[""]);}if($_POST&&!$n&&!$_POST["add"]){$v=array();foreach($_POST["indexes"]as$w){$f=$w["name"];if(in_array($w["type"],$Vc)){$B=array();$dc=array();$r=array();ksort($w["columns"]);foreach($w["columns"]as$d=>$C){if($C!=""){$X=$w["lengths"][$d];$r[]=idf_escape($C).($X?"(".(+$X).")":"");$B[]=$C;$dc[]=($X?$X:null);}}if($B){$tb=$K[$f];if($tb){ksort($tb["columns"]);ksort($tb["lengths"]);if($w["type"]==$tb["type"]&&array_values($tb["columns"])===$B&&(!$tb["lengths"]||array_values($tb["lengths"])===$dc)){unset($K[$f]);continue;}}$v[]=array($w["type"],$f,"(".implode(", ",$r).")");}}}foreach($K
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $B of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $v of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post">
<table cellspacing="0" class="nowrap">
';$oa=1;foreach($a["indexes"]as$w){echo"<tr><td>".html_select("indexes[$oa][type]",array(-1=>"")+$Vc,$w["type"],($oa==count($a["indexes"])?"indexesAddRow(this);":1))."<td>";ksort($w["columns"]);$l=1;foreach($w["columns"]as$d=>$C){echo"<span>".html_select("indexes[$oa][columns][$l]",array(-1=>"")+$p,$C,($l==count($w["columns"])?"indexesAddColumn":"indexesChangeColumn")."(this, '".js_escape($u=="sql"?"":$_GET["indexes"]."_")."');"),"<input name='indexes[$oa][lengths][$l]' size='2' value='".h($w["lengths"][$d])."'> </span>";$l++;}echo"<td><input name='indexes[$oa][name]' value='".h($w["name"])."'>\n";$oa++;}echo'</table>
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
$oa == count($a['indexes...dexesAddRow(this);' : 1 is of type string|integer, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Documentation introduced by
($l == count($w['columns...dexes'] . '_') . '\');' is of type string, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
<input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'">
<noscript><p><input type="submit" name="add" value="',lang(96),'"></noscript>
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$s){if(count($_)==1||$s!=""){if(!create_database($s,$_POST["collation"])){$pe=false;}$ub=$s;}}queries_redirect(ME."db=".urlencode($ub),lang(162),$pe);}}else{if(!$_POST["collation"]){redirect(substr(ME,0,-1));}query_redirect("ALTER DATABASE ".idf_escape($_POST["name"]).(eregi('^[a-z0-9_]+$',$_POST["collation"])?" COLLATE $_POST[collation]":""),substr(ME,0,-1),lang(163));}}page_header(DB!=""?lang(46):lang(164),$n,array(),DB);$Z=collations();$f=DB;$Cc=null;if($_POST){$f=$_POST["name"];$Cc=$_POST["collation"];}elseif(DB!=""){$Cc=db_collation(DB,$Z);}elseif($u=="sql"){foreach(get_vals("SHOW GRANTS")as$ja){if(preg_match('~ ON (`(([^\\\\`]|``|\\\\.)*)%`\\.\\*)?~',$ja,$k)&&$k[1]){$f=stripcslashes(idf_unescape("`$k[2]`"));break;}}}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post">
',($_POST["add_x"]||strpos($f,"\n")?'<textarea id="name" name="name" rows="10" cols="40">'.h($f).'</textarea><br>':'<input id="name" name="name" value="'.h($f).'" maxlength="64">')."\n".($Z?html_select("collation",array(""=>"(".lang(86).")")+$Z,$Cc):"");?>
<script type='text/javascript'>document.getElementById('name').focus();</script>
<input type="submit" value="<?php echo
';if(DB!=""){echo"<input type='submit' name='drop' value='".lang(79)."'".confirm().">\n";}elseif(!$_POST["add_x"]&&$_GET["db"]==""){echo"<input type='image' name='add' src='".h(preg_replace("~\\?.*~","",ME))."?file=plus.gif&amp;version=3.3.1' alt='+' title='".lang(96)."'>\n";}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
1363 View Code Duplication
';}elseif(isset($_GET["scheme"])){if($_POST&&!$n){$x=preg_replace('~ns=[^&]*&~','',ME)."ns=";if($_POST["drop"]){query_redirect("DROP SCHEMA ".idf_escape($_GET["ns"]),$x,lang(165));}else{$x.=urlencode($_POST["name"]);if($_GET["ns"]==""){query_redirect("CREATE SCHEMA ".idf_escape($_POST["name"]),$x,lang(166));}elseif($_GET["ns"]!=$_POST["name"]){query_redirect("ALTER SCHEMA ".idf_escape($_GET["ns"])." RENAME TO ".idf_escape($_POST["name"]),$x,lang(167));}else{redirect($x);}}}page_header($_GET["ns"]!=""?lang(47):lang(48),$n);$a=array("name"=>$_GET["ns"]);if($_POST){$a=$_POST;}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post">
<p><input name="name" value="',h($a["name"]),'">
<input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'">
';if($_GET["ns"]!=""){echo"<input type='submit' name='drop' value='".lang(79)."'".confirm().">\n";}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
';}elseif(isset($_GET["call"])){$Ta=$_GET["call"];page_header(lang(168).": ".h($Ta),$n);$Sa=routine($Ta,(isset($_GET["callf"])?"FUNCTION":"PROCEDURE"));$Kb=array();$pb=array();foreach($Sa["fields"]as$l=>$e){if(substr($e["inout"],-3)=="OUT"){$pb[$l]="@".idf_escape($e["field"])." AS ".idf_escape($e["field"]);}if(!$e["inout"]||substr($e["inout"],0,2)=="IN"){$Kb[]=$l;}}if(!$n&&$_POST){$oe=array();foreach($Sa["fields"]as$d=>$e){if(in_array($d,$Kb)){$b=process_input($e);if($b===false){$b="''";}if(isset($pb[$d])){$g->query("SET @".idf_escape($e["field"])." = $b");}}$oe[]=(isset($pb[$d])?"@".idf_escape($e["field"]):$b);}$i=(isset($_GET["callf"])?"SELECT":"CALL")." ".idf_escape($Ta)."(".implode(", ",$oe).")";echo"<p><code class='jush-$u'>".h($i)."</code> <a href='".h(ME)."sql=".urlencode($i)."'>".lang(31)."</a>\n";if(!$g->multi_query($i)){echo"<p class='error'>".error()."\n";}else{$G=connect();if(is_object($G)){$G->select_db(DB);}do{$j=$g->store_result();if(is_object($j)){select($j,$G);}else{echo"<p class='message'>".lang(169,$g->affected_rows)."\n";}}while($g->next_result());if($pb){select($g->query("SELECT ".implode(", ",$pb)));}}}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property affected_rows cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $pb of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post">
';if($Kb){echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n";foreach($Kb
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Kb of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<input type="submit" value="',lang(168),'">
<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
';}elseif(isset($_GET["foreign"])){$m=$_GET["foreign"];if($_POST&&!$n&&!$_POST["add"]&&!$_POST["change"]&&!$_POST["change-js"]){if($_POST["drop"]){query_redirect("ALTER TABLE ".table($m)."\nDROP ".($u=="sql"?"FOREIGN KEY ":"CONSTRAINT ").idf_escape($_GET["name"]),ME."table=".urlencode($m),lang(170));}else{$Ja=array_filter($_POST["source"],'strlen');ksort($Ja);$ia=array();foreach($Ja
