1 | <?php |
2 | /** |
3 | * Provides support for URLs no longer used in Elgg for those who bookmarked or |
4 | * linked to them |
5 | */ |
6 | |||||||
7 | /** |
8 | * Initialize the plugin |
9 | * |
10 | * @return void |
11 | */ |
12 | function legacy_urls_init() { |
13 | 31 | elgg_register_page_handler('tag', 'legacy_urls_tag_handler'); |
14 | 31 | elgg_register_page_handler('pg', 'legacy_urls_pg_handler'); |
15 | 31 | elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('route', 'blog', 'legacy_urls_blog_forward'); |
16 | 31 | elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('route', 'bookmarks', 'legacy_urls_bookmarks_forward'); |
17 | 31 | elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('route', 'file', 'legacy_urls_file_forward'); |
18 | 31 | elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('route', 'groups', 'legacy_urls_groups_forward'); |
19 | 31 | elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('route', 'settings', 'legacy_urls_settings_forward'); |
20 | 31 | elgg_register_page_handler('forum', 'legacy_urls_forum_handler'); |
21 | 31 | elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('route', 'messageboard', 'legacy_urls_messageboard_forward'); |
22 | 31 | } |
23 | |||||||
24 | /** |
25 | * Redirect the requestor to the new URL |
26 | * Checks the plugin setting to determine the course of action: |
27 | * a) Displays an error page with the new URL |
28 | * b) Forwards to the new URL and displays an error message |
29 | * c) Silently forwards to the new URL |
30 | * |
31 | * @param string $url Relative or absolute URL |
32 | * |
33 | * @return void|true |
34 | */ |
35 | function legacy_urls_redirect($url) { |
36 | $method = elgg_get_plugin_setting('redirect_method', 'legacy_urls'); |
37 | |||||||
38 | // we only show landing page or queue warning if html generating page |
39 | $viewtype = elgg_get_viewtype(); |
40 | if ($viewtype != 'default' && !elgg_does_viewtype_fallback($viewtype)) { |
41 | $method = 'immediate'; |
42 | } |
43 | |||||||
44 | switch ($method) { |
45 | case 'landing': |
46 | $content = elgg_view('legacy_urls/message', ['url' => $url]); |
47 | $body = elgg_view_layout('error', ['content' => $content]); |
48 | echo elgg_view_page('', $body, 'error'); |
49 | return true; |
50 | break; |
0 ignored issues
51 | case 'immediate_error': |
52 | // drop through after setting error message |
53 | register_error(elgg_echo('changebookmark')); |
54 | case 'immediate': |
55 | default: |
56 | $url = elgg_normalize_url($url); |
57 | header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); |
58 | header("Location: $url"); |
59 | exit; |
60 | break; |
61 | } |
62 | } |
63 | |||||||
64 | /** |
65 | * Adds query parameters to URL for redirect |
66 | * |
67 | * @param string $url The URL |
68 | * @param array $query_vars Additional query parameters in associate array |
69 | * |
70 | * @return string |
71 | */ |
72 | function legacy_urls_prepare_url($url, array $query_vars = []) { |
73 | $params = []; |
74 | // Elgg munges the request in htaccess rules so cannot use $_GET |
75 | $query = parse_url(_elgg_services()->request->server->get('REQUEST_URI'), PHP_URL_QUERY); |
76 | if ($query) { |
77 | parse_str($query, $params); |
78 | } |
79 | $params = array_merge($params, $query_vars); |
80 | if ($params) { |
0 ignored issues
The expression
$params of type array is implicitly converted to a boolean; are you sure this is intended? If so, consider using ! empty($expr) instead to make it clear that you intend to check for an array without elements.
This check marks implicit conversions of arrays to boolean values in a comparison. While in PHP an empty array is considered to be equal (but not identical) to false, this is not always apparent. Consider making the comparison explicit by using
Loading history...
