GitHub Access Token became invalid

It seems like the GitHub access token used for retrieving details about this repository from GitHub became invalid. This might prevent certain types of inspections from being run (in particular, everything related to pull requests).
Please ask an admin of your repository to re-new the access token on this website.


Rating Name   Size Complexity Test Coverage Changes Bugs Features
A Deployer\Utility\Rsync 82 11 0% 2 1 0
A Deployer\Utility\Reporter 39 9 ? 2 0 0
A Deployer\Utility\Httpie 110 14 0% 3 1 0
A Deployer\Task\TaskCollection 5 1 100% 0 0 0
A Deployer\Task\Task 247 29 90.54% 4 0 0
A Deployer\Task\ScriptManager 93 17 64.29% 0 0 0
A Deployer\Task\GroupTask 32 3 75% 1 0 0
A Deployer\Task\Context 116 12 92.86% 0 0 0
A Deployer\Support\ObjectProxy 15 3 100% 0 0 0
A Deployer\Support\Csv 9 1 100% 0 0 0
A Deployer\Support\Changelog\Version 132 16 75.47% 1 0 0
A Deployer\Support\Changelog\Parser 208 33 86.41% 1 0 0
A Support\Changelog\ParseException 5 1 0% 1 0 0
A Deployer\Support\Changelog\Item 34 3 100% 1 0 0
A Deployer\Support\Changelog\Changelog 90 12 45.95% 1 0 0