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){$ia[$d]=$_POST["target"][$d];}query_redirect("ALTER TABLE ".table($m).($_GET["name"]!=""?"\nDROP FOREIGN KEY ".idf_escape($_GET["name"]).",":"")."\nADD FOREIGN KEY (".implode(", ",array_map('idf_escape',$Ja)).") REFERENCES ".table($_POST["table"])." (".implode(", ",array_map('idf_escape',$ia)).")".(in_array($_POST["on_delete"],$eb)?" ON DELETE $_POST[on_delete]":"").(in_array($_POST["on_update"],$eb)?" ON UPDATE $_POST[on_update]":""),ME."table=".urlencode($m),($_GET["name"]!=""?lang(171):lang(172)));$n=lang(173)."<br>$n";}}page_header(lang(174),$n,array("table"=>$m),$m);$a=array("table"=>$m,"source"=>array(""));if($_POST){$a=$_POST;ksort($a["source"]);if($_POST["add"]){$a["source"][]="";}elseif($_POST["change"]||$_POST["change-js"]){$a["target"]=array();}}elseif($_GET["name"]!=""){$ga=foreign_keys($m);$a=$ga[$_GET["name"]];$a["source"][]="";}$Ja=array_keys(fields($m));$ia=($m===$a["table"]?$Ja:array_keys(fields($a["table"])));$re=array();foreach(table_status()as$f=>$E){if(fk_support($E)){$re[]=$f;}}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post">
',html_select("table",$re,$a["table"],"this.form['change-js'].value = '1'; if (!ajaxForm(this.form)) this.form.submit();"),'<input type="hidden" name="change-js" value="">
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
'this.form[\'change-js\'...)) this.form.submit();' is of type string, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
<noscript><p><input type="submit" name="change" value="',lang(176),'"></noscript>
<table cellspacing="0">
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
$oa == count($a['source'...reignAddRow(this);' : 1 is of type string|integer, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
',lang(87),': ',html_select("on_delete",array(-1=>"")+$eb,$a["on_delete"]),' ',lang(107),': ',html_select("on_update",array(-1=>"")+$eb,$a["on_update"]),'<p>
<input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'">
<noscript><p><input type="submit" name="add" value="',lang(177),'"></noscript>
';}if($_GET["name"]!=""){echo'<input type="submit" name="drop" value="',lang(79),'"',confirm(),'>';}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
';}elseif(isset($_GET["view"])){$m=$_GET["view"];$ib=false;if($_POST&&!$n){$ib=drop_create("DROP VIEW ".table($m),"CREATE VIEW ".table($_POST["name"])." AS\n$_POST[select]",($_POST["drop"]?substr(ME,0,-1):ME."table=".urlencode($_POST["name"])),lang(178),lang(179),lang(180),$m);}page_header(($m!=""?lang(27):lang(181)),$n,array("table"=>$m),$m);$a=array();if($_POST){$a=$_POST;}elseif($m!=""){$a=view($m);$a["name"]=$m;}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post">
<p>',lang(159),': <input name="name" value="',h($a["name"]),'" maxlength="64">
';if($ib){echo'<input type="hidden" name="dropped" value="1">';}echo'<input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'">
';if($_GET["view"]!=""){echo'<input type="submit" name="drop" value="',lang(79),'"',confirm(),'>';}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
';}elseif(isset($_GET["event"])){$lb=$_GET["event"];$ue=array("YEAR","QUARTER","MONTH","DAY","HOUR","MINUTE","WEEK","SECOND","YEAR_MONTH","DAY_HOUR","DAY_MINUTE","DAY_SECOND","HOUR_MINUTE","HOUR_SECOND","MINUTE_SECOND");$zd=array("ENABLED"=>"ENABLE","DISABLED"=>"DISABLE","SLAVESIDE_DISABLED"=>"DISABLE ON SLAVE");if($_POST&&!$n){if($_POST["drop"]){query_redirect("DROP EVENT ".idf_escape($lb),substr(ME,0,-1),lang(182));}elseif(in_array($_POST["INTERVAL_FIELD"],$ue)&&isset($zd[$_POST["STATUS"]])){$te="\nON SCHEDULE ".($_POST["INTERVAL_VALUE"]?"EVERY ".q($_POST["INTERVAL_VALUE"])." $_POST[INTERVAL_FIELD]".($_POST["STARTS"]?" STARTS ".q($_POST["STARTS"]):"").($_POST["ENDS"]?" ENDS ".q($_POST["ENDS"]):""):"AT ".q($_POST["STARTS"]))." ON COMPLETION".($_POST["ON_COMPLETION"]?"":" NOT")." PRESERVE";queries_redirect(substr(ME,0,-1),($lb!=""?lang(183):lang(184)),queries(($lb!=""?"ALTER EVENT ".idf_escape($lb).$te.($lb!=$_POST["EVENT_NAME"]?"\nRENAME TO ".idf_escape($_POST["EVENT_NAME"]):""):"CREATE EVENT ".idf_escape($_POST["EVENT_NAME"]).$te)."\n".$zd[$_POST["STATUS"]]." COMMENT ".q($_POST["EVENT_COMMENT"]).rtrim(" DO\n$_POST[EVENT_DEFINITION]",";").";"));}}page_header(($lb!=""?lang(185).": ".h($lb):lang(186)),$n);$a=array();if($_POST){$a=$_POST;}elseif($lb!=""){$H=get_rows("SELECT * FROM information_schema.EVENTS WHERE EVENT_SCHEMA = ".q(DB)." AND EVENT_NAME = ".q($lb));$a=reset($H);}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post">
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><th>',lang(159),'<td><input name="EVENT_NAME" value="',h($a["EVENT_NAME"]),'" maxlength="64">
<tr><th>',lang(187),'<td><input name="STARTS" value="',h("$a[EXECUTE_AT]$a[STARTS]"),'">
<tr><th>',lang(188),'<td><input name="ENDS" value="',h($a["ENDS"]),'">
<tr><th>',lang(189),'<td><input name="INTERVAL_VALUE" value="',h($a["INTERVAL_VALUE"]),'" size="6"> ',html_select("INTERVAL_FIELD",$ue,$a["INTERVAL_FIELD"]),'<tr><th>',lang(74),'<td>',html_select("STATUS",$zd,$a["STATUS"]),'<tr><th>',lang(95),'<td><input name="EVENT_COMMENT" value="',h($a["EVENT_COMMENT"]),'" maxlength="64">
<input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'">
';if($lb!=""){echo'<input type="submit" name="drop" value="',lang(79),'"',confirm(),'>';}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$e){if($e["field"]!=""){$r[]=(ereg("^($hc)\$",$e["inout"])?"$e[inout] ":"").idf_escape($e["field"]).process_type($e,"CHARACTER SET");}}$ib=drop_create("DROP $Sa ".idf_escape($Ta),"CREATE $Sa ".idf_escape($_POST["name"])." (".implode(", ",$r).")".(isset($_GET["function"])?" RETURNS".process_type($_POST["returns"],"CHARACTER SET"):"").(in_array($_POST["language"],$Ld)?" LANGUAGE $_POST[language]":"").rtrim("\n$_POST[definition]",";").";",substr(ME,0,-1),lang(191),lang(192),lang(193),$Ta);}page_header(($Ta!=""?(isset($_GET["function"])?lang(194):lang(195)).": ".h($Ta):(isset($_GET["function"])?lang(196):lang(197))),$n);$Z=get_vals("SHOW CHARACTER SET");sort($Z);$a=array("fields"=>array());if($_POST){$a=$_POST;$a["fields"]=(array)$a["fields"];process_fields($a["fields"]);}elseif($Ta!=""){$a=routine($Ta,$Sa);$a["name"]=$Ta;}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post" id="form">
<p>',lang(159),': <input name="name" value="',h($a["name"]),'" maxlength="64">
',($Ld?lang(7).": ".html_select("language",$Ld,$a["language"]):""),'<table cellspacing="0" class="nowrap">
<input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'">
';if($Ta!=""){echo'<input type="submit" name="drop" value="',lang(79),'"',confirm(),'>';}if($ib){echo'<input type="hidden" name="dropped" value="1">';}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
1422 View Code Duplication
';}elseif(isset($_GET["sequence"])){$Bb=$_GET["sequence"];if($_POST&&!$n){$x=substr(ME,0,-1);if($_POST["drop"]){query_redirect("DROP SEQUENCE ".idf_escape($Bb),$x,lang(199));}elseif($Bb==""){query_redirect("CREATE SEQUENCE ".idf_escape($_POST["name"]),$x,lang(200));}elseif($Bb!=$_POST["name"]){query_redirect("ALTER SEQUENCE ".idf_escape($Bb)." RENAME TO ".idf_escape($_POST["name"]),$x,lang(201));}else{redirect($x);}}page_header($Bb!=""?lang(202).": ".h($Bb):lang(203),$n);$a=array("name"=>$Bb);if($_POST){$a=$_POST;}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post">
