Branch master (eebe0d)
by Gregorio
02:31 queued 50s

HasSpreedlyConfig::getDefaultParameters()   A


Conditions 1
Paths 1


Total Lines 12
Code Lines 9


Lines 0
Ratio 0 %

Code Coverage

Tests 9
CRAP Score 1


Changes 0
Metric Value
dl 0
loc 12
ccs 9
cts 9
cp 1
rs 9.4285
c 0
b 0
f 0
cc 1
eloc 9
nc 1
nop 0
crap 1
namespace Omnipay\Spreedly\Concerns;
trait HasSpreedlyConfig
7 225
    public function getDefaultParameters()
        return array(
10 225
            'api_key' => '', // (required) Environment key
11 225
            'api_secret' => '', // (required) Signing Secret
12 225
            'default_gateway' => '', // (required) Default gateway
0 ignored issues
Unused Code Comprehensibility introduced by
38% of this comment could be valid code. Did you maybe forget this after debugging?

Sometimes obsolete code just ends up commented out instead of removed. In this case it is better to remove the code once you have checked you do not need it.

The code might also have been commented out for debugging purposes. In this case it is vital that someone uncomments it again or your project may behave in very unexpected ways in production.

This check looks for comments that seem to be mostly valid code and reports them.

Loading history...
13 225
            'gateways_tokens' => array(), // (required) Default gateway
0 ignored issues
Unused Code Comprehensibility introduced by
38% of this comment could be valid code. Did you maybe forget this after debugging?

Sometimes obsolete code just ends up commented out instead of removed. In this case it is better to remove the code once you have checked you do not need it.

The code might also have been commented out for debugging purposes. In this case it is vital that someone uncomments it again or your project may behave in very unexpected ways in production.

This check looks for comments that seem to be mostly valid code and reports them.

Loading history...
14 225
            'timeout' => 64, // (optional) Default 64 seconds (recommended by Spreedly)
15 225
            'connect_timeout' => 10, // (optional) Default 10 seconds
0 ignored issues
Unused Code Comprehensibility introduced by
40% of this comment could be valid code. Did you maybe forget this after debugging?

Sometimes obsolete code just ends up commented out instead of removed. In this case it is better to remove the code once you have checked you do not need it.

The code might also have been commented out for debugging purposes. In this case it is vital that someone uncomments it again or your project may behave in very unexpected ways in production.

This check looks for comments that seem to be mostly valid code and reports them.

Loading history...
16 225
            'testMode' => false,
17 225
20 78
    public function getApiKey()
22 78
        return $this->getParameter('api_key');
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like getParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

Loading history...
25 225
    public function setApiKey($value)
27 225
        return $this->setParameter('api_key', $value);
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like setParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

Loading history...
30 78
    public function getApiSecret()
32 78
        return $this->getParameter('api_secret');
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like getParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

Loading history...
35 225
    public function setApiSecret($value)
37 225
        return $this->setParameter('api_secret', $value);
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like setParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

Loading history...
40 45
    public function getDefaultGateway()
42 45
        return $this->getParameter('default_gateway');
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like getParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

Loading history...
45 225
    public function setDefaultGateway($value)
47 225
        return $this->setParameter('default_gateway', $value);
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like setParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

Loading history...
50 45
    public function getGatewaysTokens()
52 45
        return $this->getParameter('gateways_tokens');
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like getParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

Loading history...
55 225
    public function setGatewaysTokens($value)
57 225
        return $this->setParameter('gateways_tokens', $value);
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like setParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

Loading history...
60 27
    public function getTimeout()
62 27
        return $this->getParameter('timeout');
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like getParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

Loading history...
65 159
    public function setTimeout($value)
67 159
        return $this->setParameter('timeout', $value);
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like setParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

Loading history...
70 27
    public function getConnectTimeout()
72 27
        return $this->getParameter('connect_timeout');
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like getParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

Loading history...
75 159
    public function setConnectTimeout($value)
77 159
        return $this->setParameter('connect_timeout', $value);
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like setParameter() must be provided by classes using this trait. How about adding it as abstract method to this trait?

This check looks for methods that are used by a trait but not required by it.

To illustrate, let’s look at the following code example

trait Idable {
    public function equalIds(Idable $other) {
        return $this->getId() === $other->getId();

The trait Idable provides a method equalsId that in turn relies on the method getId(). If this method does not exist on a class mixing in this trait, the method will fail.

Adding the getId() as an abstract method to the trait will make sure it is available.

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