81 | return elgg_http_add_url_query_elements($url, $params); |
82 | } |
83 | |||||||
84 | return $url; |
85 | } |
86 | |||||||
87 | /** |
88 | * Handle requests for /tag/<tag string> |
89 | * |
90 | * @param array $segments URL segments |
91 | * |
92 | * @return void|true |
93 | */ |
94 | function legacy_urls_tag_handler($segments) { |
95 | $tag = $segments[0]; |
96 | $url = legacy_urls_prepare_url('search', ['q' => $tag]); |
97 | return legacy_urls_redirect($url); |
98 | } |
99 | |||||||
100 | /** |
101 | * Handle requests for URLs that start with /pg/ |
102 | * |
103 | * @param array $segments URL segments |
104 | * |
105 | * @return void|true |
106 | */ |
107 | function legacy_urls_pg_handler($segments) { |
108 | $url = implode('/', $segments); |
109 | return legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
110 | } |
111 | |||||||
112 | /** |
113 | * Blog forwarder |
114 | * |
115 | * 1.0-1.7.5 |
116 | * Group blogs page: /blog/group:<container_guid>/ |
117 | * Group blog view: /blog/group:<container_guid>/read/<guid>/<title> |
118 | * 1.7.5-pre 1.8 |
119 | * Group blogs page: /blog/owner/group:<container_guid>/ |
120 | * Group blog view: /blog/read/<guid> |
121 | * |
122 | * @param string $hook "route" |
123 | * @param string $type "blog" |
124 | * @param array $result Old identifier and segments |
125 | * |
126 | * @return void|false |
127 | */ |
128 | function legacy_urls_blog_forward($hook, $type, $result) { |
2 ignored issues
The parameter
$type is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
The parameter
$hook is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
129 | |||||||
130 | $page = $result['segments']; |
131 | |||||||
132 | // easier to work with and no notices |
133 | $page = array_pad($page, 4, ""); |
134 | |||||||
135 | // group usernames |
136 | if (preg_match('~/group\:([0-9]+)/~', "/{$page[0]}/{$page[1]}/", $matches)) { |
137 | $guid = $matches[1]; |
138 | $entity = get_entity($guid); |
139 | if (elgg_instanceof($entity, 'group')) { |
140 | if (!empty($page[2])) { |
141 | $url = "blog/view/$page[2]/"; |
142 | } else { |
143 | $url = "blog/group/$guid/all"; |
144 | } |
145 | // we drop query params because the old group URLs were invalid |
146 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
147 | return false; |
148 | } |
149 | } |
150 | |||||||
151 | if (empty($page[0])) { |
152 | return; |
153 | } |
154 | |||||||
155 | if ($page[0] == "read") { |
156 | $url = "blog/view/{$page[1]}/"; |
157 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
158 | return false; |
159 | } |
160 | |||||||
161 | // user usernames |
162 | $user = get_user_by_username($page[0]); |
163 | if (!$user) { |
164 | return; |
165 | } |
166 | |||||||
167 | if (empty($page[1])) { |
168 | $page[1] = 'owner'; |
169 | } |
170 | |||||||
171 | switch ($page[1]) { |
172 | case "read": |
173 | $url = "blog/view/{$page[2]}/{$page[3]}"; |
174 | break; |
175 | case "archive": |
176 | $url = "blog/archive/{$page[0]}/{$page[2]}/{$page[3]}"; |
177 | break; |
178 | case "friends": |
179 | $url = "blog/friends/{$page[0]}"; |
180 | break; |
181 | case "new": |
182 | $url = "blog/add/$user->guid"; |
183 | break; |
184 | case "owner": |
185 | $url = "blog/owner/{$page[0]}"; |
186 | break; |
187 | } |
188 | |||||||
189 | if (isset($url)) { |
190 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
191 | return false; |
192 | } |
193 | } |
194 | |||||||
195 | /** |
196 | * Bookmarks forwarder |
197 | * /bookmarks/group:<group_guid>/ |
198 | * /bookmarks/gorup:<group_guid>/read/<guid>/ |
199 | * /bookmarks/read/<guid> |
200 | * /bookmarks/<username>[/(items|read|inbox|friends|add|bookmarklet)/<guid>] |