<p><input name="name" value="',h($a["name"]),'">
<input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'">
';if($Bb!=""){echo"<input type='submit' name='drop' value='".lang(79)."'".confirm().">\n";}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
';}elseif(isset($_GET["type"])){$Gc=$_GET["type"];if($_POST&&!$n){$x=substr(ME,0,-1);if($_POST["drop"]){query_redirect("DROP TYPE ".idf_escape($Gc),$x,lang(204));}else{query_redirect("CREATE TYPE ".idf_escape($_POST["name"])." $_POST[as]",$x,lang(205));}}page_header($Gc!=""?lang(206).": ".h($Gc):lang(207),$n);$a["as"]="AS ";if($_POST){$a=$_POST;}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post">
';if($Gc!=""){echo"<input type='submit' name='drop' value='".lang(79)."'".confirm().">\n";}else{echo"<input name='name' value='".h($a['name'])."'>\n";textarea("as",$a["as"]);echo"<p><input type='submit' value='".lang(141)."'>\n";}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
';}elseif(isset($_GET["trigger"])){$m=$_GET["trigger"];$Fc=trigger_options();$ge=array("INSERT","UPDATE","DELETE");$ib=false;if($_POST&&!$n&&in_array($_POST["Timing"],$Fc["Timing"])&&in_array($_POST["Event"],$ge)&&in_array($_POST["Type"],$Fc["Type"])){$ee=" $_POST[Timing] $_POST[Event]";$Ab=" ON ".table($m);$ib=drop_create("DROP TRIGGER ".idf_escape($_GET["name"]).($u=="pgsql"?$Ab:""),"CREATE TRIGGER ".idf_escape($_POST["Trigger"]).($u=="mssql"?$Ab.$ee:$ee.$Ab).rtrim(" $_POST[Type]\n$_POST[Statement]",";").";",ME."table=".urlencode($m),lang(208),lang(209),lang(210),$_GET["name"]);}page_header(($_GET["name"]!=""?lang(211).": ".h($_GET["name"]):lang(212)),$n,array("table"=>$m));$a=array("Trigger"=>$m."_bi");if($_POST){$a=$_POST;}elseif($_GET["name"]!=""){$a=trigger($_GET["name"]);}echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post" id="form">
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><th>',lang(213),'<td>',html_select("Timing",$Fc["Timing"],$a["Timing"],"if (/^".preg_quote($m,"/")."_[ba][iud]$/.test(this.form['Trigger'].value)) this.form['Trigger'].value = '".js_escape($m)."_' + selectValue(this).charAt(0).toLowerCase() + selectValue(this.form['Event']).charAt(0).toLowerCase();"),'<tr><th>',lang(214),'<td>',html_select("Event",$ge,$a["Event"],"this.form['Timing'].onchange();"),'<tr><th>',lang(90),'<td>',html_select("Type",$Fc["Type"],$a["Type"]),'</table>
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
'if (/^' . preg_quote($m...arAt(0).toLowerCase();' is of type string, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Documentation introduced by
'this.form[\'Timing\'].onchange();' is of type string, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
<p>',lang(159),': <input name="Trigger" value="',h($a["Trigger"]),'" maxlength="64">
<input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'">
';if($_GET["name"]!=""){echo'<input type="submit" name="drop" value="',lang(79),'"',confirm(),'>';}if($ib){echo'<input type="hidden" name="dropped" value="1">';}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
';}elseif(isset($_GET["user"])){$Fd=$_GET["user"];$va=array(""=>array("All privileges"=>""));foreach(get_rows("SHOW PRIVILEGES")as$a){foreach(explode(",",($a["Privilege"]=="Grant option"?"":$a["Context"]))as$Oc){$va[$Oc][$a["Privilege"]]=$a["Comment"];}}$va["Server Admin"]+=$va["File access on server"];$va["Databases"]["Create routine"]=$va["Procedures"]["Create routine"];unset($va["Procedures"]["Create routine"]);$va["Columns"]=array();foreach(array("Select","Insert","Update","References")as$b){$va["Columns"][$b]=$va["Tables"][$b];}unset($va["Server Admin"]["Usage"]);foreach($va["Tables"]as$d=>$b){unset($va["Databases"][$d]);}$tc=array();if($_POST){foreach($_POST["objects"]as$d=>$b){$tc[$b]=(array)$tc[$b]+(array)$_POST["grants"][$d];}}$nb=array();$Mc="";if(isset($_GET["host"])&&($j=$g->query("SHOW GRANTS FOR ".q($Fd)."@".q($_GET["host"])))){while($a=$j->fetch_row()){if(preg_match('~GRANT (.*) ON (.*) TO ~',$a[0],$k)&&preg_match_all('~ *([^(,]*[^ ,(])( *\\([^)]+\\))?~',$k[1],$ta,PREG_SET_ORDER)){foreach($ta
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$b){if($b[1]!="USAGE"){$nb["$k[2]$b[2]"][$b[1]]=true;}if(ereg(' WITH GRANT OPTION',$a[0])){$nb["$k[2]$b[2]"]["GRANT OPTION"]=true;}}}if(preg_match("~ IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '([^']+)~",$a[0],$k)){$Mc=$k[1];}}}if($_POST&&!$n){$Xb=(isset($_GET["host"])?q($Fd)."@".q($_GET["host"]):"''");$jb=q($_POST["user"])."@".q($_POST["host"]);$Md=q($_POST["pass"]);if($_POST["drop"]){query_redirect("DROP USER $Xb",ME."privileges=",lang(215));}else{if($Xb!=$jb){$n=!queries(($g->server_info<5?"GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO":"CREATE USER")." $jb IDENTIFIED BY".($_POST["hashed"]?" PASSWORD":"")." $Md");}elseif($_POST["pass"]!=$Mc||!$_POST["hashed"]){queries("SET PASSWORD FOR $jb = ".($_POST["hashed"]?$Md:"PASSWORD($Md)"));}if(!$n){$mc=array();foreach($tc
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property server_info cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$Ya=>$ja){if(isset($_GET["grant"])){$ja=array_filter($ja);}$ja=array_keys($ja);if(isset($_GET["grant"])){$mc=array_diff(array_keys(array_filter($tc[$Ya],'strlen')),$ja);}elseif($Xb==$jb){$de=array_keys((array)$nb[$Ya]);$mc=array_diff($de,$ja);$ja=array_diff($ja,$de);unset($nb[$Ya]);}if(preg_match('~^(.+)\\s*(\\(.*\\))?$~U',$Ya,$k)&&(!grant("REVOKE",$mc,$k[2]," ON $k[1] FROM $jb")||!grant("GRANT",$ja,$k[2]," ON $k[1] TO $jb"))){$n=true;break;}}}if(!$n&&isset($_GET["host"])){if($Xb!=$jb){queries("DROP USER $Xb");}elseif(!isset($_GET["grant"])){foreach($nb
as$Ya=>$mc){if(preg_match('~^(.+)(\\(.*\\))?$~U',$Ya,$k)){grant("REVOKE",array_keys($mc),$k[2]," ON $k[1] FROM $jb");}}}}queries_redirect(ME."privileges=",(isset($_GET["host"])?lang(216):lang(217)),!$n);if($Xb!=$jb){$g->query("DROP USER $jb");}}}page_header((isset($_GET["host"])?lang(21).": ".h("$Fd@$_GET[host]"):lang(120)),$n,array("privileges"=>array('',lang(50))));if($_POST){$a=$_POST;$nb=$tc;}else{$a=$_GET+array("host"=>$g->result("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER, '@', -1)"));$a["pass"]=$Mc;if($Mc!=""){$a["hashed"]=true;}$nb[DB!=""&&!isset($_GET["host"])?idf_escape($_GET["db"]).".*":""]=array();}echo'<form action="" method="post">
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like $n can also be of type boolean; however, page_header() does only seem to accept string, maybe add an additional type check?

