Push — master ( 13738a...da5e92 )
by Dmitry
07:09 queued 05:43

TarantoolProvider::register()   B


Conditions 1
Paths 1


Total Lines 63


Lines 0
Ratio 0 %

Code Coverage

Tests 36
CRAP Score 1.0018


Changes 0
Metric Value
dl 0
loc 63
ccs 36
cts 41
cp 0.878
rs 8.8072
c 0
b 0
f 0
cc 1
nc 1
nop 0
crap 1.0018

1 Method

Rating   Name   Duplication   Size   Complexity  
A TarantoolProvider.php$0 ➔ afterInstantiate() 0 5 1

How to fix   Long Method   

Long Method

Small methods make your code easier to understand, in particular if combined with a good name. Besides, if your method is small, finding a good name is usually much easier.

For example, if you find yourself adding comments to a method's body, this is usually a good sign to extract the commented part to a new method, and use the comment as a starting point when coming up with a good name for this new method.

Commonly applied refactorings include:

namespace Basis\Provider;
use Basis\Config;
use Basis\Filesystem;
use League\Container\ServiceProvider\AbstractServiceProvider;
use Tarantool\Client\Client;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Bootstrap;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Entity;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Mapper;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Plugin;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Plugin\Annotation;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Plugin\Sequence;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Plugin\Spy;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Plugin\Temporal;
use Tarantool\Mapper\Schema;
class TarantoolProvider extends AbstractServiceProvider
    protected $provides = [
    public function register()
32 38
        $this->container->share(Bootstrap::class, function () {
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like you code against a concrete implementation and not the interface Psr\Container\ContainerInterface as the method share() does only exist in the following implementations of said interface: Basis\Application, Basis\Test\Application, League\Container\Container.

Let’s take a look at an example:

interface User
    /** @return string */
    public function getPassword();

class MyUser implements User
    public function getPassword()
        // return something

    public function getDisplayName()
        // return some name.

class AuthSystem
    public function authenticate(User $user)
        $this->logger->info(sprintf('Authenticating %s.', $user->getDisplayName()));
        // do something.

In the above example, the authenticate() method works fine as long as you just pass instances of MyUser. However, if you now also want to pass a different implementation of User which does not have a getDisplayName() method, the code will break.

Available Fixes

  1. Change the type-hint for the parameter:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(MyUser $user) { /* ... */ }
  2. Add an additional type-check:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(User $user)
            if ($user instanceof MyUser) {
                $this->logger->info(/** ... */);
            // or alternatively
            if ( ! $user instanceof MyUser) {
                throw new \LogicException(
                    '$user must be an instance of MyUser, '
                   .'other instances are not supported.'
Note: PHP Analyzer uses reverse abstract interpretation to narrow down the types inside the if block in such a case.
  1. Add the method to the interface:

    interface User
        /** @return string */
        public function getPassword();
        /** @return string */
        public function getDisplayName();
Loading history...
33 38
            return $this->container->get(Mapper::class)->getBootstrap();
34 38
36 38
        $this->getContainer()->share(Client::class, function () {
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like you code against a concrete implementation and not the interface Psr\Container\ContainerInterface as the method share() does only exist in the following implementations of said interface: Basis\Application, Basis\Test\Application, League\Container\Container.

Let’s take a look at an example:

interface User
    /** @return string */
    public function getPassword();

class MyUser implements User
    public function getPassword()
        // return something

    public function getDisplayName()
        // return some name.

class AuthSystem
    public function authenticate(User $user)
        $this->logger->info(sprintf('Authenticating %s.', $user->getDisplayName()));
        // do something.

In the above example, the authenticate() method works fine as long as you just pass instances of MyUser. However, if you now also want to pass a different implementation of User which does not have a getDisplayName() method, the code will break.

