Issues (2963)

discovery/sensors/temperature/ (1 issue)

use LibreNMS\Config;
0 ignored issues
This use statement conflicts with another class in this namespace, Config. Consider defining an alias.

Let?s assume that you have a directory layout like this:

|-- OtherDir
|   |-- Bar.php
|   `-- Foo.php
`-- SomeDir
    `-- Foo.php

and let?s assume the following content of Bar.php:

// Bar.php
namespace OtherDir;

use SomeDir\Foo; // This now conflicts the class OtherDir\Foo

If both files OtherDir/Foo.php and SomeDir/Foo.php are loaded in the same runtime, you will see a PHP error such as the following:

PHP Fatal error:  Cannot use SomeDir\Foo as Foo because the name is already in use in OtherDir/Foo.php

However, as OtherDir/Foo.php does not necessarily have to be loaded and the error is only triggered if it is loaded before OtherDir/Bar.php, this problem might go unnoticed for a while. In order to prevent this error from surfacing, you must import the namespace with a different alias:

// Bar.php
namespace OtherDir;

use SomeDir\Foo as SomeDirFoo; // There is no conflict anymore.
Loading history...
include_once Config::get('install_dir') . '/includes/discovery/sensors/temperature/';