If a method or function can return multiple different values and unless you are sure that you only can receive a single value in this context, we recommend to add an additional type check:

 * @return array|string
function returnsDifferentValues($x) {
    if ($x) {
        return 'foo';

    return array();

$x = returnsDifferentValues($y);
if (is_array($x)) {
    // $x is an array.

If this a common case that PHP Analyzer should handle natively, please let us know by opening an issue.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<table cellspacing="0">
<tr><th>',lang(20),'<td><input name="host" maxlength="60" value="',h($a["host"]),'">
<tr><th>',lang(21),'<td><input name="user" maxlength="16" value="',h($a["user"]),'">
<tr><th>',lang(22),'<td><input id="pass" name="pass" value="',h($a["pass"]),'">
';if(!$a["hashed"]){echo'<script type="text/javascript">typePassword(document.getElementById(\'pass\'));</script>';}echo
checkbox("hashed",1,$a["hashed"],lang(218),"typePassword(this.form['pass'], this.checked);"),'</table>
';echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n","<thead><tr><th colspan='2'><a href='".substr($g->server_info,0,3)."/en/grant.html#priv_level' target='_blank' rel='noreferrer'>".lang(50)."</a>";$l=0;foreach($nb
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property server_info cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
as$Ya=>$ja){echo'<th>'.($Ya!="*.*"?"<input name='objects[$l]' value='".h($Ya)."' size='10'>":"<input type='hidden' name='objects[$l]' value='*.*' size='10'>*.*");$l++;}echo"</thead>\n";foreach(array(""=>"","Server Admin"=>lang(20),"Databases"=>lang(67),"Tables"=>lang(101),"Columns"=>lang(102),"Procedures"=>lang(219),)as$Oc=>$Dc){foreach((array)$va[$Oc]as$pc=>$Ca){echo"<tr".odd()."><td".($Dc?">$Dc<td":" colspan='2'").' lang="en" title="'.h($Ca).'">'.h($pc);$l=0;foreach($nb
as$Ya=>$ja){$f="'grants[$l][".h(strtoupper($pc))."]'";$q=$ja[strtoupper($pc)];if($Oc=="Server Admin"&&$Ya!=(isset($nb["*.*"])?"*.*":"")){echo"<td>&nbsp;";}elseif(isset($_GET["grant"])){echo"<td><select name=$f><option><option value='1'".($q?" selected":"").">".lang(220)."<option value='0'".($q=="0"?" selected":"").">".lang(221)."</select>";}else{echo"<td align='center'><input type='checkbox' name=$f value='1'".($q?" checked":"").($pc=="All privileges"?" id='grants-$l-all'":($pc=="Grant option"?"":" onclick=\"if (this.checked) formUncheck('grants-$l-all');\"")).">";}$l++;}}}echo"</table>\n",'<p>
<input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'">
';if(isset($_GET["host"])){echo'<input type="submit" name="drop" value="',lang(79),'"',confirm(),'>';}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
';}elseif(isset($_GET["processlist"])){if(support("kill")&&$_POST&&!$n){$Nd=0;foreach((array)$_POST["kill"]as$b){if(queries("KILL ".(+$b))){$Nd++;}}queries_redirect(ME."processlist=",lang(222,$Nd),$Nd||!$_POST["kill"]);}page_header(lang(72),$n);echo'
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
<form action="" method="post">
<table cellspacing="0" onclick="tableClick(event);" class="nowrap">
';$l=-1;foreach(process_list()as$l=>$a){if(!$l){echo"<thead><tr lang='en'>".(support("kill")?"<th>&nbsp;":"")."<th>".implode("<th>",array_keys($a))."</thead>\n";}echo"<tr".odd().">".(support("kill")?"<td>".checkbox("kill[]",$a["Id"],0):"");foreach($a
as$d=>$b){echo"<td>".(($u=="sql"?$d=="Info"&&$b!="":$d=="current_query"&&$b!="<IDLE>")?"<code class='jush-$u'>".shorten_utf8($b,100,"</code>").' <a href="'.h(ME.($a["db"]!=""?"db=".urlencode($a["db"])."&":"")."sql=".urlencode($b)).'">'.lang(31).'</a>':nbsp($b));}echo"\n";}echo'</table>
';if(support("kill")){echo($l+1)."/".lang(223,$g->result("SELECT @@max_connections")),"<p><input type='submit' value='".lang(224)."'>\n";}echo'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="',$P,'">
1468 View Code Duplication
as$d=>$e){$f=$o->fieldName($e);if(isset($e["privileges"]["select"])&&$f!=""){$B[$d]=html_entity_decode(strip_tags($f));if(ereg('text|lob',$e["type"])){$Vb=$o->selectLengthProcess();}}$ie+=$e["privileges"];}list($J,$sa)=$o->selectColumnsProcess($B,$K);$t=$o->selectSearchProcess($p,$K);$gb=$o->selectOrderProcess($p,$K);$L=$o->selectLimitProcess();$cc=($J?implode(", ",$J):($E["Oid"]=="t"?"oid, ":"")."*")."\nFROM ".table($m);$qd=($sa&&count($sa)<count($J)?"\nGROUP BY ".implode(", ",$sa):"").($gb?"\nORDER BY ".implode(", ",$gb):"");if($_GET["val"]&&is_ajax()){header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");foreach($_GET["val"]as$ab=>$a){echo$g->result("SELECT".limit(idf_escape(key($a))." FROM ".table($m)," WHERE ".where_check($ab).($t?" AND ".implode(" AND ",$t):"").($gb?" ORDER BY ".implode(", ",$gb):""),1));}exit;}if($_POST&&!$n){$ke="(".implode(") OR (",array_map('where_check',(array)$_POST["check"])).")";$Ma=$_c=null;foreach($K
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $_POST of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){if(in_array(idf_escape($d),$J)){unset($_c[$d]);}}if($_POST["export"]){cookie("adminer_import","output=".urlencode($_POST["output"])."&format=".urlencode($_POST["format"]));dump_headers($m);$o->dumpTable($m,"");if(!is_array($_POST["check"])||$_c===array()){$bc=$t;if(is_array($_POST["check"])){$bc[]="($ke)";}$i="SELECT $cc".($bc?"\nWHERE ".implode(" AND ",$bc):"").$qd;}else{$je=array();foreach($_POST["check"]as$b){$je[]="(SELECT".limit($cc,"\nWHERE ".($t?implode(" AND ",$t)." AND ":"").where_check($b).$qd,1).")";}$i=implode(" UNION ALL ",$je);}$o->dumpData($m,"table",$i);exit;}if(!$o->selectEmailProcess($t,$ga)){if($_POST["save"]||$_POST["delete"]){$j=true;$sb=0;$i=table($m);$r=array();if(!$_POST["delete"]){foreach($B