Available Fixes

  1. Change the type-hint for the parameter:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(MyUser $user) { /* ... */ }
  2. Add an additional type-check:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(User $user)
            if ($user instanceof MyUser) {
                $this->logger->info(/** ... */);
            // or alternatively
            if ( ! $user instanceof MyUser) {
                throw new \LogicException(
                    '$user must be an instance of MyUser, '
                   .'other instances are not supported.'
Note: PHP Analyzer uses reverse abstract interpretation to narrow down the types inside the if block in such a case.
  1. Add the method to the interface:

    interface User
        /** @return string */
        public function getPassword();
        /** @return string */
        public function getDisplayName();
Loading history...
37 38
            $client = Client::fromDefaults();
38 38
39 38
            return $client;
40 38
42 38
        $this->getContainer()->share(Mapper::class, function () {
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like you code against a concrete implementation and not the interface Psr\Container\ContainerInterface as the method share() does only exist in the following implementations of said interface: Basis\Application, Basis\Test\Application, League\Container\Container.

Let’s take a look at an example:

interface User
    /** @return string */
    public function getPassword();

class MyUser implements User
    public function getPassword()
        // return something

    public function getDisplayName()
        // return some name.

class AuthSystem
    public function authenticate(User $user)
        $this->logger->info(sprintf('Authenticating %s.', $user->getDisplayName()));
        // do something.

In the above example, the authenticate() method works fine as long as you just pass instances of MyUser. However, if you now also want to pass a different implementation of User which does not have a getDisplayName() method, the code will break.

Available Fixes

  1. Change the type-hint for the parameter:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(MyUser $user) { /* ... */ }
  2. Add an additional type-check:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(User $user)
            if ($user instanceof MyUser) {
                $this->logger->info(/** ... */);
            // or alternatively
            if ( ! $user instanceof MyUser) {
                throw new \LogicException(
                    '$user must be an instance of MyUser, '
                   .'other instances are not supported.'
Note: PHP Analyzer uses reverse abstract interpretation to narrow down the types inside the if block in such a case.
  1. Add the method to the interface:

    interface User
        /** @return string */
        public function getPassword();
        /** @return string */
        public function getDisplayName();
Loading history...
43 38
            $mapper = new Mapper($this->getContainer()->get(Client::class));
44 38
            $filesystem = $this->getContainer()->get(Filesystem::class);
46 38
            $mapperCache = $filesystem->getPath('.cache/mapper-meta.php');
47 38
            if (file_exists($mapperCache)) {
                $meta = include $mapperCache;
52 38
            $annotation = $mapper->getPlugin(Annotation::class);
54 38
            foreach ($filesystem->listClasses('Entity') as $class) {
55 38
57 38
            foreach ($filesystem->listClasses('Repository') as $class) {
58 38
61 38
62 38
64 38
65 38
66 38
68 38
            $mapper->application = $this->getContainer();
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property application does not seem to exist in Tarantool\Mapper\Mapper.

An attempt at access to an undefined property has been detected. This may either be a typographical error or the property has been renamed but there are still references to its old name.

If you really want to allow access to undefined properties, you can define magic methods to allow access. See the php core documentation on Overloading.

Loading history...
            $mapper->getPlugin(new class($mapper) extends Plugin {
71 38
                public function afterInstantiate(Entity $entity) : Entity
73 38
                    $entity->app = $this->mapper->application;
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
The property app does not seem to exist in Tarantool\Mapper\Entity.

An attempt at access to an undefined property has been detected. This may either be a typographical error or the property has been renamed but there are still references to its old name.

If you really want to allow access to undefined properties, you can define magic methods to allow access. See the php core documentation on Overloading.

Loading history...
Bug introduced by
The property application does not seem to exist in Tarantool\Mapper\Mapper.

An attempt at access to an undefined property has been detected. This may either be a typographical error or the property has been renamed but there are still references to its old name.

If you really want to allow access to undefined properties, you can define magic methods to allow access. See the php core documentation on Overloading.

Loading history...
74 38
                    return $entity;
78 38
            return $mapper;
79 38
81 38
        $this->getContainer()->share(Schema::class, function () {
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like you code against a concrete implementation and not the interface Psr\Container\ContainerInterface as the method share() does only exist in the following implementations of said interface: Basis\Application, Basis\Test\Application, League\Container\Container.

Let’s take a look at an example:

interface User
    /** @return string */
    public function getPassword();

class MyUser implements User
    public function getPassword()
        // return something

    public function getDisplayName()
        // return some name.

class AuthSystem
    public function authenticate(User $user)
        $this->logger->info(sprintf('Authenticating %s.', $user->getDisplayName()));
        // do something.