201 | * |
202 | * @param string $hook "route" |
203 | * @param string $type "bookmarks" |
204 | * @param array $result Old identifier and segments |
205 | * |
206 | * @return void|false |
207 | */ |
208 | function legacy_urls_bookmarks_forward($hook, $type, $result) { |
2 ignored issues
The parameter
$type is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
The parameter
$hook is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
209 | |||||||
210 | $page = $result['segments']; |
211 | |||||||
212 | // easier to work with and no notices |
213 | $page = array_pad($page, 4, ""); |
214 | |||||||
215 | // old group usernames |
216 | if (substr_count($page[0], 'group:')) { |
217 | preg_match('/group\:([0-9]+)/i', $page[0], $matches); |
218 | $guid = $matches[1]; |
219 | $entity = get_entity($guid); |
220 | if (elgg_instanceof($entity, 'group')) { |
221 | if (!empty($page[2])) { |
222 | $url = "bookmarks/view/$page[2]/"; |
223 | } else { |
224 | $url = "bookmarks/group/$guid/all"; |
225 | } |
226 | // we drop query params because the old group URLs were invalid |
227 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
228 | } |
229 | } |
230 | |||||||
231 | if ($page[0] == "read") { |
232 | $url = "bookmarks/view/{$page[1]}/"; |
233 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
234 | return false; |
235 | } |
236 | |||||||
237 | $user = get_user_by_username($page[0]); |
238 | if (!$user) { |
239 | return; |
240 | } |
241 | |||||||
242 | if (empty($page[1])) { |
243 | $page[1] = 'items'; |
244 | } |
245 | |||||||
246 | switch ($page[1]) { |
247 | case "read": |
248 | $url = "bookmarks/view/{$page[2]}/{$page[3]}"; |
249 | break; |
250 | case "inbox": |
251 | $url = "bookmarks/inbox/{$page[0]}"; |
252 | break; |
253 | case "friends": |
254 | $url = "bookmarks/friends/{$page[0]}"; |
255 | break; |
256 | case "add": |
257 | $url = "bookmarks/add/{$page[0]}"; |
258 | break; |
259 | case "items": |
260 | $url = "bookmarks/owner/{$page[0]}"; |
261 | break; |
262 | case "bookmarklet": |
263 | $url = "bookmarks/bookmarklet/{$page[0]}"; |
264 | break; |
265 | } |
266 | |||||||
267 | if (isset($url)) { |
268 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
269 | return false; |
270 | } |
271 | } |
272 | |||||||
273 | /** |
274 | * File forwarder |
275 | * /file/read/<guid> |
276 | * |
277 | * @param string $hook "route" |
278 | * @param string $type "file" |
279 | * @param array $result Old identifier and segments |
280 | * |
281 | * @return void|false |
282 | */ |
283 | function legacy_urls_file_forward($hook, $type, $result) { |
2 ignored issues
The parameter
$hook is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
The parameter
$type is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
284 | |||||||
285 | $page = $result['segments']; |
286 | |||||||
287 | // easier to work with and no notices |
288 | $page = array_pad($page, 4, ""); |
289 | |||||||
290 | if ($page[0] == 'read') { |
291 | $url = "file/view/{$page[1]}"; |
292 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
293 | return false; |
294 | } |
295 | } |
296 | |||||||
297 | /** |
298 | * Groups forwarder |
299 | * /groups/<guid> |
300 | * /groups/forum/<guid> |
301 | * |
302 | * @param string $hook "route" |
303 | * @param string $type "groups" |
304 | * @param array $result Old identifier and segments |
305 | * |
306 | * @return void|false |
307 | */ |
308 | function legacy_urls_groups_forward($hook, $type, $result) { |
2 ignored issues
The parameter
$hook is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
The parameter
$type is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
309 | |||||||
310 | $page = $result['segments']; |