as$f=>$b){$b=process_input($p[$f]);if($b!==null){if($_POST["clone"]){$r[idf_escape($f)]=($b!==false?$b:idf_escape($f));}elseif($b!==false){$r[]=idf_escape($f)." = $b";}}}$i.=($_POST["clone"]?" (".implode(", ",array_keys($r)).")\nSELECT ".implode(", ",$r)."\nFROM ".table($m):" SET\n".implode(",\n",$r));}if($_POST["delete"]||$r){$gd="UPDATE";if($_POST["delete"]){$gd="DELETE";$i="FROM $i";}if($_POST["clone"]){$gd="INSERT";$i="INTO $i";}if($_POST["all"]||($_c===array()&&$_POST["check"])||count($sa)<count($J)){$j=queries($gd." $i".($_POST["all"]?($t?"\nWHERE ".implode(" AND ",$t):""):"\nWHERE $ke"));$sb=$g->affected_rows;}else{foreach((array)$_POST["check"]as$b){$j=queries($gd.limit1($i,"\nWHERE ".where_check($b)));if(!$j){break;}$sb+=$g->affected_rows;}}}queries_redirect(remove_from_uri("page"),lang(225,$sb),$j);}elseif(!$_POST["import"]){if(!$_POST["val"]){$n=lang(226);}else{$j=true;$sb=0;foreach($_POST["val"]as$ab=>$a){$r=array();foreach($a
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property affected_rows cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $r of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){$d=bracket_escape($d,1);$r[]=idf_escape($d)." = ".(ereg('char|text',$p[$d]["type"])||$b!=""?$o->processInput($p[$d],$b):"NULL");}$i=table($m)." SET ".implode(", ",$r);$bc=" WHERE ".where_check($ab).($t?" AND ".implode(" AND ",$t):"");$j=queries("UPDATE".(count($sa)<count($J)?" $i$bc":limit1($i,$bc)));if(!$j){break;}$sb+=$g->affected_rows;}queries_redirect(remove_from_uri(),lang(225,$sb),$j);}}elseif(is_string($Fa=get_file("csv_file",true))){cookie("adminer_import","output=".urlencode($hd["output"])."&format=".urlencode($_POST["separator"]));$j=true;$ob=array_keys($p);preg_match_all('~(?>"[^"]*"|[^"\\r\\n]+)+~',$Fa,$ta);$sb=count($ta[0]);begin();$fb=($_POST["separator"]=="csv"?",":($_POST["separator"]=="tsv"?"\t":";"));foreach($ta[0]as$d=>$b){preg_match_all("~((\"[^\"]*\")+|[^$fb]*)$fb~",$b.$fb,$Kd);if(!$d&&!array_diff($Kd[1],$ob)){$ob=$Kd[1];$sb--;}else{$r=array();foreach($Kd[1]as$l=>$Qc){$r[idf_escape($ob[$l])]=($Qc==""&&$p[$ob[$l]]["null"]?"NULL":q(str_replace('""','"',preg_replace('~^"|"$~','',$Qc))));}$j=insert_update($m,$r,$Ma);if(!$j){break;}}}if($j){queries("COMMIT");}queries_redirect(remove_from_uri("page"),lang(227,$sb),$j);queries("ROLLBACK");}else{$n=upload_error($Fa);}}}$Ia=$o->tableName($E);page_header(lang(33).": $Ia",$n);session_write_close();$r=null;if(isset($ie["insert"])){$r="";foreach((array)$_GET["where"]as$b){if(count($ga[$b["col"]])==1&&($b["op"]=="="||(!$b["op"]&&!ereg('[_%]',$b["val"])))){$r.="&set".urlencode("[".bracket_escape($b["col"])."]")."=".urlencode($b["val"]);}}}$o->selectLinks($E,$r);if(!$B){echo"<p class='error'>".lang(228).($p?".":": ".error())."\n";}else{echo"<form action='' id='form'>\n","<div style='display: none;'>";hidden_fields_get();echo(DB!=""?'<input type="hidden" name="db" value="'.h(DB).'">'.(isset($_GET["ns"])?'<input type="hidden" name="ns" value="'.h($_GET["ns"]).'">':""):"");echo'<input type="hidden" name="select" value="'.h($m).'">',"</div>\n";$o->selectColumnsPrint($J,$B);$o->selectSearchPrint($t,$B,$K);$o->selectOrderPrint($gb,$B,$K);$o->selectLimitPrint($L);$o->selectLengthPrint($Vb);$o->selectActionPrint();echo"</form>\n";$aa=$_GET["page"];if($aa=="last"){$Xa=$g->result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".table($m).($t?" WHERE ".implode(" AND ",$t):""));$aa=floor(max(0,$Xa-1)/$L);}$i="SELECT".limit((+$L&&$sa&&count($sa)<count($J)&&$u=="sql"?"SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ":"").$cc,($t?"\nWHERE ".implode(" AND ",$t):"").$qd,($L!=""?+$L:null),($aa?$L*$aa:0),"\n");echo$o->selectQuery($i);$j=$g->query($i);if(!$j){echo"<p class='error'>".error()."\n";}else{if($u=="mssql"){$j->seek($L*$aa);}$bd=array();echo"<form action='' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n";$H=array();while($a=$j->fetch_assoc()){if($aa&&$u=="oracle"){unset($a["RNUM"]);}$H[]=$a;}if($_GET["page"]!="last"){$Xa=(+$L&&$sa&&count($sa)<count($J)?($u=="sql"?$g->result(" SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"):$g->result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ($i) x")):count($H));}if(!$H){echo"<p class='message'>".lang(83)."\n";}else{$Od=$o->backwardKeys($m,$Ia);echo"<table cellspacing='0' class='nowrap' onclick='tableClick(event);' onkeydown='return editingKeydown(event);'>\n","<thead><tr>".(!$sa&&$J?"":"<td><input type='checkbox' id='all-page' onclick='formCheck(this, /check/);'> <a href='".h($_GET["modify"]?remove_from_uri("modify"):$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]."&modify=1")."'>".lang(119)."</a>");$Id=array();$ca=array();reset($J);$ce=1;foreach($H[0]as$d=>$b){if($E["Oid"]!="t"||$d!="oid"){$b=$_GET["columns"][key($J)];$e=$p[$J?($b?$b["col"]:current($J)):$d];$f=($e?$o->fieldName($e,$ce):"*");if($f!=""){$ce++;$Id[$d]=$f;$C=idf_escape($d);echo'<th><a href="'.h(remove_from_uri('(order|desc)[^=]*|page').'&order%5B0%5D='.urlencode($d).($gb[0]==$C||$gb[0]==$d||(!$gb&&count($sa)<count($J)&&$sa[0]==$C)?'&desc%5B0%5D=1':'')).'">'.(!$J||$b?apply_sql_function($b["fun"],$f):h(current($J)))."</a>";}$ca[$d]=$b["fun"];next($J);}}$dc=array();if($_GET["modify"]){foreach($H
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property affected_rows cannot be accessed from this context as it is declared private in class Min_SQLite.

