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Rating Name Size Complexity Test Coverage Changes   Bugs Features
? Immutable\Exception\LogicException 2 0 ? 0 0 0
A Immutable\Exception\InvalidRegex 37 8 ? 0 0 0
A Tests\Innmind\Immutable\PairTest 8 1 ? 0 0 0
A Innmind\Immutable\Monoid\Append 30 3 ? 1 0 1
A Innmind\Immutable\State 74 5 ? 1 0 1
A Immutable\Sequence\PrimitiveTest 411 40 ? 1 0 0
A Properties\Innmind\Immutable\Monoid 31 2 ? 1 0 1
A Innmind\Immutable\Monoid\ConcatTest 58 8 ? 1 0 1
A Innmind\Immutable\Monoid\MergeSet 30 3 ? 1 0 1
A Innmind\Immutable\Monoid\MergeMap 32 3 ? 1 0 1
A Innmind\Immutable\Monoid\AppendTest 61 8 ? 1 0 1
A Innmind\Immutable\Maybe 119 11 ? 1 0 1
A Innmind\Immutable\RegExp 72 9 96.3% 1 0 1
A Innmind\Immutable\Set\Defer 233 26 100% 1 0 1
A Innmind\Immutable\Monoid\Concat 10 2 ? 1 0 1