GitHub Access Token became invalid

It seems like the GitHub access token used for retrieving details about this repository from GitHub became invalid. This might prevent certain types of inspections from being run (in particular, everything related to pull requests).
Please ask an admin of your repository to re-new the access token on this website.


Rating   Name Size Complexity Test Coverage Changes Bugs Features
F AlibabaCloud\Rtc\V20180111\StartMPUTask 364 81 ? 0 0 0
F V20140526\CreateAutoProvisioningGroup 597 85 0% 0 0 0
F AlibabaCloud\Rtc\V20180111\UpdateMPUTask 347 78 ? 0 0 0
F AlibabaCloud\Ecs\V20140526\RunInstances 457 73 0% 0 0 0
F Cloudesl\V20200201\BatchInsertItems 246 69 ? 1 0 0
F AlibabaCloud\Push\V20160801\MassPush 216 69 ? 0 0 0
F AlibabaCloud\Emr\V20160408\CreateClusterV2 263 63 ? 0 0 0
F AlibabaCloud\Sae\V20190506\CreateJob 825 63 ? 0 0 0
F Sae\V20190506\CreateApplication 825 63 ? 0 0 0
F Sae\V20190506\DeployApplication 812 62 ? 0 0 0
F V20140828\DescribeScheduledTasks 781 60 ? 0 0 0
D AlibabaCloud\Sae\V20190506\UpdateJob 773 59 ? 0 0 0
C V20170801\InsertK8sApplication 744 57 ? 0 0 0
B V20170801\DeployK8sApplication 601 46 ? 0 0 0
B V20140526\CreateLaunchTemplate 287 45 0% 0 0 0