This check looks for access to properties that are not accessible from the current context.

If you need to make a property accessible to another context you can either raise its visibility level or provide an accessible getter in the defining class.

Loading history...
Documentation introduced by
1 is of type integer, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $B of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $H of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $J of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){$ab.="&".(isset($b)?urlencode("where[".bracket_escape($d)."]")."=".urlencode($b):"null%5B%5D=".urlencode($d));}echo"<tr".odd().">".(!$sa&&$J?"":"<td>".checkbox("check[]",substr($ab,1),in_array(substr($ab,1),(array)$_POST["check"]),"","this.form['all'].checked = false; formUncheck('all-page');").(count($sa)<count($J)||information_schema(DB)?"":" <a href='".h(ME."edit=".urlencode($m).$ab)."'>".lang(119)."</a>"));foreach($a
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $J of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
1476 View Code Duplication
0 ignored issues
Duplication introduced by
This code seems to be duplicated across your project.

Duplicated code is one of the most pungent code smells. If you need to duplicate the same code in three or more different places, we strongly encourage you to look into extracting the code into a single class or operation.

You can also find more detailed suggestions in the “Code” section of your repository.

Loading history...
as$Na=>$y){$x.=h(where_link($l++,$Na,$y));}}}if(!$x){if(is_mail($b)){$x="mailto:$b";}if($ve=is_url($a[$d])){$x=($ve=="http"&&$yc?$a[$d]:"$ve://".urlencode($a[$d]));}}$R=h("val[$ab][".bracket_escape($d)."]");$q=$_POST["val"][$ab][bracket_escape($d)];$Vd=h(isset($q)?$q:$a[$d]);$lf=strpos($b,"<i>...</i>");$Wd=is_utf8($b)&&$H[$fa][$d]==$a[$d]&&!$ca[$d];$Yd=ereg('text|lob',$e["type"]);echo(($_GET["modify"]&&$Wd)||isset($q)?"<td>".($Yd?"<textarea name='$R' cols='30' rows='".(substr_count($a[$d],"\n")+1)."'>$Vd</textarea>":"<input name='$R' value='$Vd' size='$dc[$d]'>"):"<td id='$R' ondblclick=\"".($Wd?"selectDblClick(this, event".($lf?", 2":($Yd?", 1":"")).")":"alert('".h(lang(230))."')").";\">".$o->selectVal($b,$x,$e));}}if($Od){echo"<td>";}$o->backwardKeysPrint($Od,$H[$fa]);echo"</tr>\n";}echo"</table>\n";}if($H||$aa){$xd=true;if($_GET["page"]!="last"&&+$L&&count($sa)>=count($J)&&($Xa>=$L||$aa)){$Xa=$E["Rows"];if(!isset($Xa)||$t||($E["Engine"]=="InnoDB"&&$Xa<max(1e4,2*($aa+1)*$L))){ob_flush();flush();$Xa=$g->result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".table($m).($t?" WHERE ".implode(" AND ",$t):""));}else{$xd=false;}}echo"<p class='pages'>";if(+$L&&$Xa>$L){$Ed=floor(($Xa-1)/$L);echo'<a href="'.h(remove_from_uri("page"))."\" onclick=\"pageClick(this.href, +prompt('".lang(231)."', '".($aa+1)."'), event); return false;\">".lang(231)."</a>:",pagination(0,$aa).($aa>5?" ...":"");for($l=max(1,$aa-4);$l<min($Ed,$aa+5);$l++){echo
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $H of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
pagination($l,$aa);}echo($aa+5<$Ed?" ...":"").($xd?pagination($Ed,$aa):' <a href="'.h(remove_from_uri()."&page=last").'">'.lang(232)."</a>");}echo" (".($xd?"":"~ ").lang(122,$Xa).") ".checkbox("all",1,0,lang(233))."\n";if($o->selectCommandPrint()){echo'<fieldset><legend>',lang(31),'</legend><div>
<input type="submit" value="',lang(141),'" title="',lang(226),'" class="jsonly">
<input type="submit" name="edit" value="',lang(31),'">
<input type="submit" name="clone" value="',lang(234),'">
<input type="submit" name="delete" value="',lang(144),'" onclick="return confirm(\'',lang(0);?> (' + (this.form['all'].checked ? <?php echo$Xa,' : formChecked(this, /check/)) + \')\');">
';}print_fieldset("export",lang(113));$Ra=$o->dumpOutput();echo($Ra?html_select("output",$Ra,$hd["output"])." ":""),html_select("format",$o->dumpFormat(),$hd["format"])," <input type='submit' name='export' value='".lang(113)."' onclick='eventStop(event);'>\n","</div></fieldset>\n";}if($o->selectImportPrint()){print_fieldset("import",lang(235),!$H);echo"<input type='file' name='csv_file'> ",html_select("separator",array("csv"=>"CSV,","csv;"=>"CSV;","tsv"=>"TSV"),$hd["format"],1);echo" <input type='submit' name='import' value='".lang(235)."'>","<input type='hidden' name='token' value='$P'>\n","</div></fieldset>\n";}$o->selectEmailPrint(array_filter($bd,'strlen'),$B);echo"</form>\n";}}}elseif(isset($_GET["variables"])){$Yb=isset($_GET["status"]);page_header($Yb?lang(74):lang(73));$Ve=($Yb?show_status():show_variables());if(!$Ve){echo"<p class='message'>".lang(83)."\n";}else{echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n";foreach($Ve
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
1 is of type integer, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Ve of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$d=>$b){echo"<tr>","<th><code class='jush-".$u.($Yb?"status":"set")."'>".h($d)."</code>","<td>".nbsp($b);}echo"</table>\n";}}elseif(isset($_GET["script"])){header("Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8");if($_GET["script"]=="db"){$jd=array("Data_length"=>0,"Index_length"=>0,"Data_free"=>0);foreach(table_status()as$a){$R=js_escape($a["Name"]);json_row("Comment-$R",nbsp($a["Comment"]));if(!is_view($a)){foreach(array("Engine","Collation")as$d){json_row("$d-$R",nbsp($a[$d]));}foreach($jd+array("Auto_increment"=>0,"Rows"=>0)as$d=>$b){if($a[$d]!=""){$b=number_format($a[$d],0,'.',lang(236));json_row("$d-$R",($d=="Rows"&&$a["Engine"]=="InnoDB"&&$b?"~ $b":$b));if(isset($jd[$d])){$jd[$d]+=($a["Engine"]!="InnoDB"||$d!="Data_free"?$a[$d]:0);}}elseif(array_key_exists($d,$a)){json_row("$d-$R");}}}}foreach($jd
