GitHub Access Token became invalid

It seems like the GitHub access token used for retrieving details about this repository from GitHub became invalid. This might prevent certain types of inspections from being run (in particular, everything related to pull requests).
Please ask an admin of your repository to re-new the access token on this website.


Rating Name Size Complexity  
A TryOpenThread 115 35
A RainmeterColorPickCommand 210 34
A ContextSensAutoCompletion 207 28
A SkinRainmeterSectionAutoComplete 93 17
A RainmeterNewSkinCommand 100 15
A SkinMetadataSectionAutoComplete 80 14
A YamlContentReader 87 14
A RainmeterOpenPathsCommand 83 13
A SkinSectionAutoCompleter 83 13
A RainmeterInstallSkinFromFolderCommand 64 12
A RainmeterInstallSkinFromZipCommand 60 12
A TestFolderInstaller 128 12
A TestCompletionCompilerValues 228 11
A EditThemeCommand 62 8
A RainmeterRefreshConfigCommand 63 7