In the above example, the authenticate() method works fine as long as you just pass instances of MyUser. However, if you now also want to pass a different implementation of User which does not have a getDisplayName() method, the code will break.

Available Fixes

  1. Change the type-hint for the parameter:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(MyUser $user) { /* ... */ }
  2. Add an additional type-check:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(User $user)
            if ($user instanceof MyUser) {
                $this->logger->info(/** ... */);
            // or alternatively
            if ( ! $user instanceof MyUser) {
                throw new \LogicException(
                    '$user must be an instance of MyUser, '
                   .'other instances are not supported.'
Note: PHP Analyzer uses reverse abstract interpretation to narrow down the types inside the if block in such a case.
  1. Add the method to the interface:

    interface User
        /** @return string */
        public function getPassword();
        /** @return string */
        public function getDisplayName();
Loading history...
            return $this->getContainer()->get(Mapper::class)->getSchema();
83 38
85 38
        $this->getContainer()->share(Spy::class, function () {
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like you code against a concrete implementation and not the interface Psr\Container\ContainerInterface as the method share() does only exist in the following implementations of said interface: Basis\Application, Basis\Test\Application, League\Container\Container.

Let’s take a look at an example:

interface User
    /** @return string */
    public function getPassword();

class MyUser implements User
    public function getPassword()
        // return something

    public function getDisplayName()
        // return some name.

class AuthSystem
    public function authenticate(User $user)
        $this->logger->info(sprintf('Authenticating %s.', $user->getDisplayName()));
        // do something.

In the above example, the authenticate() method works fine as long as you just pass instances of MyUser. However, if you now also want to pass a different implementation of User which does not have a getDisplayName() method, the code will break.

Available Fixes

  1. Change the type-hint for the parameter:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(MyUser $user) { /* ... */ }
  2. Add an additional type-check:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(User $user)
            if ($user instanceof MyUser) {
                $this->logger->info(/** ... */);
            // or alternatively
            if ( ! $user instanceof MyUser) {
                throw new \LogicException(
                    '$user must be an instance of MyUser, '
                   .'other instances are not supported.'
Note: PHP Analyzer uses reverse abstract interpretation to narrow down the types inside the if block in such a case.
  1. Add the method to the interface:

    interface User
        /** @return string */
        public function getPassword();
        /** @return string */
        public function getDisplayName();
Loading history...
            return $this->getContainer()->get(Mapper::class)->getPlugin(Spy::class);
87 38
89 38
        $this->getContainer()->share(Temporal::class, function () {
0 ignored issues
Bug introduced by
It seems like you code against a concrete implementation and not the interface Psr\Container\ContainerInterface as the method share() does only exist in the following implementations of said interface: Basis\Application, Basis\Test\Application, League\Container\Container.

Let’s take a look at an example:

interface User
    /** @return string */
    public function getPassword();

class MyUser implements User
    public function getPassword()
        // return something

    public function getDisplayName()
        // return some name.

class AuthSystem
    public function authenticate(User $user)
        $this->logger->info(sprintf('Authenticating %s.', $user->getDisplayName()));
        // do something.

In the above example, the authenticate() method works fine as long as you just pass instances of MyUser. However, if you now also want to pass a different implementation of User which does not have a getDisplayName() method, the code will break.

Available Fixes

  1. Change the type-hint for the parameter:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(MyUser $user) { /* ... */ }
  2. Add an additional type-check:

    class AuthSystem
        public function authenticate(User $user)
            if ($user instanceof MyUser) {
                $this->logger->info(/** ... */);
            // or alternatively
            if ( ! $user instanceof MyUser) {
                throw new \LogicException(
                    '$user must be an instance of MyUser, '
                   .'other instances are not supported.'
Note: PHP Analyzer uses reverse abstract interpretation to narrow down the types inside the if block in such a case.
  1. Add the method to the interface:

    interface User
        /** @return string */
        public function getPassword();
        /** @return string */
        public function getDisplayName();
Loading history...
            return $this->getContainer()->get(Mapper::class)->getPlugin(Temporal::class);
91 38
92 38