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Rating   Name Size Complexity Test Coverage Changes Bugs Features
F Deployer\Command\BlackjackCommand 367 63 ? 0 0 0
D Deployer\Host\Host 303 59 57.14% 2 0 0
D Deployer\Documentation\DocGen 331 58 ? 7 0 0
C Deployer\Executor\Master 271 57 77.69% 0 0 0
B Deployer\Component\Pimple\PimpleTest 548 44 ? 0 0 0
A Deployer\Importer\Importer 208 41 ? 4 0 0
A Deployer\Configuration 192 35 ? 0 0 0
A Deployer\Task\Task 259 34 90.67% 2 0 0
A Deployer\Component\Pimple\Container 265 32 ? 0 0 0
A Deployer\Component\PharUpdate\Update 253 31 0% 0 0 0
A Deployer\EnvTest 14 1 ? 0 0 0
A Deployer\Support\Reporter 27 1 ? 0 0 0
A Deployer\Command\CustomOption 35 7 ? 0 0 0
A Component\PharUpdate\Version\Parser 101 6 0% 0 0 0
A Deployer\Selector\Selector 107 22 92.5% 1 0 0