GitHub Access Token became invalid

It seems like the GitHub access token used for retrieving details about this repository from GitHub became invalid. This might prevent certain types of inspections from being run (in particular, everything related to pull requests).
Please ask an admin of your repository to re-new the access token on this website.


Rating Name Size Complexity Changes   Bugs Features
F Validation\TransactionValidation 422 65 12 1 0
C Helpers\Collector\GroupCollector 633 55 6 0 0
A FireflyIII\Transformers\BillTransformer 244 21 6 0 0
A Controllers\Chart\TransactionController 270 29 5 0 0
A FireflyIII\Http\Middleware\SecureHeaders 80 9 5 0 0
A Controllers\Transaction\ShowController 126 12 4 0 0
A Console\Commands\CreateDatabase 63 6 3 0 0
B Internal\Support\JournalServiceTrait 340 45 3 0 0
A Controllers\Admin\TelemetryController 87 7 3 0 0
A Console\Commands\Export\ExportData 257 29 3 0 0
A Http\Middleware\InstallationId 24 2 2 0 0
F Internal\Update\JournalUpdateService 694 80 2 0 0
D Support\Export\ExportDataGenerator 671 58 2 0 0
A TransactionRules\Engine\RuleEngine 191 36 2 0 0
A Category\FrontpageChartGenerator 227 18 2 0 0