as$d=>$b){json_row("sum-$d",number_format($b,0,'.',lang(236)));}json_row("");}else{foreach(count_tables(get_databases())as$s=>$b){json_row("tables-".js_escape($s),$b);}json_row("");}exit;}else{$Qe=array_merge((array)$_POST["tables"],(array)$_POST["views"]);if($Qe&&!$n&&!$_POST["search"]){$j=true;$xa="";if($u=="sql"&&count($_POST["tables"])>1&&($_POST["drop"]||$_POST["truncate"]||$_POST["copy"])){queries("SET foreign_key_checks = 0");}if($_POST["truncate"]){if($_POST["tables"]){$j=truncate_tables($_POST["tables"]);}$xa=lang(237);}elseif($_POST["move"]){$j=move_tables((array)$_POST["tables"],(array)$_POST["views"],$_POST["target"]);$xa=lang(238);}elseif($_POST["copy"]){$j=copy_tables((array)$_POST["tables"],(array)$_POST["views"],$_POST["target"]);$xa=lang(239);}elseif($_POST["drop"]){if($_POST["views"]){$j=drop_views($_POST["views"]);}if($j&&$_POST["tables"]){$j=drop_tables($_POST["tables"]);}$xa=lang(240);}elseif($_POST["tables"]&&($j=queries(($_POST["optimize"]?"OPTIMIZE":($_POST["check"]?"CHECK":($_POST["repair"]?"REPAIR":"ANALYZE")))." TABLE ".implode(", ",array_map('idf_escape',$_POST["tables"]))))){while($a=$j->fetch_assoc()){$xa.="<b>".h($a["Table"])."</b>: ".h($a["Msg_text"])."<br>";}}queries_redirect(substr(ME,0,-1),$xa,$j);}page_header(($_GET["ns"]==""?lang(67).": ".h(DB):lang(81).": ".h($_GET["ns"])),$n,true);if($o->homepage()){if($_GET["ns"]!==""){echo"<h3>".lang(241)."</h3>\n";$Zc=tables_list();if(!$Zc){echo"<p class='message'>".lang(6)."\n";}else{echo"<form action='' method='post'>\n","<p>".lang(242).": <input name='query' value='".h($_POST["query"])."'> <input type='submit' name='search' value='".lang(36)."'>\n";if($_POST["search"]&&$_POST["query"]!=""){search_tables();}echo"<table cellspacing='0' class='nowrap' onclick='tableClick(event);'>\n",'<thead><tr class="wrap"><td><input id="check-all" type="checkbox" onclick="formCheck(this, /^(tables|views)\[/);"><th>'.lang(101).'<td>'.lang(243).'<td>'.lang(77).'<td>'.lang(244).'<td>'.lang(245).'<td>'.lang(246).'<td>'.lang(93).'<td>'.lang(247).(support("comment")?'<td>'.lang(95):'')."</thead>\n";foreach($Zc
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
true is of type boolean, but the function expects a array.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Qe of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Zc of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$f=>$z){$fc=(isset($z)&&!eregi("table",$z));echo'<tr'.odd().'><td>'.checkbox(($fc?"views[]":"tables[]"),$f,in_array($f,$Qe,true),"","formUncheck('check-all');"),'<th><a href="'.h(ME).'table='.urlencode($f).'">'.h($f).'</a>';if($fc){echo'<td colspan="6"><a href="'.h(ME)."view=".urlencode($f).'">'.lang(100).'</a>','<td align="right"><a href="'.h(ME)."select=".urlencode($f).'">?</a>';}else{foreach(array("Engine"=>"","Collation"=>"","Data_length"=>"create","Index_length"=>"indexes","Data_free"=>"edit","Auto_increment"=>"auto_increment=1&create","Rows"=>"select")as$d=>$x){echo($x?"<td align='right'><a href='".h(ME."$x=").urlencode($f)."' id='$d-".h($f)."'>?</a>":"<td id='$d-".h($f)."'>&nbsp;");}}echo(support("comment")?"<td id='Comment-".h($f)."'>&nbsp;":"");}echo"<tr><td>&nbsp;<th>".lang(223,count($Zc)),"<td>".nbsp($u=="sql"?$g->result("SELECT @@storage_engine"):""),"<td>".nbsp(db_collation(DB,collations()));foreach(array("Data_length","Index_length","Data_free")as$d){echo"<td align='right' id='sum-$d'>&nbsp;";}echo"</table>\n";if(!information_schema(DB)){echo"<p>".($u=="sql"?"<input type='submit' value='".lang(248)."'> <input type='submit' name='optimize' value='".lang(249)."'> <input type='submit' name='check' value='".lang(250)."'> <input type='submit' name='repair' value='".lang(251)."'> ":"")."<input type='submit' name='truncate' value='".lang(252)."'".confirm("formChecked(this, /tables/)")."> <input type='submit' name='drop' value='".lang(79)."'".confirm("formChecked(this, /tables|views/)",1).">\n";$_=(support("scheme")?schemas():get_databases());if(count($_)!=1&&$u!="sqlite"){$s=(isset($_POST["target"])?$_POST["target"]:(support("scheme")?$_GET["ns"]:DB));echo"<p>".lang(253).": ",($_?html_select("target",$_,$s):'<input name="target" value="'.h($s).'">')," <input type='submit' name='move' value='".lang(254)."' onclick='eventStop(event);'>",(support("copy")?" <input type='submit' name='copy' value='".lang(255)."' onclick='eventStop(event);'>":""),"\n";}echo"<input type='hidden' name='token' value='$P'>\n";}echo"</form>\n";}echo'<p><a href="'.h(ME).'create=">'.lang(148)."</a>\n";if(support("view")){echo'<a href="'.h(ME).'view=">'.lang(181)."</a>\n";}if(support("routine")){echo"<h3>".lang(116)."</h3>\n";$Pe=routines();if($Pe){echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n",'<thead><tr><th>'.lang(159).'<td>'.lang(90).'<td>'.lang(198)."<td>&nbsp;</thead>\n";odd('');foreach($Pe
0 ignored issues
Documentation introduced by
1 is of type integer, but the function expects a boolean.