311 | |||||||
312 | // easier to work with and no notices |
313 | $page = array_pad($page, 4, ""); |
314 | |||||||
315 | if (is_numeric($page[0])) { |
316 | $group = get_entity($page[0]); |
317 | if ($group instanceof \ElggGroup) { |
318 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($group->getURL())); |
319 | return false; |
320 | } |
321 | } |
322 | |||||||
323 | if ($page[0] == 'forum') { |
324 | $url = "discussion/owner/{$page[1]}"; |
325 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
326 | return false; |
327 | } |
328 | } |
329 | |||||||
330 | /** |
331 | * User settings forwarder |
332 | * /settings/plugins/ |
333 | * |
334 | * @param string $hook "route" |
335 | * @param string $type "settings" |
336 | * @param array $result Old identifier and segments |
337 | * |
338 | * @return void|false |
339 | */ |
340 | function legacy_urls_settings_forward($hook, $type, $result) { |
2 ignored issues
The parameter
$type is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
The parameter
$hook is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
341 | |||||||
342 | $page = $result['segments']; |
343 | |||||||
344 | // easier to work with and no notices |
345 | $page = array_pad($page, 4, ""); |
346 | |||||||
347 | if ($page[0] == "plugins") { |
348 | if (empty($page[2])) { |
349 | $url = "settings"; |
350 | if (!empty($page[1])) { |
351 | $url .= "/user/" . $page[1]; |
352 | } |
353 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
354 | return false; |
355 | } |
356 | } |
357 | } |
358 | |||||||
359 | /** |
360 | * Group forum forwarder |
361 | * /forum/.* |
362 | * |
363 | * @param array $page URL segments |
364 | * |
365 | * @return bool |
366 | */ |
367 | function legacy_urls_forum_handler($page) { |
368 | switch ($page[0]) { |
369 | case 'topic': |
370 | $url = "discussion/view/{$page[1]}/{$page[2]}"; |
371 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
372 | return true; |
373 | default: |
374 | return false; |
375 | } |
376 | } |
377 | |||||||
378 | /** |
379 | * Messageboard forwarder |
380 | * /messageboard/!(owner|add|group) |
381 | * |
382 | * @param string $hook "route" |
383 | * @param string $type "messageboard" |
384 | * @param array $result Old identifier and segments |
385 | * |
386 | * @return void|false |
387 | */ |
388 | function legacy_urls_messageboard_forward($hook, $type, $result) { |
2 ignored issues
The parameter
$hook is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
The parameter
$type is not used and could be removed.
Ignorable by Annotation
If this is a false-positive, you can also ignore this issue in your code via the
This check looks for parameters that have been defined for a function or method, but which are not used in the method body.
Loading history...
389 | |||||||
390 | $page = $result['segments']; |
391 | |||||||
392 | // easier to work with and no notices |
393 | $page = array_pad($page, 4, ""); |
394 | |||||||
395 | // if the first part is a username, forward to new format |
396 | $new_section_one = ['owner', 'add', 'group']; |
397 | if (isset($page[0]) && !in_array($page[0], $new_section_one) && get_user_by_username($page[0])) { |
398 | $url = "messageboard/owner/{$page[0]}"; |
399 | legacy_urls_redirect(legacy_urls_prepare_url($url)); |
400 | return false; |
401 | } |
402 | } |
403 | |||||||
404 | return function() { |
405 | 18 | elgg_register_event_handler('init', 'system', 'legacy_urls_init'); |
406 | }; |
407 |
statement is not necessary if it is preceded for example by areturn
statement:If you would like to keep this construct to be consistent with other
statements, you can safely mark this issue as a false-positive.