It seems like the type of the argument is not accepted by the function/method which you are calling.

In some cases, in particular if PHP’s automatic type-juggling kicks in this might be fine. In other cases, however this might be a bug.

We suggest to add an explicit type cast like in the following example:

function acceptsInteger($int) { }

$x = '123'; // string "123"

// Instead of

// we recommend to use
acceptsInteger((integer) $x);
Loading history...
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Pe of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The call to the function odd() seems unnecessary as the function has no side-effects.
Loading history...
as$a){echo'<tr'.odd().'>','<th><a href="'.h(ME).($a["ROUTINE_TYPE"]!="PROCEDURE"?'callf=':'call=').urlencode($a["ROUTINE_NAME"]).'">'.h($a["ROUTINE_NAME"]).'</a>','<td>'.h($a["ROUTINE_TYPE"]),'<td>'.h($a["DTD_IDENTIFIER"]),'<td><a href="'.h(ME).($a["ROUTINE_TYPE"]!="PROCEDURE"?'function=':'procedure=').urlencode($a["ROUTINE_NAME"]).'">'.lang(108)."</a>";}echo"</table>\n";}echo'<p>'.(support("procedure")?'<a href="'.h(ME).'procedure=">'.lang(197).'</a> ':'').'<a href="'.h(ME).'function=">'.lang(196)."</a>\n";}if(support("sequence")){echo"<h3>".lang(256)."</h3>\n";$Fe=get_vals("SELECT sequence_name FROM information_schema.sequences WHERE sequence_schema = current_schema()");if($Fe){echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n","<thead><tr><th>".lang(159)."</thead>\n";odd('');foreach($Fe
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Fe of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The call to the function odd() seems unnecessary as the function has no side-effects.
Loading history...
as$b){echo"<tr".odd()."><th><a href='".h(ME)."sequence=".urlencode($b)."'>".h($b)."</a>\n";}echo"</table>\n";}echo"<p><a href='".h(ME)."sequence='>".lang(203)."</a>\n";}if(support("type")){echo"<h3>".lang(11)."</h3>\n";$S=types();if($S){echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n","<thead><tr><th>".lang(159)."</thead>\n";odd('');foreach($S
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $S of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
Unused Code introduced by
The call to the function odd() seems unnecessary as the function has no side-effects.
Loading history...
as$b){echo"<tr".odd()."><th><a href='".h(ME)."type=".urlencode($b)."'>".h($b)."</a>\n";}echo"</table>\n";}echo"<p><a href='".h(ME)."type='>".lang(207)."</a>\n";}if(support("event")){echo"<h3>".lang(117)."</h3>\n";$H=get_rows("SHOW EVENTS");if($H){echo"<table cellspacing='0'>\n","<thead><tr><th>".lang(159)."<td>".lang(257)."<td>".lang(187)."<td>".lang(188)."</thead>\n";foreach($H
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $H of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...
as$a){echo"<tr>",'<th><a href="'.h(ME).'event='.urlencode($a["Name"]).'">'.h($a["Name"])."</a>","<td>".($a["Execute at"]?lang(258)."<td>".$a["Execute at"]:lang(189)." ".$a["Interval value"]." ".$a["Interval field"]."<td>$a[Starts]"),"<td>$a[Ends]";}echo"</table>\n";}echo'<p><a href="'.h(ME).'event=">'.lang(186)."</a>\n";}if($Zc){echo"<script type='text/javascript'>ajaxSetHtml('".js_escape(ME)."script=db');</script>\n";}}}}page_footer();
0 ignored issues
Bug Best Practice introduced by
The expression $Zc of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.

This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent.

Consider making the comparison explicit by using empty(..) or ! empty(...) instead.

Loading history...